SCUBA DIVING | My Assignment Tutor

SCUBA DIVINGBy Michelle Medeiros da SilvaA00044523Page 1 of 9Table of ContentsIntroduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2The target market …………………………………………………………………………………………………………2Mission and vision statement …………………………………………………………………………………………3Goals and SMART objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………..3SWOT analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………4Risk matrix table ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5Proposed rules……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6Proposed competition for the first year …………………………………………………………………………….7Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7Reference list ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8Page 2 of 9IntroductionScuba diving is one of the popular water sports that take place underwater. Scuba diving isconsidered to be among the best ways to explore the marvelous underwater ecosystem and getclose to the wonders of the marine world. SCUBA is the acronym for ‘Self Contained UnderwaterBreathing Apparatus’ (Lucrezi et al. 2017). The breathtakingly beautiful colors and marineinhabitants are a sight to behold and once under the water, the diver tends to lose account of thetime by being lost in the workmanship of nature. In this sport, the diver uses breathing apparatuswhich is self-contained and is used to breathe while being in the water.The breathing apparatus is completely independent of the surface supply. Usually, compressed airis carried by the divers for breathing and each diver carries their own scuba which allows them agreater degree of independence to move around in the water freely. On the other hand, the diversthat are surface supplied enjoy limited mobility and the breath hold divers experience limitedendurance under the water. The most recommended diving season is considered to be from Octoberto May which, however, tends to vary in different parts of the world. The best conditions for scubadiving are calmer seas, lower rainfall and better visibility.The target marketStudies suggest that the target market of scuba diving majorly should consist of those regions thatare known for iconic mega fauna such as whales and sharks and also, coral reefs (Lucrezi et al.2017). Different tourist destinations across the world offer standardized packages highly theprovisions to interact with the marine ecosystems and the mentioned species. Tropical destinations,by far, are the safest options to allow the sport of scuba diving to get established and thrive.According to Lucrezi and Saayman (2017), the market segmentation of Scuba diving can beapproached via multiple angles owing to the recreational aspects of the sport. Moreover, it issuggested that the socio-demographic profiles of the best scuba divers must be determined by theanalysis of the available data.The target market of scuba diving primarily consists of the customers who are: Moderates,Actualizers, Inner-circles and Fun-seeking Belongers. Hence, it can be comprehended thatheterogeneous market segmentation for scuba divers can be beneficial for both public and privatesector stakeholders. In Australia, particularly, the Great barrier reefs are the best locations wherescuba diving can be developed into a major sport (Lippmann and Taylor, 2020). The service andPage 3 of 9the scuba equipment providers can concentrate their products as well as services to satisfy theneeds and expectations of the niche customers through a cost-effective approach.Mission and vision statementScuba diving is an adventurous sport that not only offers a high recreational value to a vacationbut can be developed into a purposeful sport which can have multifaceted advantages for aparticular region. It allows a region to emerge as a focal point of a booming economy and willoffer increased opportunities of employment and business (Wong et al. 2019). The mission andvision of the scuba diving, hence, can be outlined as follows:MissionThe mission is to deliver successful, cost effective, on time and safe scuba diving sports across theworld. The project is also aimed to commit to explore new opportunities to develop the sportfurther without compromising the reputation and culture of a given location.VisionThe sport is envisioned to be acknowledged by the water sport enthusiasts as a provider so effectiveand innovative subsea recreational activities (Wong et al. 2019). Moreover, the sport is intendedto offer opportunities for the locals to get more jobs, training and knowledge regarding scubadiving and marine ecosystems.Goals and SMART objectivesThe development of a water sport is a relentless activity as it clearly demarcates itself from all theother sports due to various reasons (Albayrak, Caber and Cater, 2019). The peculiar techniques,the sophisticated requirement to undergo training and the cost factor of the sport requires it to bemore strategic and comprehensive in nature. For the present project, the great coral reefs inAustralia have been taken as the target market. The establishment of goals and SMART (Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives would be fundamental for thedevelopment of the sport of scuba diving would allow a clearly defined pathway for the present aswell as the future prospects of the same.GoalsPage 4 of 9In the next 4 to 5 year, it is intended to highlight the sport of scuba diving as a major sport whichtakes place annually and attracts water sports lovers and fun lovers from across the world.Additionally, the creation of a plethora of jobs within the domain of the sport as well as thehospitality sector of the region is another key goal.SMART objectivesFollowing are the SMART goals for the sport:1. Educate the citizens, professionals and the concerned local government authorities on theprospects of conducting scuba diving sport events on a regular basis by 2022.2. Involve as much as 100 locals into the program to increase awareness regarding theadvantages of converting the region into a tourist destination for the next 5 years.3. Continue developing the fundamental infrastructure required for the sport events by theend of 2021.4. Improve the organizational, leadership and professional scuba diving skills of the 100locals by 2022.5. Promote the re-establishment and maintenance of the available locations and beaches bythe end of 2021 and continue it for the next 5 years.6. The launching of the first scuba diving sport event under the present project by October,2021.SWOT analysisA SWOT analysis is among the most classical methods for the determination of the prospects andconcerns of a project. It leads