Review and analyse the selected Evidence Informed Decision Making articles identifying the characteristics and key findings of the studies. The knowledge derived from this task will be drawn upon to develop a Learning Health System Assessment Report – assignment 2 and a Knowledge Capaci

Assignmet Task


Review and analyse the selected Evidence Informed Decision Making articles identifying the characteristics and key findings of the studies. The knowledge derived from this task will be drawn upon to develop a Learning Health System Assessment Report – assignment 2 and a Knowledge Capacity Development Plan – assignment.


The Executive Director of the Division has identified that the service is not operating as a ‘learning health system’, and therefore failing to function as effectively as required. They have asked for the development of a Learning Health System – Analysis Report (assignment 2) and a Knowledge Capacity Development Plan (assignment 3). Prior to being able to develop the Report and Plan an understanding of current EIDM literature is necessary. A collection of literature related to EIDM has been identified for you to review and assess. The task is to complete the assessment and summarise the material. All required materials – the papers, guiding questions and reporting template – are provided and the two steps are outlined below.


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