Step 4. Read the scenario provided Riley is a first-year registered nursing student undertaking the same placement as you for the subject NRS173. You are both undertaking placement in an aged care facility and have been spending time establishing caring relationships with the residents. You notice one afternoon that Riley is undertaking the administration of paracetamol unsupervised to a resident who complained of a headache. When you approach Riley about this, Riley explains that they are an Assistant in Nursing and already works in an aged care facility and administers paracetamol to residents all the time as she has undertaken the medication course.
• The scenario is found in the Assessment 1 document • Read through the scenario several times. • Identify all of the points you think are important. • This is a good moment to contact the Subject Coordinator if you are at all unsure of what you are doing. A quick chat or email can put you on the right path and ensure that the energy you are putting into the assessment is going to achieve good results. In my experience, students lose marks more often from not asking questions than not knowing content.