Question 1a:  Discuss how you may utilise the concepts of resource planning to address the funding crisis in PHE, for the best service users’ outcome. Note: To discuss question 1a effectively, students are advised to consider the following: A continuous reference to the case-studyand the environment in which health an



In the Arden Assessment cover page, under the Assessment Title, students should indicate that this is a Report


NOTE: This assignment must be written in the third person and should display good-to-excellent ability to write academically. In completing the assignment, students are advised to avoid using the first-person expression such as; ‘I’. This is because pronouns should be generally avoided in academic writing i.e., avoid the use of “I, Me, We, Us”. Also pay attention to requirement to discuss certain terminologies related to PMR as well as general keywords useful in demonstrating at this level of study – e.g.; analysis, discussion, synthesis and application.


Students are expected to add a table of content showing what is covered and page numbers.


The executive summary should summarise your report. 150 – 200 words should be enough. The executive summary is not considered as part of your word count.

The assessor who reads this summary should be able to understand the essence of your report (without having to read it all) and the story behind it (i.e., the case-study of the care home that you work for, which is doing well, and wants to expand into other areas). Also include how your plans will impact the care organisation as a whole.


This should explain what the assignment is about and mention the main concepts discussed within the body of the assignment. This part should use up not more than 5% of the total word count. The introduction could include definitions of keywords/concepts relevant to the assignment as well as citations/references.


  1. BODY OF THE REPORT: Use the case study provided to attempt questions 1 & 2

Question 1a:  Discuss how you may utilise the concepts of resource planning to address the funding crisis in PHE, for the best service users’ outcome.

Note: To discuss question 1a effectively, students are advised to consider the following:

  • A continuous reference to the case-studyand the environment in which health and social care settings operate in the UK. For instance; the demand for certain services, health and/or social care policies, current climate, BREXIT, etc.
  • Discussing the concepts of resource planning(a minimum of 3 concepts that will help you economise available resources, concepts that will help you to acquire more resources you need and concepts that will help to plan effectively, e.g., SWOT analysis, PESTLE, among others…), and how these concepts could be used to address the funding crisis in PHE, in order to achieve the best service user outcomes.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of effective resource managementand good budgeting skills.
  • Exploring the importance ofeffective planning that takes into consideration:  what you are trying to do? how you are going to do it? and, what you will need in order to achieve it?
  • While you are NOTexpected to produce a business plan, you may wish to consider possible plans/strategies you will use in addressing the funding crisis in PHE. You can use the business planning methods, where you will be categorising approaches into sections e.g., from identification of goals, to action plan, etc.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the requirementsfor delivering the best service user outcomes. This could be weaved through your answer for question 1a. For instance; Outcome based care and person-centred care models may be particularly helpful here.
  • Support your discussion with citations following the AU Harvard referencing style.
  • This list above is not exhaustive and students may wish to explore other ideas not mentioned above.
  • The suggested word count for this part is750 words; a total of 25 marks on offer.



Question 1b: Analyse at least three different sources of funding you may explore in other to effectively deal with the funding crisis the PHE faces.

Note: To discuss question 1b effectively, students are advised to consider the following:

  • Resources are central to the management process: they are in limited supply but, are the means to attain goals and meet demands of service usersand other important stakeholders.
  • Examine various sources of funding (at least 3) for a Public sector organisation (PHE)g., Taxation ?, The ‘Third Sector’?,… etc., give ananalysis of how these sources may effectively deal with the funding crisis in PHE, and why?
  • Identify the factors that may affectan organisation’s ability to raise or free-up funds and resources to effectively deal with the funding crisis in PHE e.g., current political climate, policies, etc.- give reasons for the choices identified.
  • This list above is not exhaustive and students may wish to explore other ideas not mentioned above.
  • The suggested word count for this part is750 words; a total of 25 marks on offer.



