Professional Master of Education in Post-Primary Education

Professional Master of Education in Post-Primary Education (PMEPP)
Continuous Assessment (CA)
Teaching Methodologies 1
Continuous assessment: Portfolio
Continuous Assessment ID Number: PMEPP_Spr21_TM1
Submission date for TM1 CA: 8 September 2021, 15.00
The Teaching Methodologies module is assessed by 100% Continuous Assessment through two assignments (TM1 CA 50% and TM2 CA 50%).
This is TM1 CA.
There is no written examination in this module.
Module Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, student teachers will be able to:
• Critically evaluate and critique a range of teaching methods relevant in both teaching subjects.
• Generate student-centred lessons that promote effective learning.
• Analyse critically how students learn and compare and contrast effective teaching methods to support and scaffold this learning.
• Articulate a critical awareness of a variety of pedagogical theories and practices that enable and enhance classroom management.
• Formulate pedagogically proficient lessons in both subject areas for delivery.
• Integrate ICT appropriately and effectively into the delivery of both teaching subjects.
• Use a variety of differentiation strategies in lesson planning to devise effective and inclusive lessons.

Assessment Methodology
This module is assessed in an integrated way that requires learners to draw on the various elements of teaching methodologies relevant to the teaching subjects within the module content and to demonstrate ability to apply this to practice. This module aims to develop further the knowledge and skills gained from the Core Teaching Methodologies and the Teaching Subject Mastery modules.
The Teaching Methodologies module is assessed by continuous assessment using portfolio assessment.
A portfolio is a collection of items (referred to as artefacts) that a student creates to show their attainment of the learning outcomes during the study of a module. The portfolio that students create will contain digital artefacts. A digital artefact is any type of item produced and stored in digital/electronic format. Examples of digital artefacts include digital documents, presentations, programmes, video or audio files, images and photographs.
Assessment Task
As you demonstrate your attainment of the module learning outcomes, you should complete:
Continuous Assessment TM1 Task
• Artefact 1 Part A and B
• Artefact 2 Part A and B
• Artefact 3
Note: You must achieve a grade of at least 40% in both assessments — TM1 CA and TM2 CA — to pass this module.
TM1 Continuous Assessment
Submission date: 8 September 2021 at 3pm.
Artefact 1 (45 marks)
Part A: Unit of Learning (15 marks)
Develop a unit of learning in your TM1 subject area that could be used with a junior or senior cycle class. Use the learning outcomes in your subject specification or syllabus as the bedrock of your unit planning.
Choose the theme or focus area for your Unit of Learning in consultation with your TM1 tutor. Also, note the following:
• All sections of the Unit of Learning planning template should be completed in detail.
• When planning the Unit of Learning, consult the PMEPP SEPP Unit of learning Information Sheet in the Templates section of the SP Hub.
• MFL and Gaeilge students should complete the Unit of Learning in their target language.
Part B: Lesson Plans (30 marks)
Create two lesson plans related to the unit of learning created above.
The lesson plans should reflect an emphasis on interactive, creative and effective teaching and learning methodologies.
• Lesson plans should demonstrate a structured sequence of learning activities which build on the learning that took place in the previous lesson, show progression in content and make use of a range of research-informed teaching, learning and assessment methodologies. Plan for lessons of one-hour duration each.
• When planning the lessons, consult the PMEPP SEPP Lesson Plan Information Sheet in the Templates section of the SP Hub.
• MFL and Gaeilge students should complete the lesson plans in their target language.
• The Lesson Plan template provided on MyHELMS should be used, and the lesson plans should contain sufficient detail that would allow another teacher to teach the lessons.
Artefact 2 (45 marks)
Part A: Original Digital Resource (15 marks)
Design an original digital resource to support a learner who struggles with literacy or numeracy to achieve the learning intentions outlined in one of your lesson plans created as part of Artefact 1.
Part B: Critical Evaluation (30 marks)
Discuss how your digital resource will be used to support learners and evaluate critically the manner in which this resource supports the achievement of the lesson learning intention(s) with particular reference to differentiation.
(500 words)
Part B: You must include references to the lesson plans submitted for Artefact 1B, a minimum of five academic references in your critical evaluation and a reference list to reflect your reading on this area.
Artefact 3: Reflective Essay (100 marks)
