NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Exam Solutions- Question: Which of the following are risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Select all that apply Question: Antipsychotic medications provide D2 blockade in the mesocortical pathway causing which of the following effects? Question: Phencyclidine (PCP) and Ketamine exert their unique behavioral effects by blocking which of the following receptors? Question: The diagnosis used to des

Question: Which of the following are risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Select all that apply
Question: Antipsychotic medications provide D2 blockade in the mesocortical pathway causing which of the following effects?
Question: Phencyclidine (PCP) and Ketamine exert their unique behavioral effects by blocking which of the following receptors?
Question: The diagnosis used to describe a syndrome characterized by specific signs and symptoms resulting from recent ingestion or exposure to a substance is known as which of the following?
Question: Abnormal involuntary movements in a rhythmic pattern affecting face, mouth, tongue, jaw is known as which of the following?
Question: A deeply held belief despite evidence to the contrary, lasting at least one month, without prominent hallucinations, with functional impairment that relates to the delusional system
Question: Which of the following is true about preoccupation with castration?
Question: Which of the following is a system that provides a uniform language for describing medical and surgical procedures and diagnostic services rendered by clinicians?
Question: A patient on Chlorpromazine states that his orgasm is dry and afterward he will commonly have milky urine. The ARNP realizes which of the following?
Question: A condition which results from absence of second female sex Chromosome (XO) and is associated with web neck, dwarfism, cubitus valgus, and infertility is known as which of the following?
Question: Which of the following would be characterized as a negative symptom of schizophrenia?
Question: Which of the following are keys to distinguishing OCD from psychosis?
Question:A federal program administered nationally and locally which covers enrolled individuals 65 years and older who pay premiums and disabled individuals….
Question: Having an adequate legal description of nurse practitioner (NP) scope of practice according to state law is important for which of the following reasons?
Question: Which of the following is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance?
Question: Which of the following is used to treat Tardive Dyskinesia?
Question: The APRN consensus model did which of the following?
Question: Which of the following behaviors are associated with an alcohol blood level of 0.05 percent?
Question: According to HIPPA, which of the following must the NP share their NPI with? Check all that apply.
Question: A patient presents with delusions, disorganized thoughts, and speech with poor self care all of which have persisted for the past 7 months. The APRN this presentation is…….with which of the following diagnosis?
Question: Major neurotransmitters possibly involved in developing substance abuse and substance dependence….. which of the following?
Question: The Dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia….which of the following?
Question: A patient reports a panic attack several years ago in an elevator and since then has avoided using elevators. This patient meets criteria for which of the following?
Question: A patient with a substance abuse disorder who does not meet the clinical criteria for hospitalization but who lacks sufficient social and vocational skills and lack substance-free social supports is ap
Question: Obscene phone calling to an unsuspecting partner for sexual arousal is known as which of the following?
Question: The main psychological difference between fear and anxiety is best described by which of the following statements?
Question: A diffuse, unpleasant, vague sense of apprehension often accompanied by autonomic symptoms which varies among persons is commonly known as which of the following?
Question: If a pregnancy begins while the woman is taking high doses of methadone and withdrawal is desired, during which trimester is this least hazardous?
Question: Neurochemical or neurophysiologic changes in the body that result from the repeated administration of a drug is known as which of the following?
Question: The recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the physical and psychological suffering of another person is known as which of the following?
Question: Which of the following is not consistent with the onset of OCD?
Question: The recurrent urge to expose one’s genitals to a stranger is known as which of the following?
Question: Which of the following patients would be appropriate for hospitalization for substance use disorder? Select all that apply.
Question: The nursing practice model recommended for NPs by the National Academy of Medicine and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing is which of the following?
Question: Which of the following groups does Medicare cover? Select all that apply.
Question: Which of the following neurotransmitters increases libido?
Question: Which of the following factors are associated with poor prognosis for patients with OCD?
Question: Which of the following is inconsistent with current knowledge about schizophrenia?
Question: A Chronic disorder characterized by repetitive hair pulling leading to variable
Question: A method of therapy used to treat individuals with substance abuse based on the fundamental principle of a psychology that reinforced behaviors are likely to be…is known as which of the following?
Question: The conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age are known as which of the following?
Question: All the following is consistent with ANCC rules regarding recertification EXCEPT:
Question: Risk factors for school violence include which of the following? Select all that apply.
Question: Persons who subordinate their own needs to those of others, get other to assume responsibility for major areas of the lives, lack of self-confidence, and may experience intense discomfort when alone for more than a brief period of time are demonstrating characteristics consistent with which of the following personality disorders?
Question: Generalized convulsions, oliguria, and renal failure are symptoms seen with which of the following lithium levels?
Question:…..form of child abuse in which a patient or character repeatedly fabricates or actually inflicts injury or illness in a child for whom medical intervention is then sought in an emergency setting is known as which of the following?
Question: Self-care strategies for the ARNP in preparing for the certification exam include all of the following EXCEPT?
Question: A patient presents with a formal, tense manner. He reluctantly reports a longstanding (since early adulthood) pervasive suspiciousness of others, preoccupied with…trustworthiness of friends, unjustified concerns about others deceiving him, angry about perceived insults and slights, reluctant to confide in the ARNP. The ARNP suspects that the patient likely has which of the following personality disorders?
