Reflective Journal: My Sport Experience | My Assignment Tutor

Introduction to Sports Management – Week Four Welcome Assessment One Discussion Forum Review Week 3 Complete Module TwoEighteen test events, which function as dress rehearsals for each sport, willcommence from March in preparation for the Tokyo Olympics starting July 23.New facilities for Rock Climbing and Skateboarding need testing Subject Overview Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5Module 6The Sports IndustryGovernance and RiskSport Marketing and MediaSport Tourism and EventsSport Facilities and VenuesProfessionalism and Ethics Assessment Summary AssessmentAssessment TypeLengthDueWeight1Reflective Journal –My Sport Experience1000 wordsEnd of Week 4 – Sun Mar 1420%2Project Proposal for anew sport (Report)1500 wordsEnd of Week 6 – Sun Mar 2840%3Final Report for a newsport1500 wordsEnd of Week 12 – Sun May 940% Assessment 2 and 3 are linked – you need to choose create a new sport, or modify an existingsport, to attract a new market.Assessment One – Reflective Journal: My Sport ExperienceAssessment 1 requires you to reflect on previous experiences you have had in sport as a participant, spectator, coach,official or volunteer. When sharing your experience think about the emotions you felt, the impact of the sport on youand other people involved, and any issues or outcomes from the experience that you still think about.This reflection will help you with Assessment 2 and 3 where you will be creating a new sport or modifying anexisting sport for other people. Consider the following: What was your first involvement in sport? Who influenced your involvement in sport? Did you focus on one sport or try multiple sports? Were your sport experiences positive, negative or a combination of both? What feelings or emotions did your sport experiences evoke? Do you recall any risks or ethical issues from your sport experiences?Assessment One – Reflective Journal: My Sport ExperienceWhen you have finished your reflection write a paper that addresses the following: A brief summary of your introduction to sport A sporting experience that has provided positive memories for you The factors, conditions or people that contributed to this positive experience Any risks, social or ethical issues that influenced this experience How this experience shaped your interest in the management of sport today.Make sure you check the Assessment Brief and the Rubric: Content Audience and Purpose 30% Personal autonomy, accountability and reflective skill 40% Effective Communication 30%Module Two Topics1. Corporate Governance2. Sport Governance3. Common issues in SportThis Week:4. Risk Management defined5. Risk Categories6. Risk Management FrameworkModule Two Readings1. Module Two Lecture Slides2. Sport Australia (2020). Sport Governance Principles. Retrievedfrom: Risk Management Resource: For Recreation and SportOrganisations.4. Neale, W.C. (1964). The Peculiar Economics of ProfessionalSports, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 78(1), 1-14.Discussion Forum: Week 4Do you think people are attracted to playing sport because of the risks involved, or should we try toeliminate all risks?Francesco: In terms of risks in sport or physical activity, risks will always be in play, but we need tomitigate risks such as cricket, recently adjusted helmets due to Hughes death, the reduction of head highbouncers. This is where governance would play an integral part and address issues, in this case theAFL, needs to strengthen the laws on players suffering concussion, particularly on 2nd hit and more.Ned: I think a certain amount of spectators and players are drawn to risk in sports such as big tacklesand fights, although it is necessary to try and eliminate risks to assist player wellbeing, e.g. NRLbanning the punch and serving out suspensions to anyone involved.Student Exercise – List the types of risks in sportClass Activity – Types of RisksClass Activity – Mick Fanning shark attackCheck out: Governance PrinciplesFamiliarise yourself with the Sport Australia Governance Principles, andthen see if your favourite Australian sport has adopted any of the principles.Additional information available at: MANAGEMENTEliminating Risk?To eliminate all risks of harm would remove the challenge and funassociated with most sports and events.However the Governance Principles outlined by the ASX (#7) andSport Australia (#7) strongly reinforce the need to manage risk.Sport Australia suggests that: to proactively protect theorganisation from harm, the board ensures the organisation hasand maintains robust and systematic processes for managing risk.We need to find that balance between challenge and harm.Risk Management definedThe Australian Risk Management Standard (AS/NZS ISO31000:2009) defines risk as:“the effect of uncertainty on objectives”A risk is anything untoward happening that can affect yourorganisation’s objectives and operations by creating exposure topotential loss or damage.Risk Management is systematically identifying threats (risks) toyour organisation and developing ways to minimise them.Risk Management is an essential element of governance.Benefits of a RM ProgramA Risk Management program has many benefits: Increases the safety of the patrons Reduces the losses to the organisation Increases effective use of resources Serves a deterrent to a lawsuit Demonstrates intent to act in a reasonable & prudent manner Contributes to the reputation of the organisation Significantly enhances the achievement of goalsRisk Management ResponsibilitiesLarger organisations would have a dedicated Risk Managerbut responsibility for risk needs to be shared throughout theorganisation.This can be achieved through the following: Job descriptions with specific RM responsibilities Staff induction Staff training Regular staff briefings and meetings Creation of a RM committeeRisk Management ResponsibilitiesSmaller organisations including sport clubs andassociations may have a Risk Management committee whoprovide guidance