Assignment 2: Securing system using IPTable firewall
Due Week 8, Worth 25%
You are required to set up, configure, and test your firewall. You need to do research and reading to
be able to complete this assignment.
You need to discuss the main uses, limitations, and possible security holes of your firewall and write
it in your report. You should test that following packages are installed on your machines: Telnet,
MySQL, and Apache webserver. Start the services, and test that they are working prior to your
experiments with the IPTables firewall. Include screenshots in your answers to show that the services
are working and the output of your results to show that the requested filtering is performed.
You need to save copies of all different configurations (for each part) that you have done. (You
should include your firewall rules and the results (screenshots) in the report)
Configure your firewall to:
1. Reject all
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