Self-select a contemporary topic or issue on a topic of healthcare law or ethics and write a 6-8 page paper. Your paper should be formatted following APA 7th edition guidelines. This is a persuasive paper so you will choose one side of the topic and argue that side. You will support your argument. You are trying to convince y

Healthcare law or Ethics


Self-select a contemporary topic or issue on a topic of healthcare law or ethics and write a 6-8 page paper.

Your paper should be formatted following APA 7th edition guidelines. This is a persuasive paper so you will choose one side of the topic and argue that side. You will support your argument. You are trying to convince your audience that whatever stance you are taking is the right one and the one.

Topic Examples:

Physician-Assisted Suicide

Death Panels

How Informed is Informed Consent?

Healthcare Reform

Universal Healthcare in the United States



Prisoners receiving and donating organs

Ethics of selling organs

Compulsory vaccinations

Age of consent for refusing life-saving healthcare treatment


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