PSY – Paper Assignment Directions Directions 1) Complete the activity: Choose a national or world issue, such as poverty,

PSY – Paper Assignment Directions

1) Complete the activity: Choose a national or world issue, such as poverty, education, climate change, violence, aging, human rights, drug addiction, hunger, healthcare, disease, mental health, etc. On a sheet of paper, write down your initial thoughts and views on the subject and how your thoughts and views about the subject affect your behavior, such as interpersonal communications, career choice, voting, volunteerism, etc.
2) Put the paper aside (you will need it to answer questions in the paper assignment).
3) Find an article from Monitor on Psychology at the American Psychological Association on the subject.
4) Bring in additional sources only from PPCC Library databases (peer-reviewed article only), PubMed/Medline at the National Library of Medicine, and/or the National Institutes of Health only. You need a minimum of 2 sources besides the Monitor on Psychology article. So, you will have a total of at least 3 sources on your reference page. All sources must be research based no fact sheets.
5) Complete the template questions.
6) Attach your initial thoughts paper to the paper assignment in D2L.

1) Content = 82 points. Note that points will be deducted for not meeting sentence minimums and exceeding quote maximums. Points will be deducted for not adequately answering each question.
2) Mechanics = 6 points
3) APA format in-text citations = 6 points
4) APA format reference page = 6 points
5) Total points = 100
Mechanics and Style:
1. Use proper grammar and spelling.
2. Use complete sentences.
3. Do not use 2nd person (you/your).
4. Double space and use Times New Roman 12-point font.
In-text Citation Requirements: (Must use)
1) You should not use any programs that generate the references or in-text citations for you. They generally result in format errors. This includes the function in Word. You should type in your in-text citations and references yourself.
2) In-text citations need to be in APA format. See the APA information located under content tab on D2L.
3) You will have at least 1 in-text citation for each source in Question 1, 2, 3.

Quotes: You are not required to use quotes but if you do read #1.
Quotes do not take place of required in-text citation requirement.
1. No more than 1 quote per question. There are 9 questions, so no more than 9 quotes if you feel you must use a quote.( this does not replace the required paraphrased and citied in text citation requirements)
2. All quotes should be no more than 1 sentence in length.
3. All quotes should be in quotation marks.
4. Make sure to include the page number (print/pdf sources) or paragraph number (web page sources) in addition to author(s) last names and publication year in the in-text citation. See the APA Handout for format.
1) You will need to fill in APA format references for each source on the reference page at the end of the template.
2) Must use APA/monitor (automatic 25 points deducted if missing)
3) Must use 2 other sources – additional sources accepted only from PPCC Library databases (peer-reviewed article only), PubMed/Medline at the National Library of Medicine, and/or the National Institutes of Health only.
4) All sources must be research based. No fact sheets- must have data to allow you to answer the questions 1

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Week 6 Discussion: Policy Proposals

SOS-440: TERRORISM Final Project Students Please Note: This Assignment Must Be Submitted To Turnitin.Com. Reference The ?Turnitin Requirement Section Of The Course Syllabus Or The Link Below For General Instructions. Upload Both Your Assignment And T

SOS-440: TERRORISM Final Project Students Please Note: This assignment must be submitted to Reference the ?Turnitin Requirement section of the course Syllabus or the link below for general instructions. Upload both your assignment and the originality report within the Final Project assignment link. Using Turnitin for Assignments During this course you will: immerse yourself in the study of terrorism familiarize yourself with the writings of noted scholars in the field of terrorism reflect on the various issues associated with terrorism learn and apply relevant theories associated with terrorism debate various aspects of terrorism with fellow classmates complete successive written activities that focus on a wide range of issues and topics in the field of terrorism As a capstone to all of this activity you are required to produce a final project in the form of an essay of between 1,500 2,000 words in length (about 6 8 double-spaced pages). Your long journey through this course culminates with this challenging requirement, one that will enable you: to showcase your knowledge of the facts to apply this knowledge to analyze cases and processes related to terrorism to demonstrate your ability to critically integrate this knowledge of the cases with theory Your Assignment: Step 1: Selection of Cases In your paper you will analyse the soundness of one terrorism-related assumption or hypothesis when applied to three different types of cases: the first representing ideological terrorism (e.g., Baader-Meinhof in Germany) the second representing nationalist terrorism (e.g., the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam in Sri Lanka) the third religious terrorism (e.g., the alleged Iranian state-sponsored terrorism) Your first step in the production of your essay is to identify an initial selection of which cases in these three categories you might want to investigate. As part of your Module 8 assignment, you must submit to your mentor: a list of particular cases you are considering using in your essay a list of assumptions or hypotheses that you want to test a list of sources you intend to use Your mentor will advise you about the suitability of your choices and provide valuable feedback which will help put you on the right track. Step 2: Writing and Submitting the Final Draft of your Essay At the end of the semester you are required to submit the final draft of your essay. This essay is worth 40% of your grade for the course, so please read the following information carefully. In your essay you must analyze each of the three cases approved by your mentor according to these four distinct requirements: (A) Identify and describe the facts of each case separately, the individuals or groups involved, the perpetrators, declared objectives, the authorities, reaction, and the eventual outcome. (B) Apply your understanding of the case studies to analyze the processes leading to each event/case, the circumstances surrounding the ways each event unfolded, and the causes responsible for the subsequent results. If appropriate, distinguish between facts and commonly held myths about these cases. (C) Evaluate each of the three cases according to the same one assumption or hypothesis concerning causes of terrorism from the repertoire of theory you have acquired during this course. (D) Discuss the usefulness of the selected assumption/hypothesis when applied to each of the three cases. Specifically, assess whether or not it is relevant and contributes to the analysis and understanding of each case. Note that this final project requires you to investigate the soundness of one terrorism-related assumption or hypothesis when applied to your case studies (item C).

