Raising the spirit of unity is by no means an easy task as it has to be nurtured and nourished from a tender age. Therefore, the role of social institutions, such as the family institution and education, are extremely vital in providing quality nurturing and nourishment to bolster the spirit of unity. 1. Compose an expository essay from the big idea Unity in Diversity based on the stimulus provided above. 2. Your essay should not be more than 1000 words. 3. The essay must have a good introduction, information about your topic and display well-developed ideas. 4. The essay must be coherent and use various text types from a variety of sources and should also integrate information from both texts used in task 3.

Raising the spirit of unity is by no means an easy task as it has to be nurtured and nourished from a tender age.

Therefore, the role of social institutions, such as the family institution and education, are extremely vital in providing quality nurturing and nourishment to bolster the spirit of unity.

1. Compose an expository essay from the big idea Unity in Diversity based on the stimulus provided above.

2. Your essay should not be more than 1000 words.

3. The essay must have a good introduction, information about your topic and display well-developed ideas.

4. The essay must be coherent and use various text types from a variety of sources and should also integrate information from both texts used in task 3.


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