Section I Ageing, Demographic and Social Policy Context 1. Describe the changing demography of older Australians in the last two decades. Explain how ageism contributes to meeting the needs of the older age group. (Word Count 150 words) (Marks 8) 2. Describe the key drivers of change in the aged care policy ? Discuss the recent aged care policy reforms and its implication for social work practice. (Word count 200). Marks 8) 3. Briefly discuss the contemporary frameworks of ageing, ‘active ageing’, successful ageing, productive ageing and healthy ageing. Critically examine the implications for older people of each framework. (Word count 200) Marks 8) 4. Read the case study to answer the following questions. A.) Choose Erikson’s theory of psycho-social developmen

Social Work with Older People
Assignment 2 –Journal (2,250 words)
Key Guidelines
• The assessment has two sections and each section includes individual questions.
• You are required to answer each question in the section.
• You can download this word document and answer the questions as given below.
• You are required to provide a brief answer to each question. No dot points should be used, use normal sentence structure.
• The word count is given for each question. Overall word count can be 10 % more or less for the entire paper.
• Minimum one reference should be used for each question. Provide a complete reference list at the end of the document and not after each answer.
• Answer questions in the third person (Being a social worker), you can use ‘I’ when you are asked to reflect on an issue and provide your perspective.
• Make sure that you answer all the questions to be awarded full marks. If you do not answer one or two questions, then you will lose marks allocated for the question.
• Use Times Roman, font size 12, check for spelling and grammar errors before submission.
• This is an academic paper so make sure you are paraphrasing to avoid academic integrity issues.
• You must read the feedback sheet attached to understand the criteria for the assessment. Feedback will be provided on the feedback sheet.
Section I
Ageing, Demographic and Social Policy Context
1. Describe the changing demography of older Australians in the last two decades. Explain how ageism contributes to meeting the needs of the older age group. (Word Count 150 words) (Marks 8)
2. Describe the key drivers of change in the aged care policy ? Discuss the recent aged care policy reforms and its implication for social work practice.
(Word count 200). Marks 8)
3. Briefly discuss the contemporary frameworks of ageing, ‘active ageing’, successful ageing, productive ageing and healthy ageing. Critically examine the implications for older people of each framework. (Word count 200) Marks 8)
4. Read the case study to answer the following questions.
A.) Choose Erikson’s theory of psycho-social development and explain how it contributes to understanding the unique experiences of aging of Darlene and Vernon. (read the case study). (Word count 200 words) Marks 8)
B.) Using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems model, determine which systems had an impact in the later years of life. (Word count 200 words) Marks 8)
Case study (adapted from Bernoth & Winkler, 2022 Healthy ageing and aged care).
Darlene was born in 1950 in a farming family. She was married to Vernon in 1970 and lived on his parent’s farm while he was away serving in the army. Upon his return, the couple moved to a regional city where Vernon would do a salaried job and she would look after the household. Darlene decorated their small house with her creativity and made their house a home.
They lost most of their belongings in a house fire. They saw this disaster as an opportunity to do something different. The couple borrowed money from the farming community and moved to Tasmania to start their own business in the food industry. Darlene would support her husband in running the business and also manage the household of four children. In fifteen years, they were very well off and sold the business at a good profit.
The couple was in their late fifties and started relaxing and enjoying their retired life. They traveled around Australia via Road and later bought a boat to cruise around. Their retirement was going well enjoying life with leisure activities. Suddenly, Vernon started developing arthritis pain and Darlene was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Now they were having many trips to see GP and specialists and at times hospital stay. The money previously spent on excursions was going to treat ailments and purchase medication.
At the same time, two of their daughters got divorced and came to stay with them. Although, good to have grandchildren at home, it was tiring and financially draining for them. The couple sought help from their son. Emotionally they both were feeling low and started on medication for depression. Darlene felt she has wasted her life. Looking back at her life she felt she had made little or no impact on anyone’s life. She had been a housewife only and did not contribute to society. She was neither happy with the outcomes of her children.
5. Explain the social model/perspectives contrary to the biomedical model to understand disability in older people. How does this perspective inform social workers’ practice? Give example/s. (Word count 250) Marks 10)
Section 2
Practice Context
6. Explain the ‘notion of risk’ with older adults. How does it present an ethical dilemma when retaining a client’s autonomy and self-determination? What ethical principles/guidelines will inform your practice in working through this ethical dilemma? (Word count 200) (Marks 8)
7. Explain person-centered care. Apply a person-centered approach in working with an older person in a palliative setting? (Word count 150) (Marks 8)
