Principles of Mental Health Nursing | My Assignment Tutor

NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 1 of 20FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCESSchool of NURSING, MIDWIFERY & PARAMEDICINENational Unit OutlineSEMESTER 1 2021NRSG263: Principles of Mental Health NursingCredit points: 10Prerequisites/incompatibles: NilNational Lecturer in Charge: Dr Louise AlexanderOffice location: MelbourneEmail: 03 9953-3180Contact me: Please contact your local LIC via email.National Teaching Team: CampusLecturer-in-Charge (LIC)ContactMelbourneDr Louise Alexander (NLIC) Sandra Hyde (DNLIC) Cameron SydneyDr Kazem Breanna Mode: Online delivery.Attendance pattern:Duration: 10-week semester inclusive of lectures and interactive online tutorials. You shouldanticipate undertaking 150 hours of study for this unit, including online participation, readings andassignment preparation.UNIT RATIONALE, DESCRIPTION and AIMNRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 2 of 20There is an increasing prevalence of mental health issues in society: it is crucial that RegisteredNurses understand a range of frameworks and care to ensure that individuals are supported in theirrecovery journey. The unit will enable students to learn from individual, carer and family livedexperience of mental health issues in order to provide interventions that support the individual withmental health issues they care for in future practice.The role of the Registered Nurse will be considered across a variety of mental health settings andinclude considerations across the lifespan, legal and ethical issues, the impact of comorbid conditionsand vulnerability for individuals who experience a mental health illness.This aim of this unit is to support students to develop knowledge and skills in relation to evidencebased practices which enable safe and effective care for persons experiencing mental health issues.LEARNING OUTCOMESOn successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:1. identify international and national concepts of mental health;2. outline biopsychosocial, spiritual and cultural factors that impact on the person’s experience ofmental health issues; (GA1, 5)3. describe the role for the mental health nurse within the multidisciplinary team in the provisionof collaborative care to people experiencing mental health issues, their family and carers (GA5,GA8)4. demonstrate a sound knowledge of quality use of medicines, non-pharmacological therapeuticinterventions and complementary therapies in the mental health context; (GA1, 3, 4, 5, 8)5. apply the Recovery Framework and the Levett-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle in planningsafe, evidence-based, culturally sensitive, person-centred mental health nursing forindividuals, their family and carers; (GA1, 3, 56. apply legal and ethical principles in the planning of care for individuals experiencing mentalhealth issues and their family and carers; (GA1, 3, 5, 6)GRADUATE ATTRIBUTESEach unit in your course contributes in some way to the development of the ACU Graduate Attributeswhich you should demonstrate by the time you complete your course. All Australian universities havetheir expected graduate attributes – ACU’s Graduate Attributes have a greater emphasis on ethicalbehaviour and community responsibility than those of many other universities. All of your units willenable you to develop some attributes.On successful completion of this unit, you should have developed your ability to:GA1 demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversityGA3 apply ethical perspectives in informed decision makingGA4 think critically and reflectivelyGA5 demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/orprofessionGA6 solve problems in a variety of settings taking local and international perspectives into accountGA8 locate, organise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate informationNRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 3 of 20NMBA REGISTERED NURSE STANDARDS FOR PRACTICEThe Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing/Paramedicine and Bachelor of Nursing BusinessAdministration courses are professional programs that require development of particular attributes foraccreditation purposes. These are also included in the learning outcomes. NMBA Standards for PracticeLearning Outcomes1. Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice.1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5.LO32. Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships.2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7.LO2, LO3, LO53. Maintains the capability for practice.3.2, 3.3, 3.7.LO3, LO4, LO54. Comprehensively conducts assessments.4.1, 4.2, 4.3.LO4, LO55. Develops a plan for nursing practice.5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4.LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5,LO67. Evaluates outcomes to inform nursing practice7.1LO3, LO6 CONTENTTopics will include:• Global overview of mental healtho Lived experiences across history and culture• Mental health priorities in an Australian contexto Mental health quality and safety standardso Classifications of mental health disorders§ High and low prevalenceo Comorbiditieso Impact of alcohol and drug useo Mental health legislationo Privacy, confidentiality and consent• Populations at risk and factors shaping experience of mental health conditionso Vulnerable populations including§ Indigenous populations§ Young peopleo Economic and social factorsNRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 4 of 20o Cultural diversity and health beliefso Traumao Domestic violenceo Public perceptions, including stigma• Understanding and exploring