Submission DeadlineMarks and FeedbackBefore 10am on:12/11/202120

Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)
15 working days after deadline (L6)
10 working days after deadline (block delivery)
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Unit title & code
Continuing Professional Development MAR027-3
Assignment number and title
Assignment 1: Portfolio
Assignment type
Weighting of assignment
Size or length of assessment
The word-limit for the assignment is 2,000 words (+/- 10%). This does not include the title page, executive summary, table of contents, reference list and appendices.
Unit learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of self-assessment techniques and tools to gain insight into your preferred learning style, team roles and personality as applied to the working environment, in particular the process of leading and working with people in international teams to achieve goals and objectives.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities articulate a focus on continuous learning by analysing connections between experiences of working with others, specified personal development needs and their role in career development as well as utilising a range of self- evaluation skills to inform decision-making in respect of working with others to maximise your performance. This reflection will help to form the basis of development plan.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
This is a portfolio based on formative assessments: exercises and psychometric tests undertaken throughout the semester (they need to be placed in appendices).
The most important part of the portfolio will include reflections on your KSAAs (knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude) acquired through lectures, your activities during practice and feedback from tutors, your peers , family and friends. It may also include reflections on previous or present work experience.
There is no single perfect way how to structure your work but you may want to follow the following structure:
Introduction (Including objectives and your background; the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) and how the ED Project will help you gain your ERSI (extraordinarily realistic self-image)
Main body that will include analysis of different types of information (your findings about yourself). That section is likely to include assessments of information provided by others (e.g. Johari Window) as well as information gained through completing self-assessment task (e.g. MBTI). Once the information is analysed you are likely to achieve a comprehensive understanding of yourself. Use the tests and exercises completed in class to gain your ERSI and identify your KSAAs, then reflect on your behaviour during practical sessions and finally use theories and concepts to support your discussion.
Conclusion to summarise your findings and provide a conclusion of your reflections
Recommendations (possibly, if you feel it is needed)
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to:
• Demonstrate your understanding of CPD and your justification for self-renewal (CPD)
• Evaluate and provide an account of your current KSAAs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Attitudes)
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Emphasis is placed on reflect upon your own individual competence areas and to further develop these through self-assessment techniques and comparisons with a variety of models of continuing professional development. You will develop critical evaluation and reflective observation skills in the context of personal effectiveness which will facilitate critique across a range of issues in business environments.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
Pass – 40-49%
Pass – 50-59%
Commendation – 60-69%
Distinction– 70%+
Knowledge Piecemeal knowledge of yourself evaluated through relevant theories and concepts. Some noticeable misunderstandings and/or inaccuracies.
Rather confused focus that quite often strays from the topic. Limited discussion of concepts and issues. Fairly broad knowledge of yourself evaluated through relevant theories and concepts. Mostly accurate understanding.
Quite clear focus, but sometimes strays from the topic. Logical and coherent discussion of concepts and issues, but limited originality.
Broad knowledge of yourself evaluated through relevant theories and concepts. Thoughtful and accurate understanding
Clear and appropriate focus. Thoughtful discussion that shows independent thinking. Broad and critically evaluative knowledge of yourself evaluated through relevant theories and concepts. In-depth and accurate understanding
Very clear and appropriate focus. Very insightful discussion and original, inspirational thinking.
Analysis Limited analysis. Lacks enough evidence based argument. Limited reference to findings about yourself, theory and/or practice or used inappropriately. Statements of ‘fact’ and personal belief insufficiently reinforced by citations from appropriate third-party sources, research and relevant literature.
Satisfactory evidence given within knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes. Limited variety of examples given. Satisfactory analysis of yourself and some appropriate concepts. Some evidence based argument demonstrated which draws on findings about yourself, theory and/or practice. Statements of ‘fact’ and personal belief reinforced by citations from an appropriate, but limited, range of third-party sources, research and relevant literature.
Adequate evidence given within knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes. Limited variety of examples from academia, work and extracurricular activities. Good analysis of yourself and related concepts and ideas. Appropriate evidence based argument demonstrating good understanding of yourself, theory and/or practice. Statements of ‘fact’ and personal belief reinforced by citations from an appropriate and broad range of third-party sources, research and relevant literature.
Consistent evidence given within knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes.
Adequate variety of examples from academia, work & extracurricular activities. Comprehensive analysis of yourself and related concepts and ideas. Evidence based argument demonstrating an excellent understanding of yourself, theory and/or practice. Statements of ‘fact’ and personal belief supported by citations from an extensive range of appropriate up to date third party sources, research and relevant literature.
Insightful, comprehensive evidence given within knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes.
Variety of examples given from academia, work and extracurricular activities.
Presentation Though the discussion presented is reasonably systematic, there are improvements that the student should have implemented, for example, over-long and discursive sections/paragraphs or too short and fragmented sections/paragraphs which render some pages un-reader-friendly. There is scope for the work to be better organised. Though the discussion presented is generally systematic, there are improvements that the student should have implemented, for example, over-long and discursive paragraphs or too short and fragmented paragraphs which render some pages un-reader-friendly. The overall presentation of the discussion is articulate, lucid, structurally sensible and mature in expression. The references are organised conscientiously and comprehensively. The discussion presented is produced in strict conformity with the guidelines contained in the assignment brief. The text is wide-ranging, the style mature, the approach measured, the presentation reader-friendly.
Persuasion Reasonable and academically sound language and formatting. Precise and persuasive arguments based on a firm foundation from the question through to the conclusions constructed.
Advanced and persuasive arguments based on a firm foundation from the question through to the conclusions constructed. Very advanced and persuasive arguments based on a firm foundation from the question through to the conclusions constructed.


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