Strategies for resource and environmental management | My Assignment Tutor

Academic Year 2020/2021Strategies for resource and environmental management(P26792)CourseworkDeadline For IndividualReport Submission:23:00 Hrs, Friday 21 May 2021Submission InstructionsOnline via MoodleInstructions forcompleting assessment:Submit an individual report and a copy of yourpresentation online through MoodleExaminer (s):Professor Hom Dhakal 2020-21 Page 2 of 31.0 BackgroundThe following strategic themes have been identified that relate to strategies for resource and environmentalmanagement:1. Renewable energy sources – Exploiting new renewable/clean energy sources to replace energygenerated from fossil fuels to reduce environmental impact2. Recovery of glass and carbon fibres from composite wind turbine blades after their end of life– Investigating the environmental burden caused by glass and carbon fibres reinforced compositeswind turbine blades waste after their end of life (EoL) and suggesting how these carbon fibres can berecovered/recycled so that sustainability and circularity (zero wastes) approaches realised.3. New sustainable packaging materials – Exploit new sustainable packaging materials to reduceenvironmental impact caused by non-renewable plastics packaging. Within this context, the report isexpected to analyse and adhere circular economy principles in comparison to linear ‘take – make – use–dispose – repeat’ (TMUDR) pathway.4. New emerging technologies (Electric and hydrogen fuel cell) – Investigation of the suitability ofthese new technologies to reduce CO2 emissions generated from the automotive vehicles.5. Automotive industry moving towards sustainability through lightweighting approach – Exploitnew sustainable lightweight materials/approaches to reduce overall CO2 emission.2.0 Task (refer to UD learning & teaching and assessment schedule strategies).2.1 Prepare 3 sides of A4 text (not more than 1000 words) as your individual work, with 3 maximumppt slides attached on A4 size, developed from your agreed topic that critically reviews the chosenstrategic theme. Hand in to moodle by 23:00h Friday 21 May 2021.3.0 Learning outcomes.Understanding LOs items 1 and 2 of module aims – formulate and critically assess, evolve criteria formaterials selection/strategies for reduced ecological impact.Strengthened research, teamwork and presentation skills.Understanding of items 1 and 2 of module Learning Outcomes at threshold level – formulate, evolve,relate.Understanding of the complex relationships of syllabus topics 1 – 5.2020-21Page 3 of 34.0 Marking Scheme.Written submission will be assessed for correct structure as defined above, written text content, researchcontent, references and ppt slides (20%)Marking scheme for individual report: MarkMSc programmes (level 7)70 – 100%An excellent and well organised piece of work demonstrating a very clear andfull understanding of the subject matter, exceptional effort in the work, whethertheoretical or practical, and a good measure of originality and criticalreflection.60 – 69%A very good/good piece of work demonstrating a clear understanding of thesubject matter and a good degree of effort in the work, whether theoretical orpractical. The work may be well executed although not very original, or itmay have some originality but a few flaws.50 – 59%A good/acceptable piece of work, showing a reasonable understanding of thesubject matter, but with some weaknesses in comprehension, theoretical/practical work and presentation. Learning outcomes just met.40 – 49%Failure: Unsatisfactory work, which shows weaknesses in understandingof the subject matter. Has inadequate theoretical/practical work. Learningoutcomes not met.30 – 39%Failure: Unsatisfactory work, which shows significant weaknesses inunderstanding of the subject matter. Has inadequate theoretical/practicalwork. Learning outcomes not met.0 – 29%Failure: Insufficient work done. Explanations are incoherent or missing.An evident lack of understanding is shown. Learning outcomes not met.


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