This is a paper that is focusing on the systematically evaluating evidence by researching and analyzing a timely topic. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:
Systematically evaluating evidence by researching and analyzing a timely topic
The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills for systematically evaluating evidence by researching and analyzing a timely topic in professional nursing. The emphasis of this assignment is on finding accurate, reliable sources, evaluating the sources, and summarizing the findings on how the evidence can inform nursing practice. To begin your assignment, select a topic that you find fascinating and want to know more about. . Please let me know your topic ASAP. You do not need faculty approval for the topic. Any questions please email. These two websites can provide you with timely research topics in nursing: * RePORTER database of the National Institutes Health (Links to an external site.) National Institute for Nursing Research
Systematically evaluating evidence by researching and analyzing a timely topic
Also, some common nursing professional issues that you may find helpful when deciding on topic are as follows (although, students should feel free to come up with their own issue to research): * Nursing and collective bargaining (unionization) * Family presence during a pediatric or adult emergency * Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Nurses roles * Standardization of nursing education (BSN and Associate Degree/Diploma) * End-of-life care: Recent issues and trends * Electronic Health Records: Recent issues and trends * Minority representation in nursing: Recruitment issues and solutions * Nurse staffing ratios * Breastfeeding: Recent issues and trends * Pain management during labor Remember, the purpose of the project is for you to learn how to critically appraise and assess the evidence on a topic that interests you. This is not an assignment where you only summarize the authors’ conclusions.
The paper should include at least six peer-reviewed primary research articles from either nursing, biomedical, and/or humanities literature. All references should be recent (i.e., within the past ten years). To help you become familiar with the range of knowledge available in different kinds of nursing journals, try to include references from a general nursing journal, a clinical specialty nursing journal, and also a research nursing journal.
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