Unit V Project

Adolescence is a time in which teenagers physically, intellectually, and emotionally become more adult-like (Feldman, 2011). Erikson, Marcia, and Gilligan all have models that describe their theories of identity development. Think of a teenage character you are familiar with from a book or TV show and the issues he or she faced as he or she explored the questions, Who am I? and Where Do I Fit In?. Examples to use might include the characters from Harry Potter; Glee; That ?70s Show; Bethany Hamilton, (the main character in Soul Surfer); Tom Sawyer; Elizabeth Bennet; or a character you are familiar with. Use one of the above models and describe how this character came to terms with his or her self-concept and self-esteem. Make sure to identify your character and give a brief background about him/her. Use specific examples about the character to support your ideas. Identify and describe any other issues this character faced that have been discussed in Unit V. Your assessment of the character you choose should be two to three pages using APA format. Make sure to cite the reference(s) you use.

Ashford University Eng 125 Week 2 Assignment

Annotated bibliography I would like to do “Ashford university eng 125 week…” – lets shake hands on it! Agreement for ‘Ashford university eng 125 week…’ Price: $5.00 Due date: Thu, 2016-09-01 00:00 America/Detroit Down payment: see below Status: In progress (pending agreement) CHERRYDaaE0m did not sign the agreement Expert-Writer signed the agreement Expert-Writer requests $2.00 to start working (can be paid only after the agreement is signed) teacher rated 187 times 4.46524 Displaying messages 1 – 5 of 5 Negociation thread Participants: Expert-Writer andCHERRYDaaE0m Expert-Writer 2016-09-01 22:51 I am a proficient writer I assure quality and well-articulated answers on time Please review handshake and sign it. Here is my rating: Delete message CHERRYDaaE0m 2016-09-01 23:02 All genuine and no plagiarism Delete message Expert-Writer 2016-09-01 23:07 Yes, fresn and plagiarism-free work Delete message CHERRYDaaE0m 2016-09-01 23:28 Proposal for final paper?Week 1 Once you have decided on an approved prompt and approved text(s), respond to the questions below. Please be mindful of the word count and double-space all of your responses. You are to meet the minimum word requirement without going over the maximum number of words requested. 1. What is your chosen prompt for the literary analysis assignment? (Use the space below to complete this section. Include the number and first sentence of the prompt you chose from the list of prompts.) I have chosen prompt number two for my literary analysis: write an analysis of a key character in a literary work. 2. What interests you most about this prompt and why? (Use the space below to complete this section. Your response must be 100 to 150 words.) I have chosen the second prompt because it seems interesting to me to analyze a character. Characters are the most important part of any story and their actions are what moves the story forward, and through them, we gain knowledge about the author’s intent in writing the story. There are various motivations behind the actions of a character. Authors often try to make points and share more information with the reader through the actions and decisions of a character. Analyzing a character and their actions will allow me to understand the story better, as well as gain a better insight into the moral of the story. 3. What text(s) will you write about? Why? (Use the space below to complete this section. Your response must be 100 to 150 words.) I have chosen to write about Shakespeare’s Macbeth. I have always been interested in the literature of Shakespeare but have never read Macbeth. I saw very little of a movie based on Macbeth but do not know much about the plot or storyline. Now that I have been given the opportunity to base a character analysis on a character of my choosing, I am also given the opportunity to read the play. Although I have always had the option of reading this work of literature at my leisure, reading it for this assignment will make it a mandatory thing that I must do, rather than something I may get around to reading someday. 4. What is your working thesis? Keep in mind that ?working thesis means you can slightly modify your thesis for the draft and/or final essay. (Use the space below to complete this section. Your thesis statement must be ONLY one to two sentences long.) Macbeth is a strong, moral character who becomes convinced, by his wife, that he must kill his good friend, King Duncan, in order to gain his crown and title. In a fit of greed fueled by his wife, Macbeth is thrown into a world of guilt and shame, for this outcome was not what he wanted. 5. What are three key ideas that you will discuss in support of your thesis? (Write one — and only one — sentence for each point. a. Macbeth was a loyal and faithful general of the king’s army, thankful to him for the ranks he had already been given by the king. b. Macbeth is easily persuaded by his wife, Lady Macbeth, to kill the king in order to become king of Scotland. c. Macbeth becomes tormented with guilt and fearful that he will get caught and is forced to commit more horrible acts in order to cover up murdering the king. 6. What questions/concerns do you have at this point about your project? (Use the space below to complete this section. Your response must be 75 to 150 words long.) One question I have about this project is whether or not we will be able to change our prompts once we have chosen one. I have never read Macbeth and am unsure if the prompt I have chosen will suit the literature I have chosen or if I will find another prompt to be more interesting once I have read the play. One concern I have about this prompt is analyzing the character’s psychological background and how simple that may be to do based on only the actions we read about in the literature. Is this something we will learn to do through the course of this class? That’s my week 1 assignment. You’ll need that to complete week 2 assignment. Which is as follows : The Annotated Bibliography Must be 100 to 150 words for each entry and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must copy and paste the writing prompt. Must restate your working thesis. Must use at least one primary source and two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Week 3 Case Analysis

