short response to each question 1. You may or may not remember the recession of

short response to each question
1. You may or may not remember the recession of 2008-2010,
Considering this recession, what were the primary affects of this recession on monetary policy, namely banking institutions? Share any thoughts you have on how this could have been avoided or the wife-spread affects softened.
2. As the USA continues to increase its debt position, it may be heard that the government “can just print more money.”
Considering that overly-general statement, what might be the economic impacts of the government increasing the production of money in order to lower its debt? Should increasing the money supply be used, in part, as a repayment strategy? Why or why not?
3. It has been said that “Inflation is when money does not tell the truth.”
Do you agree with the above statement? Why or why not? Please cite at least one example to support the position taken
4. Disregard political positions in this discussion – no Democrat or Republican comments.
Can (or should) government have the responsibility or power to spend its way to prosperity? Agree or disagree? Please share an example from history, current or recent (since WWII) to support your position
5. The Fed’s primary goal is to influence monetary policy and promote stable pricing (supply and demand). When the Fed’s interest rate is at or near zero, what tools does it have left at its disposal? Please explain.
6. Supply and Demand – the primary discussion of economics.
There are numerous examples of what shifts the supply and demand positions of this curve. In the long-run, it is expected that leveling occurs and equilibrium is achieved. However, in the short-run, market conditions can have great impacts on variables. Select one or the other, Supply or Demand, and share one example of how this line is affected by market conditions


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