the lived experiences of individuals families and carers inrelation to mental health:o Recovery principles of careo Trauma informed careo Person led principleso Strengths modelo Biopsychosocial modelo Peer support models• Nursing assessment & management across the lifespan and within multiple service settingso Identification of early behaviors indicating mental health issueso Mental health comprehensive assessmento Mental Status Examinationo Risk – static and dynamic factorso Legal and ethical considerations in practice• Common Therapeutic approaches:o Non-pharmacologicalo Pharmacologicalo Other contemporary approaches• Partnerships in careo Individualo Family and carero Community• Role of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teamso Collaborative approaches to care and other agencies assisting in careo Referral systemsNRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 5 of 20LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY AND RATIONALEModes of delivery in this unit includes online prerecorded lectures and interactive online tutorials,online activities and self-directed study. Consistent with adult learning principles, the teaching andlearning strategies used within these modes of delivery will provide students with foundationalknowledge and skills relevant to professional nursing practice. These strategies will also supportstudents in meeting the aim, learning outcomes and graduate attributes of the unit and the broadercourse learning outcomes. Learning and teaching strategies will reflect respect for the individual asan independent learner. Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning and toparticipate actively with peers.Students at university need to operate effectively as self-sufficient learners who drive their ownlearning and access the learning supports, they require. To guide students in their learning, feedbackis required to identify what is being done well, what requires additional work and to identify progresstoward required learning outcomes. Located in the second year of the programme, this theory unitincludes an online component of learning to build life-long learning skills. Lectures are utilised toconvey content and its central principles while tutorials deliver interactive and student driven learningsessions which require an increasing reliance on students to extend their community of learners andincrease self-reliance. Online materials provide students with the opportunity to undertake directed,self-motivated study and continue to transition to independent study and life-long learning.QUALITY ASSURANCE AND STUDENT FEEDBACKThis unit has been evaluated through the ‘Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching’ (SELT) onlinesurveys. Recorded lectures are now presented as multiple small captures of approx. 20 mins.Assessment tasks and lectures have been adjusted in accordance with student feedback from thelast iteration of this unit. Student feedback from 2020 has resulted in an integrated approach tolectures and LEO tile content.SELT surveys are usually conducted at the end of the teaching period. Your practical and constructivefeedback is valuable to improve the quality of the unit. Please ensure you complete the SELT surveyfor the unit. You can also provide feedback at other times to the unit lecturers, course coordinatorsand/or through student representatives.LECTURE CAPTUREPre-recorded lectures will be offered online weekly from weeks 1 – 10. The links are available to youvia LEO.SCHEDULEFor the most up-to-date information, please check your LEO unit and also note advice from yourlecturing and tutoring staff for changes to this scheduleNRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 6 of 20 WeekStartingLecture topicInteractiveonlinetutorialsSelf-directedreadingAssessments1 1st March2021Online Lecture 1Introduction to unitNursing assessment &management across thelifespan (biopsychosocial, MSE,strengths based, peer support,risk)Online Lecture 2Understanding and exploringthe lived experiences ofindividuals families and carersin relation to mental health :Theimpact of trauma and theprinciples of trauma-informedcareConcepts ofmental healthMSE and riskassessmentTraumainformed care.Treatmentmodalities utilisedin contemporarymental healthservice delivery(chapter 4 pp.22-25 & 26-27)Assessment anddiagnosis(chapter 7,pp.108-125)2 8th March2021Online Lecture 1Nursing assessment &management across thelifespan, within multiple servicesettings including commontherapeutic approaches in:Affective disordersCase Study:JoshuaDepressivedisorders (chapter10; pp.172-191)315th March2021Online Lecture 1Nursing assessment &management across thelifespan, within multiple servicesettings including commontherapeutic approaches in:PsychosisOnline Lecture 2Legal & ethical considerationsin practicePrivacy, confidentiality andconsentState-based mental healthlegislationPartnerships in careCase study:RachaelSchizophreniaspectrum andother psychoticdisorders (chapter8; pp.128-148)422nd March2021Online Lecture 1Nursing assessment &management across thelifespan, within multiple serviceCase study:EmmaAnxiety disorders(chapter 11;pp.196-208) NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 7 of 20 WeekStartingLecture topicInteractiveonlinetutorialsSelf-directedreadingAssessmentssettings including commontherapeutic approaches in:Anxiety disorders529th March2021Online Lecture 1Nursing assessment &management across thelifespan, within multiple servicesettings including commontherapeutic approaches in:Disorders in young andvulnerable personsEarly interventionOnline Lecture 2Recovery and resilience inmental healthCase study:ErinThemultidisciplinaryteam (chapter 