Statment of Purpose

This is an SoP for admission to the graduate civil engineering program at Columbia University in the city of New York. A draft of the SoP is provided with the attached files. A screenshot from the university website of what the content of the SoP needs to be, my undergrad academic transcript (Architectural Engineering with structural focus), and my resume. I would also want to better communicate the parts in my draft SOP that indicate that I lived in multiple countries prior to being admitted to the US as a refugee and how that has helped shape my experience. I do NOT want them to dominate the essay but to be clear for the reader to understand this fact.
To clarify it for you, I am an Iraqi, I moved to the UAE when I was 11 y.o, from 2003-2017 (resident), then moved to Jordan from 2017- 2021 (refugee status), and now legally settled in the US since 2021.


  • Statment of Purpose
  • What are your thoughts about the validity of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis in strategic planning?
  • Determine which stakeholder groups have the most influence on each of the elements identified in the formal SWOT analysis and provide an explanation of the rationale to support your identification and how they impact the organizations strategic plan.
  • Discuss a system of communication that is, or was, used in a past or present organization in which you worked.
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Write a first-person narrative essay about an event that impacted your life. Include the conflict and the resolution in your narrative and develop the story line appropriately to engage the reader. Remember, the most effective narratives follow a five-point development series (see below for a description of the five points).
  • Identification of Research Statement
  • Effect: Access to fresh produce and other healthy food is limited in lower income communities.
  • Strategic communications
  • How do you feel about any of these or other efforts to amend the Constitution?


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