Sorry for just give you less than 2 days. This should be a learning portfolio of

Sorry for just give you less than 2 days. This should be a learning portfolio of myself, about what I’ve learned and what I’ve improved and what skill I developed during the study. I’ll tell you a bit of myself and the other stuff just depends on you, you could make up or write it based on some of your own experiences. I’m a guy from China, and I’m learning Master degree in UK. I’m good at critical thinking, innovation, stress management, and I’m quite self-aware. But I’m quite shy and quite lazy sometimes. During the group discussion, I’m too shy to talk and I worried about my English skills are imature. And I always skip classes and participation log(its a short record of what I did during the workshop, which I need to submit every week. workshops are usually just answer questions and group discussions. You could check the workshop files to see the contents). Maybe you could choose the 2 topics based on my information. Sorry for the unsorted files as well…


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