and oversight of the RM program.The committee could be composed of experts in insurance,law and risk management and also represent various rolesor business units across the organisation, for examplefinance, marketing, events and facilities.Committee members and other volunteers may need toundertake short training courses, for example online trainingfor representatives to become COVID-19 Marshalls.Risk Management ResponsibilitiesThe role of the Risk Manager and Committee is to ensurethat a duty of care is in place at all times.The duty of care is a moral and legal obligation to ensure thesafety or well-being of others.The Risk Manager/Committee is taking actions that willprevent foreseeable risk of injury to people who are directlyaffected by, or involved in the sport activity.While injury is a significant risk in sport can you think of otherrisks?Risks in Sport Health and Safety risks including injury Marketing risks Financial risks Environmental risks Catering provision risks Crowd management risks Security risks Risks in transport of items/people to and from eventsRisks in SportSport has seen some significant disasters over the years: Munich Air Disaster 1958 – British Airways Flight 609 crashedon its third attempt to take off, killing 8 players and 3 staff fromManchester United FC, 2 journalists and the co-pilot. Hillsborough Stadium Disaster 1989 – over-crowding at the FACup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forrestresulted in 96 fatalities and 766 injuries. USA Gymnastics Disaster 2017 – Dr Larry Nassar, the NationalMedical Co-ordinator for USA Gymnastics for nearly 20 yearswas sentenced to life imprisonment after 160 female gymnastsreported him for sexual abuse.Risk CategoriesFrom a legal perspective risk is about exposure to loss andcan be categorised into one of four general areas:1. Public liability caused by negligence2. Public liability excluding negligence3. Business operations4. Property exposuresNote that the loss to the organisation is NOT ALWAYSfinancial; $$$ are used as a measuring tool. There could bereputational loss for example.Think broadly about the loss – economic, social, environmental– the triple bottom line.1. Public liability caused by negligenceFailure on the part of the owner/operator to manage anorganisation or event in a reasonably prudent and careful manner,and the failure results in damage to the plaintiff.Whether or not negligence has occurred is a matter of satisfyingfour questions related to the duty of care:1. Did the defendant (i.e. the person being sued) owe theplaintiff (i.e. the person injured) a duty of care?2. Did the defendant breach their duty of care?3. Did the plaintiff suffer an injury or other damage?4. Was the injury or damage caused as a result of the breach ofthe duty of care?2. Public liability excluding negligenceCircumstances in which a person causes harm to employees,patrons or volunteers in ways other than negligence, for example: Professional malpractice Libel, slander, and false arrest or imprisonment Invasion or breach of privacy (eg illegally searching of patrons) Assault/ battery (eg touching or verbally abusing patrons) Sexual Harassment Violation of liquor laws Product Liability (eg equipment used or sale of food) Other exposures include contractual liability, natural hazards,advertiser’s liability, and discrimination or civil liberty violations.Tort Law provides an avenue for people to be compensated fordamages caused by these injurious situations.3. Business OperationsBusiness Operations refers to knowing and adhering to appropriate businesspractices and trying to avoid: Business interruptions Employee illness Theft Embezzlement Contract disputesThese risks can be a reflection of the culture at the organisation, the leadershipand the employment and management practices.4. Property ExposuresThis category refers to eliminating or reducing risk associatedwith facilities, equipment and grounds as a result of: Fire Theft Vandalism, terrorism and civil disobedience Natural disasters including flood and storms.Significant resources are allocated to fencing, barricades,CCTV, access control, security and alarm systems.Risk Management FrameworkThe Australian Risk ManagementStandard (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009)refers to the framework (right) andthis framework has been adopted bythe recreation and sport industry.The framework features in the bookRisk Management Resource forRecreation and Sport Organisations,published by the Office for Recreationand Sport (SA Government) in 2016and available in Module Two.Class Activity – Mick Fanning shark attackCheck out: Activity – what happens next?Check out: Exercise – What strategies were in place to minimise risk?Risk Management FrameworkThe following slides will explore the framework in more detail:1. Establishing the context2. Risk Identification3. Risk Analysis4. Risk Evaluation5. Risk Treatment1. Establishing the ContextStep 1 involves thinking about your sport organisation, its size andreach, its goals and objectives, and its culture and values. A local, community sports club will have different risks to aprofessional sports team. A state association will have different risks to a national orinternational association. A sport that is played indoors will have different risks to a sportplayed at the beach or in the snow. Managing a sports facility or a sports event will have somecommon risks but also risks that are specific to that facility or event.2. Risk IdentificationStep 2 requires investigation into all aspects of the organisation todetermine what risks might affect the organisation.Risk identification requires the application of a systematic process tounderstand what could happen, how, when, and why.Checklists can assist this process and can be obtained from: The web State or National sporting associations Insurance companies Risk Management resources/industry forums2. Risk IdentificationComprehensive Risk Audit available from: Day Checklist available from: Risk IdentificationThe