Scenario: In your role as a mentor teacher, you have been tasked with planning a

Scenario: In your role as a mentor teacher, you have been tasked with planning and presenting four 30-minute lunch and learn professional development (PD) sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to provide teachers and staff with brief introductions to critical professional knowledge and practices. The hope is that these brief introductory sessions will foster further professional inquiry. You are excited for the opportunity to support professional growth and development at your early learning site as well as learn and grow alongside your early childhood education colleagues. You make an appointment with your mentor to discuss your approach and begin planning for each of your four assigned lunch and learn sessions. She asks you to brainstorm and prepare ideas/talking points in advance.
You decide to begin a new section in your professional reflection journal – professional development (PD) planning before creating talking point slides. The four topics for the Lunch and Learn professional development (PD) sessions are:
Advancing equity, fairness, and justice in early childhood settings.
Analyzing early childhood education program practices in light of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Interpreting the Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement for personal and professional goals.
Supporting development across the domains: physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and linguistic (including bilingual/multilingual) development.
First, read the above scenario.
Next, reflect on the following and provide your thoughts and own words in your reflection journal entry to prepare for your upcoming professional development sessions.
Develop a list of at least five important talking points for advancing equity, fairness, and justice in early childhood settings.
Use paraphrasing, writing in your own words, instead of quotes from the content.
Develop a list of at least five important talking points for analyzing early childhood education program practices in light of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Use paraphrasing, writing in your own words, instead of quotes from the content.
Develop a list of at least five important talking points for interpreting the Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement for personal and professional goals.
Use paraphrasing, writing in your own words, instead of quotes from the content.
Develop a list of at least five important talking points for supporting development across the domains: physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and linguistic (including bilingual/multilingual) development.
Use paraphrasing, writing in your own words, instead of quotes from the content.
Lastly, create six to ten presentation slides based on your thoughts and talking points for each of the four topics to use during the 30-minute lunch and learn professional development sessions, including title and reference slides.


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