Report Style and LayoutFontSubmissions should use an 11- or 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing and have either indented paragraphs,or paragraphs separated by a single line or equivalent spacing. Leave a good margin all around. Use afont that is clear and easy on the eye (e.g. sans-serif fonts such as Ariel, Calibri and Verdana), andavoid exotic fonts such as those that represent handwriting.Length of ReportReports should be 3000 words (+/-10%) in length.Development DetailsDetails on packages used, development environment and software versions should be included on thecover page or as an appendix. If not included marks will be deducted.ReferencesReferences should be made to any quotations given in the work, and to any concepts, ideas, facts,data, etc., which you derive from the work of others, whether in the form of quotation or not.References in the text should follow the Harvard style. Provide details of the author(s), date, inbrackets at the point of citation, with the page number if the reference is to a monograph, e.g.: Thecall for a free flow of information between nations is laudable, but in reality the flow is often dictatedor controlled by the most wealthy countries and commercial organisations (Usher, 2006, p.52);or: As Usher (2006, p.52) has pointed out, the call for a free flow of information betweennations is laudable, but in reality the flow is often dictated or controlled by the most wealthycountries and commercial organisations. Both citation styles are acceptable, but choose one and beconsistent in its application. You should provide a single alphabetically ordered list of works consultedor cited, with inclusive page numbers for articles, etc.QuotationsShort quotations (up to 2 lines) should be included in the text, in double quote marks. Longerquotations should be placed as a separate paragraph, without quote marks, and indented, e.g.: Shortquotation; Drybrush (2002) suggests that “merely documenting procedures is insufficient; you mustalso have proof that you do what you say.” Long quotation; In discussing the relationship betweensociety and information technologies, Hamelin has pointed out that:The question arises whether the historical process in which informatisation evolves frommechanisation implies fundamental changes in the social structures in which it takes place.To answer this, it is helpful to go back to that earlier phase in history which is commonlyreferred to as the industrial revolution (Hamelink, 1999, p.172).In the case of long quotations, the reference should always be placed in brackets at the end of thequotation.Page NumberingNumbering should begin on the first page of the report proper, i.e. the Introduction. Page numbersshould be placed at the bottom centre of the page.Figures, illustrations, etc.Any illustrations, figures, charts or diagrams should be placed in the text as close as possible to thefirst point at which they are mentioned. They should be drawn clearly and each type of illustrationshould be numbered consecutively throughout the report, e.g. Figure 1.1 – Figure 10.3, Table 1.1 –Table 6.4. Try to ensure, where possible, that illustrations and tables fit onto one page, and take carethat they do not run over from the bottom of a page to the top of the next. The source of illustrations(if taken from other works) should be given under the illustration, in the same style as references.Exceptionally, a large number of illustrations, each of which occupies a page, can be gathered togetherinto an appendix at the end of the report. They should still be numbered consecutively, and theappendix should also be numbered.
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