23;pp.451-461)5th April2021UA Common Vacation Week612th April2021Online Lecture 1Nursing assessment &management across thelifespan, within multiple servicesettings including commontherapeutic approaches in:Personality disordersStigmaCase Study:TeaganRecovery andresilience inmental health(chapter 21;pp.414-430)Writtenassignment:13th April2021 by23.59hrs719th April2021Online Lecture 1Nursing assessment &management across thelifespan and within multipleservice settings includingcommon therapeuticapproaches in:Substance-related and addictivedisordersOnline Lecture 2Neurocognitive disordersCase study:PaulSubstancerelated andaddictivedisorders (chapter14; pp.259-268) NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 8 of 20 WeekStartingLecture topicInteractiveonlinetutorialsSelf-directedreadingAssessments826th April2021Online Lecture 1ComorbiditiesPhysical health assessmentOnline Lecture 2Working with some who hasmetabolic syndromeCase Study:TonyNeurocognitivedisorders (chapter16; pp.318-333)9 3rd May2021Online Lecture 1Risk (Inc. suicide and self-harm)Indigenous personsDomestic violence.Case study:DavidCommunitymental healthcontext (chapter24; pp.465-475)Online Quiz:Opens: May3, 2021 @0800hrsCloses: May8, 2021 @1700hrs1010th May2021Online Lecture 1National Safety and QualityHealth Service Standards UserGuide for Health ServicesProviding Care for People withMental Health IssuesRole of MDT incollaborating.Systems ofreferralReview ofsemesterTextbook chapterreview questionsand criticalthinkingexercises.OralAssessment:Due 24th May2021, by23.59hrs ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS UNITAttendance at all lectures, practical classes and simulations is expected. Attendance records of allpractical and tutorial classes are maintained with a minimum of 80% attendance expected.Reasons why attendance is requiredIn classes, you will be interacting with other students and developing skills which you will use in yourprofessional/clinical experience. Students who attend less than 80% of classes are at risk of notdeveloping these essential skills. Therefore, you are strongly advised to attend a minimum of 80% ofclasses in this unit. Academic staff will document attendance and monitor student engagement anduse of LEO so that we can support you and identify any potential challenges you may beexperiencing as a result of COVID-19.NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 9 of 20You are encouraged to plan your week carefully and prioritise time to prepare for Virtual Classroomsso that you benefit from the experience and continue to achieve. You should anticipate undertaking150 hours of study for this unit, including class attendance, readings and assignment preparation.ASSESSMENT STRATEGY AND RATIONALEA range of assessment items consistent with University assessment requirements and policy will beused to ensure students achieve the unit learning outcomes and attain the graduate attributes.A summative online quiz for this unit will also be made available to students in week 10 of semesterto provide feedback on their progress and guide their unit learning. The summative quiz follows thesame format as the online quizzes used in first year.In the caring for people with mental health issues, communication is critical to ensure that nurse-clientinteractions are non-judgmental, supportive and person- centred. This unit assessment includes awritten assignment which allows students to demonstrate a full understanding of the concepts ofmental health, the factors which impact on a person’s mental wellness and the role of the mentalhealth nurse both individually and within the multidisciplinary team in caring for people with mentalhealth issues. The oral assessment requires the students to apply frameworks to plan care for thosewith mental health issues which is underpinned by sound knowledge and an understanding of scopeof practice and professional expectations. These assessments exist as they examine activities whichare a requirement for the sound professional practice of the registered nurse when providing care tothose with mental health issues.These assessments are required to build student knowledge and skills which, by the conclusion ofthis programme, will enable the student to graduate as a safe and effective nurse.The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for you to demonstrate your achievement of eachlearning outcome.ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION, MARKING AND RETURNThe quiz is undertaken through the assessment tile in LEO. You are required to upload your essay tothe relevant Turnitin link located in your own campus tile on the Unit LEO site. Feedback will beavailable via Turnitin. Your marks will be entered into Gradebook in LEO. Your narrated PowerPointmust be uploaded as an ECHO360 capture in the LEO dropbox in your campus tile. AssessmenttasksDue dateWeighting (%)Learning outcome(s)assessedGraduateattribute(s)assessedWrittenassignment13th April 2021 by 23.59hrs50%LO1, LO2, LO3GA GA81, GA5, NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 10 of 20 AssessmenttasksDue dateWeighting (%)Learning outcome(s)assessedGraduateattribute(s)assessed2000-wordessayOnline quizDue between:Opens: May 3rd, 2021 @0800Closes: May 8th, 2021 @170010%LO1, LO4GA1, GA3,GA4, GA5,GA8NarratedPowerPoint24th May 2021 by 23.59hrs40%LO3, LO4. LO5, LO6GA1, GA3, GA4, GA5,GA6, GA8 FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTSPlease include the word count of your assignment on the front page of your assignment or in a header.Please note that in-text citations are included in the word count whilst the reference list is not includedin the word count. Words that are more than 