Question: A patient with a history of alcohol use presents to the emergency department with oculomotor disturbances, cerebellar ataxia, and confusion…. Symptoms as consistent with which of the following psychiatric emergencies?
Question: Cluster A personality disorders are more common in biological families of patients with which of the following disorders?
Question: NP core competencies for INDEPENDENT practice include all of the following EXCEPT:
Question: Cluster A personality traits consist of which of the following?
Question: The misuse of the charge’s funds for personal gain is known as which of the following?
Question: The ARNP recognizes which of the following as long term effects of sex trafficking on victims?
Question: In about half of the cases in which suicides occur while parents are on a psychiatric unit, a lawsuit results. Which of the following is not consistent with what courts….related to impatient psychiatric unit suicide events?
Question: Cultural Dimensions Therapy is a framework for cross-cultural communication that describes the effects of a society’s culture on the values of its members….by which of the following theorists?
Question: The treatment of choice for patients with paranoid personality disorder includes which of the following?
Question: The differences in the quality of healthcare across individuals or groups in regard to access, treatment options, and p….following?
Question: The incidence of suicide is highest for which of the following populations?
Question: A patient on lithium with a history of alcohol use disorder presents with dry mouth, ataxia, dizziness, abdominal pain, and slurred speech. The ARNP should do which of the following?
Question: An ARNP takes a position in which a specific amount is paid according to a set job description. This type of pay structure is known as which of the following?
Question: A personality disorder characterized by emotional constriction, orderliness, perseverance, stubbornness, indecisiveness, a…..inflexibility as which of the following?
Question: Which of the following is consistent with what is known about the epidemiology of anxiety?
Question: Which of the following is consistent with NP practice parameters when prescribing buprenorphine?
Question: Which of the following are consistent with current data related to the prevalence of drinking alcohol?
Question: A patient with history of hypoglycemia reports feelings of fear, worry, and restlessness that has persisted over the past 6 months. The patient states these feelings are worse when glucose is low. The ARNP suspects the patient has which of the following diagnoses?
Question: Which of the following is not consistent with benzodiazepine withdrawal?
Question: Which of the following is true about the legal practice of the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner?
Question: Flashbacks in which the individual may act and feel as if the trauma were reoccurring represent which of the following clinical features of PTSD?
Question: In which ways are nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician’s assistants (Pas) different?
Question: Which of the following initials would a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner use to designate appropriate credentials?
Question: Variations from norms in gender role behavior such as toy preferences, rough-and-tumble play, aggression, or playmate gender is known as which of the following?
Question: The three major neurotransmitters associated with anxiety, based on animal studies and response to drug treatment include which of the following?
Question: Which of the following is consistent with the epidemiology of schizophrenia in the United States?
Question: Clinical findings that may indicate abuse include which of the following? Select all that apply.
Question: According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) which of the following is consistent with the evidence base practice for telepsychiatry?
Question: Which of the following is consistent with literature regarding the term psychosexual?
Question: Bleuler identified four fundamental symptoms of schizophrenia known as the 4 As, which include which of the following symptoms?
Question: The fear of or anxiety regarding places from which escape might be difficult is known as which of the following?
Question: All of the following are one of the five major categories of third-party payers EXCEPT:
Question: Discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender identity is known as which of the following?
Question: Which of the following is not a common physical effect of cannabis?
Question: A conscious standardized recurrent behavior such as counting, checking, avoiding that interferes significantly with the person’s normal routine and functioning is known as which of the following?
Question: Most everyone has a firm conviction that they are male or female by which age range?
Question: A patient who presents absent movement with difficulty starting activities flat affect, and avolition would be assessed as having which of the following?
Question: Which of the following is consistent with current epidemiology literature about gender and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
Question: A type of schizophrenia in which the individual has a marked disturbance in motor function and may involve stupor, negativism, rigidity, excitement or posturing or mutism is
Question: A patient who presents with the inability to remain still, with motor restlessness, would be assessed to have which of the following?
Question: The ARNP asks the patient “Has there ever been a period of a week or more when you were the opposite of depressed with super high energy and little need for sleep?” to assess for which of the following diagnoses?
Question: Applied behavioral analysis is typically indicated for which of the following disorders?
Question: Which of the following is true regarding prescribing guidelines?
Question: ADHD, impulse-control, conduct disorder, and intellectual disabilities and anxiety disorders are predominant during which of the following age ranges?
Question: A period of at least one week in which both a manic episode and a major depressive episode occur almost daily is consistent with which diagnosis
Question: According to the APA, “Psychologists seek to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the practice of psychology,” reflecting which of the following ethical principles?
Question: The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Code of Ethics Principle II: Promoting the Welfare of Children and Adolescents addresses which of the following ethical issues?
Question: Which of the following medications are approved by the FDA for treating OCD in children ages 6–17
Question: A form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that requires attending skills groups in addition to individual therapy sessions are known as which of the following?
Question: The clinician asks an adolescent “Have you felt persistently sad or gloomy for more than a year?” to assess for which of the following common diagnostic possibilities?
Question: Question: Data indicate which of the following regarding women drinking while pregnant or breast feeding?
Question: One’s sense of being male or female is known as which of the following?


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