risk audit or inventory will identify multiple risks andthey can then be grouped into similar categories.Additional information will come from: Physical site inspections Business Plan reviews Interviews or surveys of people who experienced the risk Interviews with relevant personnel (eg sport trainers) Analysis of medical records3. Risk AnalysisStep 3, Risk Analysis is concerned with developing anunderstanding of each risk, its consequences, and thelikelihood of those consequences.Consequence refers to severity – the degree of lossresulting from the occurrence. This is often measured ona scale from 1 to 5 – insignificant, minor, moderate, major,catastrophic.Likelihood refers to frequency – how often the risk couldoccur. This is also measured on a scale of 1 to 5 – rare,unlikely, possible, likely, almost certain.3. Risk AnalysisThis information can then be displayed as a table: Risk Analysisor the information can be displayed as a matrix:Office for Recreation and Sport (2016)4. Risk EvaluationRisk Evaluation involves making a decision about the levelof risk and the priority for attention through the application ofthe criteria developed when the context was established.More information or research may be required – people dohave different levels of risk aversion – some are moreinclined to take risks than others, or turn a blind eye.Step 4 requires agreement to be reached by the keydecision-makers before progressing to Step 5.5. Risk TreatmentOrganisations have four options to treat the risk:A. Avoidance – don’t do the risky activityB. Transfer – give the impact of the risk to someone elseC. Acceptance/Retention – accept the risk, retain theactivity and ignore the affect of the riskD. Reduction – limit the damage caused or chance of therisk affecting you5A. AvoidanceAvoiding the risk means avoiding or abandoningactivities that have a loss potential that is too great(catastrophic or major) and non-essential to the missionof the organisation.Taking this step could significantly alter the activity, forexample removing fast bowling from cricket or tacklingfrom football.Making the decision to cancel a junior sports carnival dueto extreme heat however would be a sensible decision,given the duty of care owed to the participants and thelikelihood that the organisation is focused on fun.5B. TransferTransfer involves shifting the loss to another person or entity by: Insurance. Insurance is an excellent way to control risk. Use of waivers or releases. Contracts that relinquish the right ofpatrons to sue for ordinary negligence. Independent Contractor. A person or business that agrees toperform a specific job for the organisation. Indemnity Clauses. Agreements that hold owners/landlordsharmless for any negligent acts or omissions by rental groups orindependent contractors. Contributory negligence laws. The law acknowledges thatcertain activities are inherently dangerous and the participantaccepts some of the burden of the loss should it occur.5C. Acceptance or RetentionAcceptance or retention of the risk suggests that the activityis critical to the sport or organisation, or the likelihood of itoccurring is rare.In this case the risk is retained and the organisationprepares for potential loss through budgeting, deductiblesor self-insurance.Note that some situations or activities are inconsequential,uninsurable, non-transferable, or the cost of insurance isprohibitive.5D. ReductionReducing the damage caused by the risk, or loss control, is mosteffective when performed in conjunction with (b) transfer and (c)retention. Practices that will reduce the damage/loss include: hiring qualified personnel educating and training them effectively awareness of stress and work/life balance selecting appropriate venues meeting local, state, regional and federal laws and codes knowing your legal obligations and your patrons legal rights implementing standard operating procedures regular scheduled inspections of assets (facilities/machinery) adequate security processes (events, facilities, IT)InsuranceInsurance is a: Way of transferring the financial impact of a risk eventuating A cash management tool and not a risk management tool.Always consult with an insurance advisor to determine suitablecoverage, deductibles, policy terms and prospective carriers.Remember that not all risk is financial and duty of care cannotbe transferred – you cannot insure against criminal chargesand jail time!Common types of Insurance Type of insuranceWhat it coversPublic liabilityprovides indemnity for damages caused by an accidentPlayer accident insurancespecific cover for those who play and are injuredProduct liabilityprovides indemnity for damages caused by products soldDefamation insuranceloss of reputation due to someone publishing or otherwisedistributing defamatory materialProfessional indemnityinsuranceprovides indemnity for a breach of professional dutyDirectors and officersinsuranceprovides indemnity for office holders/board members who may besued by the organisation for breach of their dutiesAssociation liability insuranceprovides indemnity for the organisation itselfWorkers compensationinsuranceprovides payment to employees if they are injured at work orbecome sick due to their workProperty insurancecovers a wide range of incidents and perils that may damageproperty Risk Management ImplementationRisk management never ends – it is a cycle.Implement, monitor and review the strategies that have beenselected for each risk.Integrate the selected strategies into the ongoing operationsof the sport, facility or event, the recruitment and trainingprograms for employees, and the culture of the organisation.ReferencesASX Corporate Governance Council (2019). Corporate Governance Principles andRecommendations 4th Edition. Retrieved from: for Recreation and Sport (2016) Risk Management Resource for Recreation and SportOrganisations, South Australian Government.Sport Australia (2020). Sport Governance Principles. Retrieved from:


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