Resources – Racial and Cultural Identity Development Read the following articles

Resources – Racial and Cultural Identity Development
Read the following articles, which will assist you with understanding key aspects of race, racism, and racial identity development in the context of marriage and family therapy:
Laszloffy, T. A., & Hardy, K. V. (2000). Uncommon strategies for a common problem: Addressing racism in family therapy. Family Process, 39(1), 35-50.
Salazar, C. F., & Abrams, L. P. (2005). Conceptualizing identity development in members of marginalized groups. Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research, 33(1), 47-59.
Tokar, D. M, & Swanson, J. L. (1991). An investigation of the validity of Helms’s (1984) Model of white racial identity development. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38(3), 296-301.
Complete the following Capella multimedia presentation that also addresses racial identity development:
Racial Identity Development Model and Implications for Practice: Part 1.
In this video, you will view Dr. Sue speaking about why racial and cultural identity development is an integral part of counselor education and clinical training.
Duration: 15:37.
Optional Discussion: Exploring Your Racial Identity
Use this optional discussion activity as an opportunity to engage in collaborative dialogue and knowledge sharing with your peers.
Discussion Prompt
Review the questions on pages 40 and 41 of the Laszloffy and Hardy article titled, “Uncommon Strategies for a Common Problem: Addressing Racism in Family Therapy (linked in Resources). Answer at least three of the following questions:
1. How do I define myself racially?
2. When did I first become aware of race or skin color in general, and mine in particular?
3. What messages did I learn about race/skin color based on that first experience?
4. What direct and indirect messages did I receive about race/skin color from my family and friends throughout my childhood? Adulthood?
5. How did the messages that I received about race/skin color affect how I thought and felt about myself racially? Others?
6. What benefits did I gain because of my race/skin color?
7. What did I lose because of my race/skin color?
8. Have I ever dated cross-racially? Why or why not?
9. How many friends of a different race do I have?
Laszloffy & Hardy (2000) also state that “While initially, it is helpful to begin exploring these questions alone, eventually it is most helpful to consider these questions in mixed-race groups. It is through cross-racial interactions that the complexities of race and racism become fully revealed” (p. 41). As an additional challenge, consider what it would be like to discuss these questions in a mixed-race group. If you have had the experience of having these kinds of conversations, please reflect on what those were like.
What thoughts and emotions arise as you consider this experience?
What are hopes and fears associated with the prospect of engaging around these questions in a mixed-race group?
Laszloffy, T., Hardy, K. (2000). Uncommon strategies for a common problem: Addressing racism in family therapy. Family Process, 39(1), 35-50.


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