Read “Urban Meyer Will Be Home for Dinner” (351), “End Game” (87) and “Marathon

Read “Urban Meyer Will Be Home for Dinner” (351), “End Game” (87) and “Marathon Man” (224)
Q1. There are several different stories under consideration this week. Select one story and focus on the complexity of ONE major character by discussing ONE virtue (from this week’s notes) and ONE vice (also from the class notes) which that character displays. Describe at least two instances where the virtue is apparent and do the same for the vice. 250 words 
Q2. Raging Bull is a film that touches on multiple themes and also film techniques. In your discussion this week,choose one aspect from the course (from aspects of the hero’s journey to hubris and everything in between) and reflect on that aspect as reflected/developed in Raging Bull. 200 words 

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