SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practices | My Assignment Tutor

SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 ABN 28 615 702 335ACN 615 702 335CRICOS Provider Code: 03647CRTO Provider Code 45272335: 03647CSITXFSA002Participate in safefood practicesTask 3Assessmnt SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0Blue Bay College89 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150T: (02) 8897 3814 28 615 702 335ACN 615 702 335CRICOS Provider Code: 03647CRTO Provider Code 45272SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 Your Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) at Blue Bay College1. It is your duty to inform staff at Blue Bay College if you see, hear or comeacross any incident, situation or hazard that might require immediateattention2. In case of an emergency evacuation, you are required to follow theinstructions provided by your trainer. While exiting the building, keep calmand walk alongside the hand rails. SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0Assessment Task 3Practical demonstration Learner’s nameLearner’s ID numberUnit code and titleSITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesAssessor’s nameAssessment overviewYou must demonstrate you can participate in safe food handling practices in foodproduction functions in line with organisational hygiene procedures on at least 3 occasions.You must demonstrate procedures to follow a food safety program and handle food safetyat each of the following critical control points:● receiving● storing● preparing● processing● displaying and or serving● packaging● transporting● disposing.You will also demonstrate your ability to maintain a clean environment and dispose of foodsafely.This assessment is divided into 10 steps and each step must be completed on at least 3occasions.It is preferred that the assessment takes place in the work environment on at least 3occasions; however, if the learner is unable to complete one or more instances in theworkplace, a simulated work environment may be arranged.Simulated work environmentIf a simulated industry environment is being used, you will need to arrange a separateobservation with the learner where access to the required resources as listed below will beprovided. The learner must be given sufficient notice so that they can present themselves ina clean and tidy uniform including appropriate shoes, apron and a hat.The learner may participate in the following suggested activities:● Preparing sushi rolls with a variety of fillings, including fresh and raw food products,cooked food products and processed food products. Sushi rolls could include tunaand pickled cucumber, miso salmon with avocado, spicy chicken with ginger, oravocado with carrot and cucumber.● Preparing wraps with a variety of fillings, including fresh and raw food products,cooked food products and processed food products. Examples may include coldchicken with lettuce and mayonnaise, lettuce with carrot, cucumber, tomato andbeetroot, or egg with lettuce and mayonnaise. SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 Assessor instructionsEnsure that the environment meets healthand safety requirements prior toassessment.The premises’ food safety program,including policies and procedures, must beavailable to the learner prior to theassessment. If they are not available,learners must be provided with a samplefood safety program from their state’s foodsafety authority.If a simulated environment is being used,you will need to arrange access to therequired resources as listed.The learner is required to be given sufficientnotice so that they can present themselvesin a clean uniform including appropriateshoes, apron and a hat.Learner instructionsYou should present yourself dressed readyfor work in a commercial kitchen.If you are unable to complete one or more ofthe instances required in the workplace,make alternative arrangements with yourassessor. Your assessor will arrange asimulated work environment where accessto the required resources as listed below willbe provided.The timeframe and deadlines will benegotiated between your and your assessor.Read this checklist before your assessmentto make sure you understand what isrequired.Assessment conditionsSkills must be demonstrated in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be:● an industry workplace● a simulated industry environment.Required resourcesFor this assessment, learners must have access to:● fixtures:○ commercial grade workbenches○ refrigeration unit○ sink○ storage facilities● small equipment:○ assorted pots and pans○ containers for hot and coldstorage○ crockery○ cutting boards○ food handler gloves○ knives○ packaging materials○ receptacles for presentationand display purposes○ small utensils:– tongs– serving utensils● temperature monitoring device suchas a thermometer probe● appropriate facilities for handwashing:○ designated handwashing sink○ antiseptic liquid soap○ single use towels○ warm running water SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 ● food ingredients and ready-to-eat food items● current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the commonwealth, state,territory or local government food safety authority● Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code● current commercial food safety programs, policies and procedures used formanaging food safety. Observation checklist 1. The learner demonstrated they can access and follow a food safety program by:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Finding information to support thefood safety program such as policies,procedures, flow charts andmonitoring sheets   b. Reading, understanding and actingon the information correctly   c. Completing food safety monitoringprocesses such as:   i. monitoring and recording foodtemperatures using atemperature measuring deviceaccurate to +/- 1 degree Celsius   ii. monitoring and recordingtemperature of cold and hotstorage equipment   iii. checking stored food forfreshness, quality andappearance   d. Completing food safety documentsas needed    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 e. Providing example of documentscompleted; for example:● coolroom or freezer temperaturelog● label and dating of food to bestored● temperature sheet for deliveryreceived● cleaning and sanitising schedule● other (provide details)_____________________________   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    2. The learner is able to identify and report non-conforming practices, including:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Food spillage or leakage   b. Unhygienic practices   c. Uncovered or poorly stored fooditems   d. Contaminated or spoiled food   e. Faulty or unhygienic equipment   f. Chipped, broken, cracked or faultydrinking or food utensils   g. Pest evidence or activity   h. Taking corrective action whenappropriate   i. Disposing of food products whenrequired    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 j. Reporting to supervisor/managerwhen required   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    3. The learner is able to handle delivery of stock by:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Using thermometers to check thetemperature of delivered items   b. Reading thermometer and recordedtemperature correctly   c. Visually checking product forfreshness including smell, visualageing, thawing   