Analyse and reflect critically on any three Module Learning Outcomes you have attained by completing Artefact 1 and 2.
(a) Your reflection must refer specifically to the artefacts as you evaluate critically how the learning outcomes were attained and how this supports your learning and professional development as a student teacher.
(b) Critically discuss the challenges and opportunities of being a research-informed practitioner.
(1,500 words)
The Reflective Essay must refer to a minimum of five academic references and include a reference list at the end.
Academic Writing (10 marks)
Marks will be awarded for the quality of scholarly academic writing.
• The Critical Evaluation and Reflective Essay should be written in formal academic English and each must contain a minimum of five academic references from various sources and a reference list.
• Referencing should be in line with the Hibernia College referencing system with correct in-text citations used within the body of the essay and a correct reference list. Please refer to Hibernia College’s Academic Writing Toolkit.)
• You can exceed or fall short of the word limit by +/- 10%.
Cognisance will also be taken of:
• Accuracy in spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax
• Clarity of thought and structure
• Evidence of reading/research
Uploading and Submission Instructions
You should read the general information on the MyHELMS Assessments page regarding assessments, uploading and submission before reading these specific instructions.
Using Templates
On your MyHELMS Assessments page, you will find a Word document to download entitled:
The template is divided into sections — one for each part of the assessment task — as well as a contents page at the beginning of the document. All components of the TM1 CA task must be incorporated into one large document using the templates provided. There is no requirement to insert a cover page at the beginning of each template document.
The assessment document should be titled ‘PMEPP_TM_1234567’, where ‘1234567’ is replaced with your own student number. Do not include your name or other identifiable personal data in your file.
All work submitted to meet course requirements at Hibernia College is expected to be your own work. You should be careful to distinguish between ideas that are your own and those that have been derived from other sources, e.g. course notes, journals and books.
Information and opinions drawn from other sources should be attributed by means of references to those sources. The reference list should come at the end and before any appendices, where appropriate.
Uploading to MyHELMS
It is your responsibility to ensure that assignments are successfully uploaded and submitted to MyHELMS by the specified deadline.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your assessment document comprises all required items.
It is also your responsibility to upload the completed and final version of the assessment document to the correct area on MyHELMS and submit before the deadline.
Navigate to the Assessments page on MyHELMS, locate the section dedicated to this module, e.g.
Teaching Methodologies, and select the assignment link to begin the uploading process.
Contact the Student Helpdesk if you encounter technical difficulties while uploading your assessment.
After uploading, you should access the uploading area again to check the status of your file and consult your URKUND text-matching report.
URKUND/Ouriginal text-matching
To allow the URKUND/Ouriginal text-matching tool time to process your work and produce an analysis report, you should upload your work to MyHELMS well before the deadline. You should take time to review the report and make any changes to your work you deem necessary before re-uploading before the deadline and making your formal submission. See the Making submissions area of the Assessments page on MyHELMS as well as the Academic Writing Toolkit for more information on using URKUND/Ouriginal.
File size
The total size of the entire assessment document and any associated components should not exceed 15 Mb.
Submitting to MyHELMS
Having uploaded your assessment document and consulted your URKUND text-matching report well before the deadline, you should then make your formal submission.
Returning to the assignment link on the MyHELMS Assessments page, you must accept the declaration that the work is your own and then formally submit your assessment. After submission, you will not be able to make any further changes to your assessment. If there are any issues post-submission, you should contact Technical Support.
If you do not submit an assessment or if you upload an incorrect document, you will receive a mark of zero and will be required to repeat the assessment. This will result in a delay in the issuing of results and may affect your course completion date and graduation. Your final award may also be capped at a Pass as a result.
End of Continuous Assessment (CA) Brief


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