Review Question • State your review question using the PICOT format and identify the elements in your PICOT question. Search strategy • Include what databases searched, how many studies identified. • Provide the search string used • State the number of studies selected (intext reference required) and Level of evidence, study design Synthesis of C

Assessment # 2 Knowledge translation poster
Assessment 2 is worth 35% of your final grade and there is no word limit to it. However, the effort you put into this assignment is equivalent to the work you do to complete 2500-word assignment.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop the skills of disseminating research evidence.
Your Task:
Each student will:
• Prepare a power point poster presentation -disseminating the results of an EBP project
• complete a 5-minute presentation in class- presenting the evidence for the review question
Poster Layout
• a basic PPT template is provide.
• Font sizes (Paragraph text: 28 Headings:36-40, Title: 70-72, references 18-20)
Key components of the poster
Project title and your name and student ID:
• Provide a clear title that is relevant to your EBP project
• State your Name and Student ID
Background & Significance (referenced)
• Provide a brief background for the clinical problem and its significance.
Review Question
• State your review question using the PICOT format and identify the elements in your PICOT question.
Search strategy
• Include what databases searched, how many studies identified.
• Provide the search string used
• State the number of studies selected (intext reference required) and Level of evidence, study design
Synthesis of Current evidence
• This includes a combing information from the 5 studies that have investigated the same thing to come to an overall understanding of you found regarding your review question.
• Clinical practice recommendation is your recommendations intended to optimise patient care and assist healthcare practitioners to decide about appropriate health care for a specific clinical circumstance. This is informed by the evidence from the selected studies.
• Provide a list of referenced used in the poster
NURS 2006/: Clinical Governance.
Assessment 2: Marking Rubric: (35%, equivalent of 2500 words)
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Structure and writing style 15%
? Introduces the topic and states aims of the poster.
? The format of the presentation is structured in a logical sequence so that the content flows Fulfils the technical aspects of the task.
? Creative flair in layout; impressive use of colours’
? Succinctly expressed insightful and original thought using exemplary poster presentation skills
Presentation &
(20%) Exceptional delivery and use of audio-visual aids.
Engages and leads the group.
Questions answered in a
knowledgeable manner Excellent delivery using audiovisual aids Effectively
Audience interest maintained Good attempt at answering questions Comprehensive delivery
and use of audio-visual aids
Good attempt to engage group and answer
questions Satisfactory presentation but tended to
read from notes
Satisfactory group engagement with some
difficulty answering questions Poor presentation and
Required prompting to engage the group and answer questions
Visual Presentation
Presents a comprehensive knowledge translation poster.
The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.
Presents a clear and concise knowledge translation poster.
The poster is very appealing in terms of design, layout,
and neatness
Graphics are engaging and enhance the text content is clearly arranged so that the viewer can understand order without narration The poster is appealing in terms of design, layout, and
Graphics enhance the text content is arranged so that the viewer can understand order without narration Some elements of the poster are appealing in terms of
design, layout, and neatness
Visual appeal is adequate; somewhat cluttered; colors and patterns detract from readability
Graphics, adequately enhance the text
Not very visually appealing; cluttered; colors and patterns hinder readability
Use of font sizes/variations to facilitate the organization, presentation, and readability of the research is inconsistent/distracting
Graphics (e.g., tables, figures, etc.) do not enhance the text
Content & Critical analyses (60%)
? The presentation has covered the topic sufficiently.
? The presentation content has clear links to a clinical problem at a healthcare setting.
? Has a depth of understanding of the topic and associated significant issues
? The presentation demonstrates a high degree of critical thought and insight by providing justification/rationale for the discussion
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The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information.
Rich in content. Full of critical and evidence-based thought, insight and analysis.
Demonstrates exemplary critical analysis, synthesis of information and original thought in the identification of highly relevant research articles.
Exceptional knowledge and in-depth understanding of the EBP process dissemination of research evidence
Student can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster.
Shows thorough knowledge and understanding of the chosen topic is evident.
Excellent knowledge and depth of understanding of the EBP process and dissemination of research evidence
Student can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster.
Shows evidence of relevant and sound knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Comprehensive knowledge and depth of understanding of the EBP process and dissemination of research evidence
Student can accurately answer about 75% of questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to
create the poster
Shows basic knowledge of the topic but not a thorough understanding of some key concepts.
Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the EBP process and dissemination of research evidence
Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the facts or processes used in the poster.
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of some key concepts.
Several required elements were missing.
Limited or no knowledge of the EBP process and dissemination of research evidence
? The referencing style used throughout the paper is congruent with the College of Nursing and Health Sciences
? The reference list is accurate (ie no missing page numbers, volumes, correct title etc), complete (ie no reference is the body of the paper are missing from the reference list) and consistent.
? The references cited are contemporary (ie less than 10 years old unless seminal paper)
? Primary references are used predominantly (ie the original reference has been sited rather than a secondary source) ? There is evidence in the paper that the student has searched widely for information related to the topic/ issues
? The student has acknowledged all the sources of information
Direct quotations are only used to make crucial points or to support the discussion/ argument
Referencing (5%) Located, evaluated, and synthesised highly relevant information from quality peer reviewed, relevant, and current evidence sources.
Accurately and consistently adhered to APA (6th) referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list with no errors. Located, evaluated, and synthesised relevant information from peer reviewed, relevant, and current evidence sources. Clear evidence of wide and relevant reading.
Almost always accurately and consistently adhered to APA (6th) referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list.
Located, evaluated, and incorporated a range of quality peer reviewed, relevant, and current evidence sources.
Accurately adhered to APA
(6th) referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list.
Located and collated partly relevant information from the topic and current evidence sources.
Attempt made to adhere to APA (6th) referencing conventions in both in text referencing and the reference list, but some referencing omissions or inaccuracies noted. Frequent errors in APA (6th) referencing style for reference
list and in text referencing
Substantial lack and
Inadequate use of quality peer reviewed, relevant, and current evidence sources.
Overall comment
Name of marker Date Grade
2 |2021


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