10% over the word count will not be considered formarking. Please see further information in the section below titled ‘Word Count’.ASSIGNMENT 1This assessment enables students to demonstrate their understanding of contemporary concepts andpriority focus areas in mental health. This assessment requires critical discussion and exploration ofcurrent literature. Students will be able to select one question (from a possible two) and will draw fromnational and international perspectives within contemporary literature.Choose one (1) of the following topic questions:Question 1: Indigenous people are hospitalised for mental health issues at twice the rate of nonIndigenous people and improving the mental health of Indigenous people is a national healthpriority (AIHW, 2020). Critically analyse contemporary literature and discuss five (5)aetiological factors relating to mental illness in Indigenous people. Describe one (1) evidencebased culturally sensitive nursing intervention that could be implemented when working withan Indigenous consumer experiencing mental illness.Question 2: Early intervention in mental healthcare is a national health priority (AustralianGovernment, Department of Health, 2019). Early intervention can have a significant positiveimpact on outcomes from both an individual and community perspective. Critically analysecontemporary literature and discuss five (5) benefits to early intervention in mental health.Describe one (1) evidence-based nursing intervention that could be implemented whenworking with someone with an emerging mental health condition.NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 11 of 20 Due date:Weighting:Length and/or format:Purpose:13th April 2021 by 23.59hrs50%2000 words +/- 10%For students to demonstrate their understanding of patientfocused concepts in mental health.Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3How to submit:Submit your assignment via the Turnitin link in your Campus tile on LEO. Please note that during high-peak times, Turnitin maytake up to 48hrs to provide an accurate similarity index. It is yourresponsibility to ensure that you submit your paper with enoughtime to make any necessary changes. Submit your paper it intothe regular drop box. Do not submit into the extension drop boxunless you have an approved extension. Late penalties apply forpapers submitted after the due date. Please review the policy onAcademic Integrity and Misconduct policy if you choose not to dothis. Return of assignment:Feedback will be available on Turnitin. Marks will be entered inGradebook.See rubric in Appendix 1. Please include the word count of yourAssessment criteria: assignment on the front page of your assignment or in a header.Please note that in-text citations are included in the word countwhilst the reference list is not included in the word count. Wordsthat are more than 10% over the word count will not be considered.ASSIGNMENT 2This summative online quiz will assess knowledge gained from learning in weeks 1-9. Content fromlectures, tutorials and self-directed reading will be assessed. Due date:Quiz opens May 3rd, 2021 @0800 and closes May 8th, 2021@170010%10 multiple choice exam questions that need to be completed in15 minutes; students will have one (1) attempt.For students to apply knowledge about psychopharmacology,non-pharmacological interventions and international and nationalconcepts of mental health.Weighting:Length and/or format:Purpose:Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO4How to submit:Return of assignment:The quiz will be undertaken electronically, via LEO.Marks will be entered in Gradebook. NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 12 of 20ASSIGNMENT 3This assessment enables students to demonstrate understanding and application of core unit content.Students will need to select one (1) case study from those used in tutorials throughout the semesterand answer a series of questions in a narrated PowerPoint. Topics will include assessment,psychoeducation, psychopharmacology, and nursing care and interventions when working withconsumers with mental health issues.This assessment encompasses content presented in online lectures, interactive online tutorials, andself-directed learning, throughout the 10-week semester.Assessment Details:Select one (1) case study from those presented during tutorials (e.g., Josh, Tony etc). Develop aPowerPoint presentation of no more than eight (8) slides. Your presentation should include:• Introduction slide• Five (5) slides to answer the questions (see below)• Conclusion slide• ReferencesThis must be a narrated PowerPoint, and your presentation should be between 8-10 minutes duration.You must include your script in the ‘notes’ section of your PowerPoint. Your PowerPoint presentationmust be submitted in the LEO drop box in your State/Territory as an ECHO360 capture. Please seethe LEO assessment tile for further information about how to do this. Only PowerPoint format will beaccepted (do not use Prezi, mp4 or any other presentation software). Students are responsible for thequality of the recorded file. It is strongly recommended you listen to the audio-visual recording of yourpresentation prior to LEO submission to ensure you can be heard clearly.Your presentation must critically discuss the following questions in relation to your chosen case study:1. The condition the consumer has.2. One (1) pharmacological treatment.3. One (1) legal/ethical issue.4. One (1) nursing intervention and rationale.5. The role of the multidisciplinary team in caring for someone with this condition. Due date:Weighting:Length and/or format:24th May 2021 by 23.59hrs.40%Narrated PowerPoint presentation of 8 slides