Secure LAN Design and WAN Connectivity – Case Study

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Scenario: A company ‘EXCEL FINANCE’ is coming to your city to expand their business operation.They are in a financial investment business, where customers and employee’s data are very critical.They are primarily based in Dublin (head office). However, they want to expand their business toDonegal county. Their main requirements are to have an established network design with meetingrooms, departmental offices, executive and admin offices. Their office is on a two-floor facility withground floor and first floor. The building is 100 m east-west and 80 m north-south. Height of eachfloor is approximately 4 meters.They want to outsource their network design; however, security is their main concern. For whichthey want a feasibility report. As a network administrator, you must plan first the network, its designand strategy to securely implement the network.


PART A: Local Area Network:They need departmental offices and meeting rooms CEO room, HR, Finance, admin, executiverooms, and meeting rooms. Each room will have at least 5 connections. The reception will have onenetwork connection and IP phone. The first and ground floor plan is given in the Figure below. InCEO two connections will be sufficient.

Mark up the site drawings with cabinets, cableways and point locations, such that a cabling projectcan be designed and priced. You need to make sure you think of the site in three dimensions. Addwhatever notes you deem necessary. You also need to provide a wire list. Locate your MDF and

IDFs as well. Which room will you fix as your control or server room? Design also your IPaddressing scheme.Build a prototype network in Packet Tracer, allowing the customer to see how their LAN willfunction. Demonstrate key services, like routing, DNS, DHCP, SYSLOG, NTP etc. Yourconfigurations must show as much attention to detail as possible and should represent good practice.Each occupant will have a PC and access to a shared multi-function device (MFD) forprinting/copying.There is currently no layout/design available for these offices and other rooms. You can fix theconnection points, doors, and cabinet or placement of switches and routers, yourself.

NOTE: In packet tracer file, you need to show a secure network while considering the best practicesand efficient connectivity.

PART B: WAN connectivity (Site-to-site connectivity)

The company also wants a secure connection with their head office in Dublin. The LAN network isalready established at Dublin office. As they are a financial related company their major concern issecurity of their data and communication. The employees want to have a secure connection betweentheir Dublin office and Donegal office servers.They also want an initial report for their network WAN connectivity. Draw a network diagram toshow the site-to-site connectivity with WAN, and appropriate VPN connection. Use the servers aswell on both sites and provide access to each site employees. Use your own IP addressing scheme forboth sites. Donegal site topology will be from part A of this assignment. For Dublin site use a basictopology with only few PCs and servers with required number of routers and switches to facilitatethe Dublin LAN network. Further, you will be required as follows for a secure connection betweentwo sites.• A WAN link between two sites. (redundant links will be better)• Secure servers’ access. (DMZs can be used to place most of the servers like DHCP, DNS,Email, FTP, HTTP service etc)• A firewall securing the inside network and providing connections for DMZs and externalconnectivity. (Remember, a DMZ is a zone which can be accessed both by inside andoutside network)

• Appropriate policies to secure the network using allow/deny traffic to/from different interfaces (Firewall and routers, where necessary).• Audit plan

Apply the policies carefully, according to the flow of traffic and best practices. For example, theDMZ can be accessed from both inside and outside network, so a policy should allow the traffic,but which type of traffic should be allowed, it’s up to you. But security should not becompromised. Apply the policies based on the requirements. For example, a server (DHCP) isrunning on one site, but the other site should not receive this traffic as they have their own serversof this kind, so choose appropriate interface to apply the policies to block this type of network.This is just an example; you can choose to block your own decided type of traffic. But descriptionshould be provided for each policy in the report as why such policy is implemented to secure thesite, and flow as well, like inbound and outbound. For example, TCP traffic, and SSH for remoteconnectivity can be allowed.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 20th, 2019

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