d. Visually checking and ensuringpackaging is not compromised   e. Checking use-by or best-before date   f. Rejecting stock that is compromisedor not at appropriate temperature   g. Identifying and selecting the suitablestorage conditions for the product   h. Decanting food into appropriatecontainers when required   i. Ensuring coolroom and freezertemperatures are at acceptablelevels   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 4. The learner consistently followed food safety procedures by:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Heating or reheating food to above75°C when required   b. Monitoring temperature and notleaving food in danger zone(between 5°C and 60°C) for morethan 1 hour   c. Monitoring temperature of frozenfood and ensuring food remainsfrozen at 18°C or below   d. Monitoring and recording foodtemperatures using a temperaturemeasuring device, such as acalibrated thermometer   e. Cooling food according to required standards by:i. spreading large quantities offood into smaller containers   ii. ensuring adequate airflow   iii. checking temperature isreducing   iv. ensuring internal temperature offood is from 60°C to 21°C in amaximum of 2 hours   v. ensuring food cools from 21°C to5°C in maximum of 4 hours   vi. storing food at appropriatelocation in coolroom accordingto food type, e.g. dairy, meatand vegetables on differentshelves; cooked food on topshelves, raw foods below    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    5. The learner is able to consistently control food hazards by:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Maintaining a supply of clean utensilsand crockery for use   b. Using the correct coloured choppingboard and utensils and/or washingand sanitising chopping boards andutensils between tasks   c. Using gloves and PPE, including aclean uniform   d. Using the wash-peel-rewash(WPRW) procedure for vegetablesand washing all fruits   e. Covering, separating and storingfood correctly to maximise productfreshness, quality and appearanceby:   i. storing foods in appropriatefood-grade containers that areclean and sanitised, heatproof orcan withstand cold temperatures   ii. correct labelling, such as use-bydate and nutritional information   iii. separating foods according tofood type, e.g. dairy, meat andvegetables on different shelves;cooked food on top shelves, rawfoods below   iv. ensuring appropriate storage    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 temperature for different itemsf. Washing and drying hands:   i. using correct handwashingfacility   ii. before commencing orrecommencing handling food   iii. between tasks   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    6. The learner is able to display and serve food by:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Storing food according to the2hour/4hour rule:   i. Food held between 5°C and60°C for less than 2 hours canbe used, sold or put back in thecoolroom   ii. Food held between 5°C and60°C for 2–4 hours can be usedor sold but cannot be put back inthe coolroom   iii. Food held between 5°C and60°C for 4 hours or more mustbe thrown away   b. Ensuring food is covered andprotected from contamination   c. Displaying food and maintainingequipment at required temperatures,e.g. hot food items at a minimum of80°C, cold food below 5°C    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 d. Ensuring protective barriers in place   e. Supervising customers and foodhandlers to prevent unsafe contactwith food, including using separateutensils for each dish   f. Reading and following instructionsfor use of single-use items   g. Using single-use items once only anddisposing as required   h. Disposing of food when time fordisplay has lapsed   i. Checking internal temperature beforeserving to customers   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    7. The learner is able to minimise waste and contamination by:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Disposing of waste in appropriatecontainers   b. Separating waste, recycling and foodscraps according to workplaceprocedures   c. Ensuring waste is covered or sealedas required   d. Ensuring consumables are separatedfrom waste or area   e. Regularly emptying waste to preventcontamination and accumulation   List additional criteria as relevant (based    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 on house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required. 8. The learner is able to consistently dispose of food safely, including:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Checking use-by dates   b. Clearly labelling items for disposal   c. Separating and storing appropriatelyuntil item can be disposed of   d. Separating waste, recycling and foodscraps according to workplaceprocedures   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    9. The learner is able to clean and sanitise, including:DateAssessor/Supervisor initialsObservation number123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Packing down afterservice/preparation   b. Cleaning and sanitising surfaces,benches, floors, walls and items thatcannot go in the dishwasher   c. Identifying and using correctchemicals for purpose   d. Measuring and mixing chemicalsaccurately and safely according to    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 manufacturer’s instructions or safetydata sheet (SDS)e. Cleaning and sanitising eating anddrinking utensils   f. Storing products in appropriatecontainers that are food-grade,washed and sanitised, heatproof orable to withstand cold temperatures   g. Storing products to maintainfreshness and integrity according tofood type   h. Storing products according toorganisational procedures   i. Cleaning and sanitising equipment,e.g. slicing machines, blenders,mincers   j. Disposing of or reporting chipped,broken or cracked eating, drinking orfood-handling utensils   k. Identifying and reporting cleaning,sanitising and maintenancerequirements   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    10. The learner is able to handle transport of food items by:Observation numberDateAssessor/Supervisor initials123AssessorcommentsSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryS US US Ua. Ensuring items are packaged asrequired   b. Checking transport unit for requiredtemperature and cleanliness    SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 c. Checking core temperature of foodwhen loading   d. Checking core temperature duringtransport, if required   e. Checking core temperature of itemson arrival at destination   f. Completing documentation fortransport as required   g. Accepting returned items if relevant   List additional criteria as relevant (basedon house policy provided, and statelegislation); or remove if not required.    Comments, declaration and signature AssessorcommentsAssessmentvenueAssessornameAssessordeclarationI declare that all requirements in Assessment Task 3 have beensatisfactorily completed and verbally authenticated if required.AssessorsignatureDateSupervisornameSupervisorsignatureDate Learner nameLearner declarationI declare that I have been informed of and accept the results of thispart of my assessment. SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food practicesModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 Learner signatureDate


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