length and 8-10minsduration. See LEO for further details.To measure students understanding of core mental healthconcepts such as assessment, interventions, pharmacology andthe role of the MDT.Purpose:Learning outcomes assessed: LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6How to submit:Via the drop box in LEOReturn of assignment:Grades will be released on GradeBookAssessment criteria:Students will be graded according to the marking rubric inAppendix 2. NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 13 of 20WORD COUNTWriting requires skill and being able to write within a specified word limit is an essential componentof professional and academic work. Reading and writing critically are fundamental skills whichdemonstrate an understanding and an ability to make judgements and solve problems, hencewhy only 10% of a word count should be direct quotes. That is, if the word count is 1500 wordsonly 150 of those words should be direct quotes. Word counts provide students with an indicationof the amount of detail and work required for each assessment item.What is included in a word count?Essentially, all text within an assessment item from the introduction through to the conclusion iscounted in the word count. This includes all in-text citations, direct quotes and headings. The wordcount does not include the following:• Title page• Reference list• Appendices• Tables• Figures and legendsASSIGNMENTS SUBMITTED JUST BEFORE THE DUE DATE AND TIMEPlease note that if you submit your assignment, notice that the similarity index is high but do nothave time to revise your assignment before the due date has passed, then you are advised to:• contact the Lecturer in Charge and request that your assignment be removed.• revise the assignment, submit it within three days of the due date and incur a latesubmission penalty.• submit it into the regular drop box. Do not submit into the extension drop box.Please review the Academic Integrity and Misconduct policy if you choose not to do this.REFERENCINGThis unit requires you to use the APA 7th ed. referencing system.See the ‘Academic referencing’ page of the Student Portal for more details.ACU POLICIES AND REGULATIONSIt is your responsibility to read and familiarise yourself with ACU policies and regulations, includingregulations on examinations; review and appeals; acceptable use of IT facilities; and conduct andresponsibilities. These are in the ACU Handbook, available from the website.A list of these and other important policies can be found at the University policies page of the StudentPortal.Assessment policy and proceduresYou must read the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures in the University Handbook: theyinclude rules on deadlines; penalties for late submission; extensions; and special consideration. If youhave any queries on Assessment Policy, please see your Lecturer in Charge.Please note that:NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 14 of 20(1) any numerical marks returned to students are provisional and subject to moderation;(2) students will not be given access to overall aggregated marks for a unit, or overall unit gradecalculated by Gradebook in LEO;and,(3) students will be given a final mark and grade for their units after moderation is concluded andofficial grades are released after the end of semester.Academic integrityYou have the responsibility to submit only work which is your own, or which properly acknowledgesthe thoughts, ideas, findings and/or work of others. The Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policyand the Academic Misconduct Procedures are available from the website. Please read them, and notein particular that cheating, plagiarism, collusion, recycling of assignments and misrepresentation arenot acceptable. Penalties for academic misconduct can vary in severity and can include beingexcluded from the course.TurnitinThe Turnitin application (a text-matching tool) will be used in this unit, in order to enable:• students to improve their academic writing by identifying possible areas of poor citation andreferencing in their written work; and• teaching staff to identify areas of possible plagiarism in students’ written work.While Turnitin can help in identifying problems with plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism is more important.Information on avoiding plagiarism is available from the Academic Skills Unit.For any assignment that has been created to allow submission through Turnitin (check theAssignment submission details for each assessment task), you should submit your draft well inadvance of the due date (ideally, several days before) to ensure that you have time to work on anyissues identified by Turnitin. On the assignment due date, lecturers will have access to your finalsubmission and the Turnitin Originality Report.Please note that electronic marking, GradeMark, is used in this unit using Turnitin. Turnitin will beused as a means of submitting, marking and returning assessment tasks and so a text matchingpercentage will appear on your submission automatically.FIRST PEOPLES AND EQUITY PATHWAYS DIRECTORATE FOR ABORIGINAL ANDTORRES STRAIT ISLANDER STUDENTSEvery campus provides information and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students.Indigenous Knowings are embedded in curricula for the benefit of all students at ACU.STUDENT SUPPORTIf you are experiencing difficulties with learning, life issues or pastoral/spiritual concerns, or have adisability/medical condition which may impact on your studies, you are advised to notify your Lecturerin Charge, Course Coordinator and/or one of the services listed below as soon as possible.For all aspects of support please visit ACU Info section in the Student Portal.