RPME1003 – Resources, Processes & Materials Engineering

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Assignment Task


• To understand the basic structure of crystals and polymers

• To differentiate between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers

• To calculate the theoretical density of a crystalline solid based on its structure


Metals and ceramics exist as crystalline solids, which means that the atoms are packed in a regular and repeated fashion, unlike amorphous solids. In glasses, a kind of amorphous solid, the packing of atoms or molecules is disordered with no regularity or alignment. Polymers are made up of tangled, long-chain molecules. The unit that characterises a crystal structure is called its unit cell. The most common unit cells are the simple cubic (SC), body-centred cubic (BCC) and face-centred cubic (FCC). The theoretical density of a metal is related to the structure of the unit cell, which also determines

• the ratio of lattice parameter to atomic radius (a/R),

• the number of atoms per cell (APC),

• the coordination number (CN) and

• the atomic packing factor (APF).

For cubic unit cells, the lattice parameter is the length of a side of the unit cell.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

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