PUBH6034 Leadership in Health Assessment 3 Overview Developing competence for practice requires a range of skills and attributes. To that end we would like you to prepare for professional practice by completing

PUBH6034 Leadership in Health
Assessment 3
Developing competence for practice requires a range of skills and attributes. To that end we would like you to prepare for professional practice
by completing a number of reflective activities which will help you to consolidate your learning. Reflection can help you make sense of situations
and concepts and enhance your self-awareness. Reflective practice enables you to integrate theory with practice through consciously thinking
about events, activities or new knowledge and concepts. There are reflective models that you can use to help guide your answers. One
example of a reflective model tool is provided below (Gibbs Model).
This assessment requires you to address each of the 5 reflective questions/topics outlined below. This is a personal reflection of your
leadership development journey, filtered through the lens of organizational leadership frameworks. The purpose of the assignment is to reflect
upon your leadership development journey over the course of the unit. The assignment should provide analysis of your learning experience
illuminated by theory (which could be drawn from your academic studies and/or your own reading) and own practice from your work experience.
The aspects of leadership included could be either negative and or positive experiences. In your reflections you should consider your
views/beliefs/knowledge and what the implication may be for your future practice.
Each reflection question should be 500 words in total (+/- 10%)
General instructions
• Arial font, size 11
• Include a cover page, plagiarism declaration, contents page and reference list (as per the Guide to Assessment Presentation)
• Use numbered headings
• Please submit as one document
• Use your Student number, surname and ref assessment number in the title: i.e. 536251JCAMPBELLA3
Academic referencing is required particularly when critiquing or discussing theoretical perspectives, where possible reflective practice
should be documented in your ‘own voice’ about your own thoughts on the topic area.
• You should demonstrate a good grasp pf the relevant literature and contemporary issues. This will require you to read widely.
• At least 15 peer reviewed references should be evident.
• Make judicious use of government reports and other non- peer reviewed literature.
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PUBH6034 Leadership in Health
Assessment 3 Reflections
Reflection 1 – leadership perspectives and definitions
Share your definition and reflective thoughts about your understanding of leadership and the impact on healthcare. Consider your
understanding of leadership in terms of the personal qualities of an effective leader; leadership in the context of the health system and
leadership as a social process.
Reflection 2 – Power and Influence
Reflecting on leadership, power and influence, think about the key stakeholder groups for health care and public health (hint: think about within
the health sector and outside the health sector) and discuss two of them in terms of their power and influence in the system and how this
influences the role of a leader.
Reflection 3 – Partnerships
Intersectoral partnerships have been highlighted as key for effective leadership, decision making and for implementing change in the
system. However, such partnerships remain challenging for a range of reasons. What are the key leadership considerations required of
individuals and organisations to develop, maintain and evaluate relationships, partnerships, networks and coalitions for effective leadership in
the health care setting or for public health action?
Reflection 4 – When Leaders Fail
Failure is a powerful source for know-how and understanding. It teaches you about survival, renewal and reinvention of yourself and the
organization you are leading and ultimately shapes you as a leader. Reflecting on a situation of failure (ideally your own), what did you learn
form that situation about yourself and how can you use that to shape your leadership style to be an effective leader.
Reflection 5 – Future Directions
Reflecting on the information learned and insights gained during this unit, think about how that can be applied to your daily life. How are going
to use new knowledge (leadership concepts and theories), how you are going to adopt new leadership skills, attitudes, and practices? Start by
outlining three key learnings form the semester and include what areas of leadership you will like to cultivate as you continue on your journey
of leadership development.
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PUBH6034 Leadership in Health
Description (of the
What happened?
? What did you do? Where did it happen? Who was involved? What was the context?
Feelings What were you thinking and feeling?
? Describe your internal thoughts and feelings before, during and after the event
Evaluation What was good and bad about the experience?
? Were there things that were difficult? Interesting? Surprising? Upsetting? Provide some judgement about the
event and its possible consequences
Analysis What sense can you make of the situation?
? How do past experiences compare to this?
? How does theory or evidence fit with this?
? How did your involvement affect the outcome?
Conclusion What else could you have done?
? What insights, thoughts, or conclusions, about your role within this event that you can now take away?
? What have you learnt for the future?
Action plan What would you do if a similar situation arose again?
? What are some indicators that would help you recognise a similar event?
? What are some changes you would make?
Leeds Beckett University. Skills for Learning – Models for structuring reflection. Secondary Skills for Learning – Models for structuring reflection 2015.
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PUBH6034 Leadership in Health
Marking Rubric
Weight 80% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 50%
Depth of
Demonstrate a conscious and
thorough understanding of the
subject matter presented in the
unit through meaningful
reflection and discussion
Demonstrate a thoughtful
understanding of the subject
matter presented in the unit
through reflection and


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