• Academic Skills offers a variety of services, including workshops (on topics such asassignment writing, time management, reading strategies, referencing), drop-in sessions,NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 15 of 20group appointments and individual consultations. It has a 24-hour online booking system forindividual or group consultations.• Campus Ministry offers pastoral care, spiritual leadership and opportunities for you to beinvolved with community projects.• The Career Development Service can assist you with finding employment, preparing aresume and employment application and preparing for interviews.• The Counselling Service is a free, voluntary, confidential and non-judgmental service opento all students and staffed by qualified social workers or registered psychologists.• Disability Services can assist you if you need educational adjustments because of a disabilityor chronic medical condition; please contact them as early as possible.Need help with your study – connect with the Academic Skills Unit• Academic Skills Unit offers services and resources to help you succeed in your studies,including online and face-to-face workshops, consultations and drop-ins.• For more information about the Academic Skills Unit, visit the Student Portal or the ASU’s LEOsite.INHERENT REQUIREMENTS• To support your progression in this unit, students are directed to access the course inherentrequirements, on the link below, to understand the essential aspects of their course. If yourequire assistance to enable you to achieve the knowledge, skills and attitudes outlined in theinherent requirements, please speak with your academic and or a disability advisor for support.• RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTSThe LEO page for this unit contains further readings/discussion forums. AND REFERENCESRequired ReadingHercelinskyj, G & Alexander, L. (2020). Mental health nursing – applying theory to practice,Singapore: Cengage. (available as e-book)Recommended referencesAmerican Psychiatric Association. (2013). The diagnostic & statistical manual of mental disorders(5th ed.) Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.Dudgeon, P., Milroy, H., & Walker, R. (Eds.). (2014). Working together: Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice (2nd ed.). Canberra:Department of Health and AgeingEvans, K. Nizette, D. & O’Brien, A. (2017). Psychiatric and mental health nursing (4th ed).Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier.NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 16 of 20Goldacre, B. (2012). Bad pharma. How medicine is broken, and how we can fix it. London, UnitedKingdom: Fourth Estate.Miller, W.R. & Rollnick, S. (2013). Motivational interviewing. Helping people change (3rd ed). NewYork: The Guildford Press.Moxham, L., Hazelton, M., Muir-Cochrane, E., Heffernan, T., Kneisl, C., & Trigoboff, E. (2018).Contemporary psychiatric-mental health nursing: Partnerships in care. Frenchs Forest, NSW:Pearson Education Australia.Muir-Cochrane, E., Barkway, P. & Nizette, D. (2018) Pocketbook of Mental Health (Third Edition).Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier.Nizette, D., McAllister, M., & Marks, P. (2013). Stories in mental health. Reflection inquiry action.Chatswood, N.S.W.: Elsevier Australia.Paris, J. (2013). The intelligent clinician’s guide to DSM-5. New York: Oxford University Press.Skinner, J. (2015). Nursing by the heart: Transformational self-care for nurses. United Kingdom:John Hunt Publishing. Slade, M. (2009). Personal recovery and mental illness. A guide formental health professionals. UK: Cambridge University Press. Therapeutic GuidelinesLimited. Psychotropic Expert Groups. (2013). Therapeutic guidelines: psychotropic. (Version7). Melbourne Vic.: Therapeutic GuidelinesAPPENDICESNRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 13 of 20 ASSESSMENT TASK 1- Written Assessment (50%)Elements(Weighting)Expected High Distinction (HD)StandardExpected Distinction (D)StandardExpected Credit (CR)StandardExpected Pass (PA)StandardFail (NN)StandardFail (NN)(No attempt made)Focus & IntroductionThere will need to bemore information here10 marksThere is a clear introduction thatoutlines the topic, andcontextualises and profiles thescope, content and the sequenceof the essay topic.There is a clear introduction thatoutlines the topic, and profilesmost the scope, content and thesequence of the essay topic.There is a clear introduction thatoutlines some of the topic, andprofiles some content.There is a clear introduction thatoutlines the topic.The introductory sentence doesnot adequately outline the topic;some parts are unclear and/orabsent.There is no introduction.Content, Evidence &Examples30 marksExtensively describes the chosenpriority mental health issue.Student has highlighted in detailall the relevant significant factors;explained and analysed theconcepts and/or issues and theirimportance.Referred to relevant knowledgeand literature to support theirreasoning and examples arepresented.Thoroughly describes the impactof the chosen priority mentalhealth issue. Content is relevantto the topic. Student hashighlighted all the relevantsignificant factors; explained andanalysed the concepts and/orissues and their importance.Evidence and examplespresented are of varying quality.Mostly describes the impact of thechosen priority mental healthissue. Most content is relevant tothe topic. Student has highlightedmost of the relevant significantfactors; explained and analysedthe concepts and/or issues andtheir importance on mostoccasions.Evidence and examplespresented are of varying quality.A basic discussion