Respiratory-Cardiovascular disease case study

For Bio 160, you would do a case study on your chosen area of Anatomy and Physiology.
To help you do this, I have found one case study for each of your chosen topics and attached it. Use that case study as one of your sources. You can have additional case studies or articles related to the same topic to add to your paper. If you already started with your research, you can include details in your term paper.
This is not a team effort any more due to the current COVID-19 situation. Everyone would write their own term paper and turn it in on Canvas. Your term paper should have the following sections with relevant information to receive full credit. Remember it is worth 100 points, put effort into it. Dont turn in a 1-page paper.

1. The title must have the topic of your paper along with your full name. Also include our class (BIO 160 with section number).

2. Introduction: 1. An introduction with a brief summary of the case and the patient.

3. Content: 2. Information about the system your case study is about. If your case study is regarding the cardiovascular system, include relevant details that would help the reader understand your case.

3. Medical History of patient/s: Include the medical history and lifestyle of the patient as detailed in the case study. You can use additional case studies dealing with the same problem in this.

5. Diagnosis and Treatment plan: Include diagnosis and treatment plan as listed in the case study. Even if it was a one-word answer, find more information in relevant sources. What homeostatic imbalance (disease) do you think the patient suffers from? Give reasons by referring to details from the case study.

4. Conclusion:
The term paper must be clear on the current status of the disease. Why it is important for you as a student to study these cases?

5. Bibliography: A list of all literature cited for your presentation (using APA style) must be included in the last page. Please cite the case study provided as well. (the url is listed on top of each case study)

Your paper would also be graded on Technical Skills. Spellings do count, so be sure to use spell check. You should put relevant & helpful images like graphs and tables. All content should be edited, not just cut & pasted from elsewhere and no plagiarism.

*Case Studies for BIO 160 Term paper*
Respiratory/Cardiovascular disease (Adapted from Student Case Study Example –
L.R., an 81-year-old Caucasian male, was admitted to the Emergency Room at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center with the complaint of progressively worsening exertional shortness of breath for the last 2 weeks. He states that his shortness of breath has been relieved temporarily by rest, and also notes he has had bilateral extremity swelling develop over the past week. He also states that he has had to dramatically reduce his activity level over the past week due to the progressing shortness of breath and lower extremity swelling and that his urinary pattern has decreased. He denies chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, cough, fever, or chills. The patient is currently on the Progressive Care (telemetry) Unit status post aortic valve replacement, left-sided maze procedure, and excision and removal of left atrial thrombus on 2/2; he is currently postoperative day 6. The patients past medical history includes hypertension, coronary artery disease status post stent placement to Left Anterior Descending artery and Right Coronary Artery in 2008, hyperlipidemia, moderate aortic stenosis, sleep apnea (on CPAP at night), and benign prostatic hypertrophy. His past surgical history in addition to the stent placement also includes back and shoulder surgeries approximately 30 years ago. Socially, the patient denies consuming alcohol or illicit drug use. He previously smoked one pack of cigarettes per day for approximately 35 years and quit 3 years ago; he currently chews tobacco approximately 3 times daily. Family history is contributory, and the patient denies allergies to food or medications. The review of symptoms yields positive findings for shortness of breath with exertion, generalized fatigue, and changes in weight gain based on bilateral lower extremity swelling. All other systems are negative for abnormalities.
Diagnostic values include the following: WBC 7.4, Hemoglobin and Hematocrit 9.7/29.2, Platelets 193, Sodium 140, Potassium 4.4, Creatinine 1.65 (decreased from 2.61), INR 2.0, Albumin 3.0, Magnesium 2.2, BNP 330 (decreased from 1054). Morning chest radiograph shows bilateral atelectasis in lower bases with mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette. Post-operative transesophageal echocardiogram showed an increase in ejection fraction from 25% to 35%, confirming the presence of systolic heart failure. Current medications include simvastatin, fish oil, fluoxetine, nicotine patch, vitamin C, multivitamin, docusate, enoxaparin, furosemide, potassium, aspirin, metoprolol, amiodarone, and warfarin.
Nursing Diagnoses
The first problem concerns the patients activity intolerance related to his generalized weakness and imbalance between oxygen supply and demand as evidenced by shortness of breath with exertion and fatigue. The second problem concerns the patients inappropriate voiding pattern related to his systolic heart failure as evidence by his decreased urinary output, increased brain natriuretic peptide level, and increased creatinine level.
Your term paper should have the following points (dont just answer the questions, explain each point in a separate paragraph):
1. An introduction with a brief summary of the case and the patient.

2. A little bit of information about the system your case study is about.

3. Medical history and lifestyle of the patient.

4. Diagnosis and treatment plan as listed in the case study.

5. What homeostatic imbalance (disease) do you think the patient suffers from? Give reasons by referring to details from the case study.

6. Conclusion, why it is important for you as a student to study these cases?


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