(1,500 words)

 (50 marks)

(LOs 1 & 2)


Question 2: Discuss the role of project management and how it could contribute to the effective resources management process in relation to short-, medium- and long-term funding requirements in PHE.

Note: To discuss question 2 effectively, students are advised to consider the following:


  • A continuous reference to the case-studyand the environmental factors that may impede the freeing-up of resources to effectively deal with the funding crisis in PHE; e.g., health policies, current climate, BREXIT, etc.
  • Discuss the role of Project Managementin effective resources management
  • Discuss accountability and responsibilityin relation to the appropriate use of resources.
  • Explore broad performance measures/tools used by organisations; e.g appraisals, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s),benchmarking to monitor performance.
  • Discuss the impact effective resource management hasin supporting performance in PHE g.; you could explore the relationship between effective resources management and the performance of staff, the team and PHE in general.
  • The impact of demand and supply, funding challenges, budgetary restrictionsin the current fiscal & political climate on the organisation’s expansion strategy.
  • Explore potential risks & risk management strategiesthat will be useful in the process to effectively deal with the funding crisis in PHE e.g., financial risk
  • This list above is not exhaustive and students may wish to explore other ideas not mentioned above.
  • The suggested word count for this part is1500 words; a total of 50 marks on offer.

(1,500 words)

(50 marks)

 (LOs 3 & 4)




  • A conclusion to wrap up the whole assignment should be given. The conclusion should summarise very briefly the main considerations and recommendations. The recommendationscould be presented as suggestions for future actions to solve or improve issues or problems presented in the report.


  • Students must use the AU Harvard Referencingmethod in this report.


  1. APPENDICES (if needed):
  • Students may place any supplementary information here. This could be a table of data, copies of observation forms or notes, extracts from large documents etc.



Study Skills tips for success  

Self-evaluation questions


How do I know I am ready to submit?

I have:


Self-check list to review before assignment submission








Have I covered the main points in all questions in sufficient depth?).



· Addressed all elements of the questions and opportunities to link my discussion to wider literature.

· Checked my work to ensure points raised are relevant to the questions asked, contexts provided and expectations set

· Structured my discussion well and ensured not to jump from one idea to another. I know this because I made good use of connectives to link ideas discussed.

· Made sure not to include too many points or arguments that are irrelevant.



Is my writing analytical in style and questioning in approach?

· Applied all concepts discussed to a case study and/or Health and Social Care practice, in general, and reached a well-reasoned conclusion.

· Paid specific attention to the relevant key word(s) guiding the assignment question or task.

· Ensured the requirement for the key word has been fully addressed in my assignment.

· Made sure to not just describe what I have read/done and considered the value/significance of the information I included in my discussion.




Have I developed and sustained a clear argument throughout my work and supported it with relevant examples?

· Checked that my supporting arguments flowed in a clear and coherent way.

· Checked to see if effective paragraphing has been used to organise my arguments and discussion in a logical sequence for my audience.

· Ensured that use of jargons is kept to a minimum and where used, I have defined or explained the meaning


Have I referenced all sources used, in the main body and in the reference list?


· Used Harvard referencing clearly and accurately throughout my work.

· Used my own words (in paraphrasing information) as much as possible and where text or information is (quoted) it is presented in quotation marks and clearly referenced following the Arden approach to Harvard.

· Uploaded a draft copy of my work on Turnitin to review its similarity score, and work on parts of the work showing a high similarity before submission.

· Checked to see all references used in-text have been added in my reference list.

· Arranged my reference list alphabetically and checked to see the right assignment is been submitted on iLearn


· Additional skills related comments –You should demonstrate a high level of organisation by applying a good sequence to your work.  This includes checking to ensure your coursework is presented well, using the right spacing, font type, size and cover sheet for your programme. A font type of Arial or Times NewRoman 11-14 is desirable; with the assignment spaced 1.5 centimetre and the sides justified.


· Quick guide to Harvard referencing:




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