Topic: For the next day or two, observe people and their behavior. Make notes of situations where you believe people behave in aggressive and assertive ways. Which of the ways seemed to help people achieve what they wanted? Which of the ways seemed to maintain or even improve their interpersonal relationship with others? Process: Your case analysis should consist of a minimum of 4 pages, excluding the title page and reference page, and must be posted in the Week 3 case analysis dropbox by Sunday 11:00 PM PDT. Integrate at least five scholarly articles/sources (in addition to citing your textbook) as part of your essay. This is a research paper, do not use Wikipedia. Be sure to cite your sources on the Reference page at the end of your paper and use APA formatting throughout (see APA Guide, 6th Edition)

Management Information Systems

This assignment is due tomorrow Tuesday May 12th 2015 @ 16:00 Pacific attached are the docs needed to complete the assignment. thank you, your help is appreciated

Genetically Modified Food Not Dangerous

I have to do a debate and i have to be against this motion

i upload a file that I should follow 

i need it by Today 


Chapter 12: Measuring Performance at Intuit: A Value-Added Component in ERM Programs 1. How do Key Risk Indicators help companies identify emerging risks? 2. How do Key Performance Indicators help companies to manage existing risks? 3. If measuring performance is not a component of an ERM program, what is the effect on the overall quality of the program? Chapter 15: Embedding ERM into Strategic Planning at the City of Edmonton 1. What other strategic processes are closely tied to ERM? 2. What three kinds of risks are identified within the City of Edmonton? 3. What two criteria must be balanced in a successful ERM model?

Read Instructions

Identify and describe a little-known fact that you know one that might be specific to your hometown, your experience of Los Angeles, or your experience as a 21st-century human. Why do you think this is a little-known fact? Should it become a better-known fact? 500 WORDS MLA FORMAT

Week 6 Discussion: Policy Proposals

Discussion: Policy Proposals In your reading for this week, you meet Jose and Iris, two individuals who are in situations that require assistance and guidance from a professional social worker and policy advocate. In this Discussion, create a policy proposal that will impact the situations faced by either Jose or Iris. Describe the trade-offs you used to develop your proposal. To prepare: In your text, review “Trade-Offs: Systematically Comparing Policy Options in Step 3” in Chapter 8. Plummer, S.-B, Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Concentration year.Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. “Working with Clients with Addictions: The Case of Jose” (pp. 6568) “Working with the Aging: The Case of Iris” (pp. 6869) Post by Day 3 a brief summary of the policy proposal and its purpose that you created based on either Jose’s or Iris’s situation and the trade-offs you used to develop your proposal. Be sure to support your post with specific references to this week’s resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references. Respond by Day 5 to a colleague who selected a different case from yours with another approach to address the identified problem. What is the responsibility of the social workers working with Jose and/or Iris to advocate for a change in the social policy? ALL PROMPTS NEEDED TO BE ANSWERED

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