8. Identify and discuss the significant risk to the health and well-being of families and caregivers of older adults including spousal care and co-dependence of older people on each other. What provisions do you find in the Australian legislation and policies that you would use to support them? (Word count 200) (Marks 10)
9. Answer the following questions:
What type of abuse is evident in the case scenario?
What might be its impact upon Agnes?
How would you support Agnes in your role as a social worker?
(Word count 250) (Marks 12)
Case study Agnes
Emily, a caseworker who works for the local council, arrives at the home with a ‘For sale’ sign out front. The owner of the home is her client, Agnes, an older person with early stage dementia of Italian background. Upon entering the home, Emily finds boxes piled in the lounge. Agnes barely acknowledges the caseworker, who let herself in as the door is unlocked. Distraught and tearful, Agnes says she is looking for a photograph of her late husband, but in all the chaos she can’t find anything. Emily escorts Agnes into the kitchen, where there are papers and clutter covering the table. As they chat, Agnes shares that she has to move from the house her husband loved because her daughter Lucy says she can’t afford it anymore.
Lucy arrives and is surprised to find someone in the house. When Lucy opens the cupboard door, Emily notices there is very little food in it. As Lucy insists that everything is fine, Agnes gets more upset and leaves the kitchen. On her way out, she bumps Lucy’s handbag, which falls on the floor and a few items spill out: unpaid bills, and Keno and lottery tickets. While Lucy is picking up the Keno tickets and unpaid bills and putting them back in her bag, Emily asks about Agnes’ proposed living situation once the house is sold and Lucy rudely responds by informing the caseworker that it is none of her business, but that her mother will be living with her. Emily sees Agnes wipe away tears as she goes to walk out the door. Agnes is still looking for things including a photo of her and John.
Case study taken from Chapter 7, Elder Abuse by Brijnath, B, O’halloran , K and Dow, B, 2022, in Bernoth & Winkler, 2022 Healthy Ageing and Aged care.
10. Briefly discuss cultural diversity amongst older Australians. Based on the case scenario identify some of the micro,-meso and macro level issues in Amanpreet’s situation and discuss how rural location might have impacted her life situation. Discuss how would you improve her well-being using a psychosocial model. (Word count 250) (Marks 12)
Case studyAmanpreet:
Amanpreet is from the Sikh community in India. She lived until the age of 58 years in India where she worked in Indian public services. She lost her husband after 10 years of marriage and solely raised her two children Sukhjeet and Saranjeet.
Saranjeet(daughter) got married in India and was living a few miles away from her mother’s house. Amanpreet’s son decided to migrate to Australia with his wife and two children and settled in a rural town in New South Wales.
Amanpreet was left alone in the house and it was becoming difficult for her to live there by herself. She could not go and live with her daughter due to cultural reasons. She migrated to Australia after five years and lived with his son. Her son and daughter-in-law expected her to look after the household which she did initially however, it was becoming difficult due to rising health issues. She also could not go anywhere as she did not have a driving license and had previously relied on local transport in India. She did not have friends in the rural town and no family and friends to visit. Occasionally she would go to a prayer meeting organized by the Sikh community in a nearby town with her son. Largely she confined herself to the house and felt the language was a barrier to making friends with Australian people.
Assessment feedback
Social Work with Older people (HUMS 4001)
Assignment 2: Journal – 2,250 words
(50% of final grade)
Key components of this assignment include
1.Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the perspectives on ageing, ageism, demographic trends, policies and theoretical frameworks to understand ageing experience of older people, and the ability to critically reflect upon its implications for social work practice.
2.Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of needs and issues faced by people in older age and an ability to provide ethical, person-centered care through the application of knowledge and skills to provide effective service to diverse older people.
3.The ability for Critical Self-reflection
Demonstration of a reflective approach through examining one’s own experiences and perspectives in learning about social work practice with older people.
4. Professional skills in communication
Adhere to an academic writing convention.
Writing is of a professional standard. Contains no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors
A minimum of 10-12 references is required from academic sources.
Use APA 7th edn referencing convention
Marks allocated for each question

<p>The post Section I Ageing, Demographic and Social Policy Context 1. Describe the changing demography of older Australians in the last two decades. Explain how ageism contributes to meeting the needs of the older age group. (Word Count 150 words) (Marks 8) 2. Describe the key drivers of change in the aged care policy ? Discuss the recent aged care policy reforms and its implication for social work practice. (Word count 200). Marks 8) 3. Briefly discuss the contemporary frameworks of ageing, ‘active ageing’, successful ageing, productive ageing and healthy ageing. Critically examine the implications for older people of each framework. (Word count 200) Marks 8) 4. Read the case study to answer the following questions. A.) Choose Erikson’s theory of psycho-social developmen first appeared on Your academic Solution.</p>


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