on the impactof the chosen priority mentalhealth issue. Some content isrelevant to the topic. Explainedand analysed the concepts and/orissues and their importance onsome occasions.Evidence and examples areminimal.Seldom describes the impact ofthe chosen priority mental healthissue. There is insufficient contentpresented that is relevant to thetopic, and insufficient evidenceand/or examples are presented.The content, evidence andexamples are not appropriate.Critical Thinking &Reasoning30 marksThere is evidence of both depthand breadth of reading regardingthe chosen mental health priority.An argument is presented andwell supported with appropriateevidence.There is evidence of breadth ofreading regarding the chosenmental health priority. Anargument is presented andsupported with appropriateevidence.An argument is presentedregarding the chosen mentalhealth priority and supported withappropriate evidence.An argument is presentedregarding the chosen mentalhealth priority with minimalsupport of appropriate evidence.Arguments regarding the chosenmental health priority are notsupported by appropriateevidence.There is no clear argumentpresented.Closing paragraph10 marksThere is a concluding paragraphwhich restates the topic, providesa summary of all of the key points,and presents an overallconclusion.There is a concluding paragraphwhich restates the topic, providesa summary of most of the keypoints, and presents an overallconclusionThere is a concluding paragraphwhich restates the topic andprovides a summary of most ofthe key points.There is a concluding sentencewhich restates the topic andprovides a summary of some ofthe key points.There is a concluding sentencewhich restates the topic withoutproviding a summary of thecontent.There is no evidence of aconclusion.Sequencing & Accuracy4 marksThe content in the essay matchesthe outline presented in theintroductory paragraph. Allparagraphs are organised in alogical manner so that contentflows from one paragraph to thenext, and there are clear linkingsentences that link eachparagraph to the next. The essayends with a rational conclusion.The content in the essay mostlymatches the outline presented inthe introductory paragraph. Mostparagraphs are organised in alogical manner, and the essayends with a rational conclusion.There is a clear introduction,followed by the body of the essay,with a conclusion. However,content within the body and withinparagraphs is not always logicallysequenced. Most paragraphsrelate to a discrete idea.There is a clear introduction,followed by the body of the essay,with a conclusion. However, thereis little evidence of sequentialpresentation. Some paragraphsrelate to a discrete idea.There is not a clear introduction,body and conclusion. Paragraphsdo not relate to a discrete idea, orlink to one another.There is no evidence ofsequencing or paragraphs. NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 14 of 20 Sources & Referencing10 marksCredible and relevant referencesare used. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on all occasions.Accurate and consistent use of intext citations. Uses >20appropriate references.Credible and relevant referencesare used. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on mostoccasions.Mostly accurate use of in-textcitations. Uses between 16-19appropriate references.Credible and relevant referencesare used. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on mostoccasions.Generally accurate use of in-textcitations. Uses between 13–15appropriate references.Most references are credible andrelevant. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on mostoccasions.Accurate use of in-text citationson most occasions. Minimum of11 references used.Not all references are credibleand/or relevant. Manyinaccuracies with the APAreferencing style.Too many direct quotations. Usesless than 10 appropriatereferences.There are no references used, orthey are not appropriatelyacademic.Sentence Structure,Grammar, Spelling &Punctuation6 marksFlawless expression. There areno errors with grammar, spellingand punctuation that impactreadability, and the meaning iseasily discernible.There are minimal errors withgrammar, spelling andpunctuation that impactreadability, and the meaning iseasily discernible.There are some errors withgrammar, spelling andpunctuation that impactreadability. However, the meaningis readily discernible.There are many errors withgrammar, spelling andpunctuation that impactreadability. The errors detract thereader, but the meaning isdiscernible.Significant expressive issues.There are substantial errors withgrammar, spelling andpunctuation that impactreadability. The errors detractsignificantly, but the meaning isdiscernible with major effort.Grammar, spelling andpunctuation are such that thereader cannot make sense of thecontent. NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 15 of 20 ASSESSMENT TASK 3-Narrated PowerPoint (40%)Elements(Weighting)Expected High Distinction (HD)StandardExpected Distinction (D)StandardExpected Credit (CR)StandardExpected Pass (PA)StandardFail (NN)StandardFail (NN)(No attempt made)Focus & Introduction5 marksThere is a clear introduction thatoutlines the topic, andcontextualises and profiles thescope, content and the sequenceof the narrated PowerPoint.There is a clear introduction thatoutlines the topic, and profilesmost the scope, content and thesequence of the narratedPowerPoint.There is a clear introduction thatoutlines some of the topic, andprofiles some content.There is a clear introduction thatoutlines the topic.The introductory slide does notadequately outline the topic; someparts are unclear and/or absent.There is no introduction.Content, Evidence &Examples30 marksExtensively discusses chosencase study content. Student hashighlighted in detail all therelevant significant factors;explained and analysed theconcepts and/or issues and theirimportance.Referred to relevant knowledgeand literature to support theirreasoning.Thoroughly discusses chosencase study content. Content isrelevant to the topic. Student hashighlighted all the relevantsignificant factors; explained andanalysed the concepts and/orissues and their importance.Supporting evidence is presentedand of varying quality.Mostly discusses chosen casestudy content. Most content isrelevant to the topic. Student hashighlighted most of the relevantsignificant factors; explained andanalysed the concepts and/orissues and their importance onmost occasions.Supporting evidence is presentedand of varying quality.A basic discussion on the chosencase study content. Some contentis relevant to the topic. Explainedand analysed the concepts and/orissues and their importance onsome occasions.Evidence is minimal.Seldom describes the chosencase study content. There isinsufficient content presented thatis relevant to the topic, andinsufficient evidence is presented.The content and evidence are notappropriate.Critical Thinking &Reasoning30 marksThere is evidence of both depthand breadth of reading regardingthe chosen case study content.An argument is presented andwell supported with appropriateevidence.There is evidence of breadth ofreading regarding the chosencase study content. An argumentis presented and supported withappropriate evidence.An argument is presentedregarding the chosen case studycontent and supported withappropriate evidence.An argument is presentedregarding the chosen case studycontent with minimal support ofappropriate evidence.Arguments regarding the chosencase study content are notsupported by appropriateevidence.There is no clear argumentpresented.Closing paragraph5 marksThere is a concluding paragraphwhich restates the topic, providesa summary of all of the key points,and presents an overallconclusion.There is a concluding paragraphwhich restates the topic, providesa summary of most of the keypoints, and presents an overallconclusionThere is a concluding paragraphwhich restates the topic andprovides a summary of most ofthe key points.There is a concluding sentencewhich restates the topic andprovides a summary of some ofthe key points.There is a concluding sentencewhich restates the topic withoutproviding a summary of thecontent.There is no evidence of aconclusion.Sequencing & Accuracy5 marksThe content in narratedPowerPoint matches the outlinepresented in the introductoryslide. All slides are organised in alogical manner so that contentflows from one slide to the next,and the narrative clearly linksconcepts. The PowerPointpresentation ends with a rationalconclusion.The content in the narratedPowerPoint mostly matches theoutline presented in theintroductory slide. Most slides areorganised in a logical manner, sothat concepts flow from one slideto the next, and the PowerPointpresentation ends with a rationalconclusion.There is a clear introduction,followed by the body of thenarrated PowerPoint, with aconclusion. However, contentwithin the body and within slidesis not always logically sequenced.Most slides relate to a discreteidea.There is a clear introduction,followed by the body of thenarrated PowerPoint, with aconclusion. However, there is littleevidence of sequentialpresentation. Some slides relateto a discrete idea.There is not a clear introduction,body and conclusion to thenarrated PowerPoint. Slides donot relate to a discrete idea, orlink to one another.There is no evidence ofsequencing or linking of slides. NRSG263_Extended Unit Outline_FINAL DRAFT_ © Australian Catholic University 2021Page 16 of 20 Sources & Referencing10 marksCredible and relevant referencesare used. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on all occasions.Accurate and consistent use of intext citations. Flawless referencelist.Credible and relevant referencesare used. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on mostoccasions.Mostly accurate use of in-textcitations. Minimal errors inreference list.Credible and relevant referencesare used. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on mostoccasions.Generally accurate use of in-textcitations. Some errors inreference list.Most references are credible andrelevant. Accurate use of APAreferencing style on mostoccasions.Accurate use of in-text citationson many occasions.Not all references are credibleand/or relevant. Manyinaccuracies with the APAreferencing style.Too many direct quotations.Insufficient references of poorquality.There are no references used, orthey are not appropriatelyacademic.Quality of PowerPointand oral presentation15 marksFlawless expression (written &verbal). There are no errors withthe quality of the PowerPointpresentation, and the meaning iseasily discernible.There are minimal errors withexpression (written & verbal) andthe meaning is easily discernible.There are some errors withexpression (written & oral) thatimpact the quality of thepresentation. However, themeaning is readily discernible.There are substantial errorsexpression (written & oral) thatimpact the quality of thepresentation. The errors detractsignificantly, but the meaning isdiscernible.Significant expressive (written &oral) issues. There are substantialerrors with the quality of thepresentation that significantlyimpact the meaning. The errorsdetract significantly, and themeaning is discernible with majoreffort.The quality of the PowerPointpresentation is such that theviewer cannot make sense of thecontent.


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