Project – Educational Pamphlet Project This course includes an individual projec

Project – Educational Pamphlet Project
This course includes an individual project related to nutrition and
diet. The project involves the
development of an educational pamphlet to teach an individual about a
the specific type of diet.
Students may choose from the diets below, or choose one on their own, upon approval of the
• Atkins Diet
• The Zone Diet
• Vegetarian Diet
• Vegan Diet
• South Beach Diet
• Mediterranean Diet
The pamphlet should include (i) step by step instructions and/or details about the diet selected, (ii)
visual aids, (iii) informational websites, community resources, support groups and telephones
numbers for a patient to obtain additional information and (iv) other information necessary to
educate a patient. Students must also include a separate reference sheet indicating the sources
where they obtained the information utilized for the project.


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