to the determination of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunitiesand Threats for the Scuba diving sport project as mentioned above. Strengths Passionate local people. Well established training programs. International recognition from brands. Appropriate for people for all backgrounds,ages and ethnicity.Weaknesses The identity of the sport is notyet clear. It is often termed as risky forthe tourists. It requires prior training. Time consuming sport. Page 5 of 9  It is often a part of ad campaigns, TV seriesand movies. High dropout rate (Ellilä,2017).Opportunities An increased attention from influencers fromsocial media (Ellilä, 2017). Growing interest in the environment. Support from the Australian government. Training courses in the destination location(Albayrak, Caber and Cater, 2019). Growing interest in outdoor activities forrecreation.Threats Shrinking rate of participants. Deterioration of coral reefs andmarine ecosystem. Water pollution (Wong et al.2019). Uncertain insurance policies. Ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Table 1: SWOT analysis(Source: Self-generated)It can be comprehended from the above table that Scuba diving sport events have a wide range ofprospects of thriving in the market. However, there are certain key threats that need to be counteredfrom appropriate strategies in order to develop it into amjot sport event in the area in the 2 to 3years.Risk matrix table IMPACTAcceptableTolerableUnacceptableIntolerable0123LIKELIHOODImprobableLack ofinterestfrom thelocals Page 6 of 9 PossibleChanging markettrendsProbableHealthandsafety Table 2: Risk matrix(Source: Self-generated)The defined risks are to be minimized by the following strategies:Lack of interest from the locals: It is an improbable risk that can be prevented by conductingthorough awareness campaigns along with promotional events that can be beneficial in grabbingthe attention and interest from the locals (Gerungan and Chia, 2020). Moreover, the economicalaspect of the sport event will automatically attract the locals to be more inclined towardssupporting the event.Changing market trends: It is a possible risk in which the ongoing pandemic, increased travelcosts and government intervention can cause the target audience to drift away from visiting thearea or participating in the sport event (Albayrak et al. 2019; Cater et al. 2020). It can be resolvedwith a successful strategic development of countermeasures with the help of thorough marketresearch.Health and safety: It is a highly probable risk which is intolerable (De Brauwer et al. 2017).Decompression sickness, oxygen toxicity and other health risks need to be prevented withappropriate policies and resources.Proposed rulesThe general rules for the Scuba diving competition such as rule of thirds, uniforms, buddy system,and practice safe ascents will remain the same (Queiroz Neto et al. 2017). Moreover, a participantwill be allowed to participate every year regardless of his/her merit in the previous event. Multipleentries from the same institutions are allowed wherein every candidate will have to appear for ascreening test. There will be four stages in the sport where the successful accomplishment in onegroup qualifies the participant for the next one. The integrated score of all the stages qualifies aparticipant for winning the competition.Page 7 of 9Proposed competition for the first yearThe competition in the first year would include 65 to 70 participants from Australia as well as fromacross the globe (Spalding et al. 2017). For the first-year people of 18 years and above will beparticipating in the competition but in the later years competition for children from 13 to 17 yearsis also envisioned to be organized (Ellilä, 2017).ConclusionScuba diving is an exceptional mode of exploring the majestic and colorful marine life. It allowsthe divers to connect to the serenity and calmness of the underwater world. The sport of scubadiving is a potential activity that can encompass the multifaceted interests of the water sportsenthusiasts and fun lovers to take their love for marine life a notch higher. The sport has a hugeopportunity in the mentioned locations not only in order to uplift the local ecosystem and speciesbut also due to the increased global attention towards environment friendly recreational activities.The proposed annual event of scuba diving competition can emerge as a major attraction in thearea that will furnish an increased opportunity for the sport as well as the tourism industry toflourish.Page 8 of 9Reference listAlbayrak, T., Caber, M. and Cater, C., 2019. Mass tourism underwater: A segmentation approachto motivations of scuba diving holiday tourists. Tourism Geographies, pp.1-16.Cater, C., Albayrak, T., Caber, M. and Taylor, S., 2020. Flow, satisfaction and storytelling: Acausal relationship? Evidence from scuba diving in Turkey. Current Issues in Tourism, pp.1-19.De Brauwer, M., Harvey, E.S., McIlwain, J.L., Hobbs, J.P.A., Jompa, J. and Burton, M., 2017.The economic contribution of the muck dive industry to tourism in Southeast Asia. Marine Policy,83, pp.92-99.Ellilä, S., 2017. Researching consumer behaviour of Chinese scuba divers.Gerungan, A. and Chia, K.W., 2020. Scuba diving operators’ perspective of scuba diving tourismbusiness in Nusa Penida, Indonesia. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 31, p.100328.Lippmann, J. and Taylor, D.M., 2020. Medical conditions in scuba diving fatality victims inAustralia, 2001 to 2013. Diving Hyperb. Med, 50, pp.98-104.Lucrezi, S. and Saayman, M., 2017. Sustainable scuba diving tourism and resource use:Perspectives and experiences of operators in Mozambique and Italy. Journal of cleanerproduction, 168, pp.632-644.Lucrezi, S., Milanese, M., Markantonatou, V., Cerrano, C., Sarà, A., Palma, M. and Saayman, M.,2017. Scuba diving tourism systems and sustainability: Perceptions by the scuba diving industryin two Marine Protected Areas. Tourism management, 59, pp.385-403.Queiroz Neto, A., Lohmann, G., Scott, N. and Dimmock, K., 2017. Rethinking competitiveness:important attributes for a successful scuba diving destination. Tourism Recreation Research, 42(3),pp.356-366.Spalding, M., Burke, L., Wood, S.A., Ashpole, J., Hutchison, J. and Zu Ermgassen, P., 2017.Mapping the global value and distribution of coral reef tourism. Marine Policy, 82, pp.104-113.Wong, C.M., Conti-Jerpe, I., Raymundo, L.J., Dingle, C., Araujo, G., Ponzo, A. and Baker, D.M.,2019. Whale shark tourism: impacts on coral reefs in the Philippines. Environmental management,63(2), pp.282-291.


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