Task 1: Source information question and answer • Answer all questions. Q1: What are two of the club’s goals and objectives for this event? Q2: What budgets do you need to prepare to help you achieve

Students are required to complete all calculations, save the file and print a copy of the completed Budget sheet and attach this to this assessment as evidence. (Please ensure to put your name, assessment date, unit title and unit code task number on the print out.)
• The electronic copy may be submitted to your trainer as instructed.
Background information:
1. Read the instructions below to perform the calculation for all the budgets.
Using information from the scenario and perform the calculations below using basic formulas on the budget calculations document. (at bottom of this document)
You have to complete task 1, 2 and 3 for this assessment.
You’ve been appointed as the event manager for the local football club and you have been tasked for organising and running a charity ball. The ball will be held at the local community centre, a historic building in the centre of the town. The management of the Football club want a black tie, gala event with a four course meal. Music, dancing and entertainment. They plan to hold a charity auction throughout the evening to raise money for the football club community’s activities. The ball will be held on the last Saturday in September and are planning to sell 500 tickets.
As event manager, you are responsible for organising the provision of all food and beverages, a Master of Ceremony (MC), entertainment and music (DJ). The club will source all items required for the auction such as ‘signed player shirts’, resort stay and others.
The two main goals for the organisation of the charity: to hold a successful event and make a reasonable profit from the ball and the auction. They hope to make this an annual event as money raised can significantly boost their ability to develop more community activities

As part of the planning process, you must prepare a number of budgets to help achieve these goals. The first stage of your planning process is to calculate expenses to determine the final selling price for the ball tickets. An initial estimated figure of $150 to $200 has been discussed. You must confirm if this is an appropriate price and determine anticipated profits for the organisation. You will report your initial budgets to an event sub-committee of representatives from the club.
Task 1: Source information question and answer
• Answer all questions.
Q1: What are two of the club’s goals and objectives for this event?
Q2: What budgets do you need to prepare to help you achieve these goals?
Q3: What are four external and internal factors that might affect the event and therefore your budgets?

Q4: What type(s) of data or information will assist you in the preparation of your budgets? Where could you find it? “e.g.: price of food: from suppliers”
Information/data required Sources
Q5: The event committee want to be involved in the planning process. What techniques can you use to enable them to contribute to budget planning processes, negotiate changes and inform them of budget decisions?
Task 2: Prepare budgets
• Read the scenario information provided.
• Answer all the questions.
After conducting extensive research, you’ve obtained quotes from suppliers for the following items.
Expense item Quote ($) Comments
Venue hire 3,500.00 Main hall and stage
Postage/stationery 350.00
Telephone 350.00
Event uniforms (F&B only) 750.00 Printed event t-shirt for service staff
Floral arrangements 3,900.00 6 x large stands, 42 x table centers
Lighting and stage hire 6,900.00 Stage, spot, dance floor
Audiovisual equipment hire 4,500.00 Microphones, data projector, screens, sound systems for entertainment
Equipment hire 1,790.00 Food preparation and service equipment
MC 800.00 Six hours including auction
Consultant fees 3,500.00
Task 2.1: Calculate linen expenses
• Using the same file “Football Club Budget Calculation” (at bottom of this document) and complete Task 2.1: Calculate linen expenses.
• One of the expenses incurred will be for the hire of linen for the event. Using the information provided, calculate the linen hire costs.
• Save your document. You don’t have to submit it yet.
Task 2.2: Prepare an expense budget
• Go to the file “Football Club Budget Calculation” (at bottom of this document) and complete Task 2.2: Prepare an expense budget.
• Based on the quotes provided by suppliers and your calculations, prepare an expense budget for the event.
• Save your document. You do not have to submit it yet.
Task 2.3: Calculate F&B labour costs
• Go to the file “Football Club Budget Calculation” (at bottom of this document) and complete Task 2.3: Calculate F&B labour costs.
• Based on the information provided, calculate the total food and beverage wage costs incurred from the labour hire company for the event.
All cooks, kitchen assistants and food and beverage service staff will be hired through a hospitality labour hire company for the duration of the event only. The costs quoted by the company include all penalties, workers’ compensation, WorkCover and other on-costs. However, there is an additional overtime penalty of $10 per hour for all hours worked after the first eight hours of any given day.
You need staff over a two-day period:
• Friday – room setup and food preparation
• Saturday – setup and delivery of service on the day of the event.
Job role No. of staff Rostered hours per person Pay rate per hour
Friday Saturday Friday
$ Saturday
Prep Cook 2 8 8 30.00 35.00
Section Cook 2 8 10 30.00 35.00
Kitchen assistant 2 6 8 20.00 25.00
Kitchen hand 2 8 20.00 25.00
F&B Setup staff 7 8 8 25.00 30.00
F&B waiter 16 8 25.00 30.00
Bar attendant (setup) 2 6 6 25.00 30.00
Bar attendant 1 9 25.00 30.00
• Save your document. You don’t have to submit it yet.

Task 2.4: Calculate total labour costs
• Using the same file “Football Club Budget Calculation” and complete Task 2.4: Calculate total labour costs.
• Based on the information provided, calculate the total food and beverage wage costs incurred from the labour hire company for the event.
In addition to labour hire costs, you employ two supervisors for the event. These are staff you have recruited personally and you pay a flat rate for the two days of $40.00 per hour. You anticipate they will both work 12 hours each day.
Security is also required on the night, with two crowd controller/security staff employed through another staffing agency. You will need 24-hour security from 3 pm Friday due to some of the charity auction items being stored at the venue overnight. Their hourly rate is $40.00 on Friday and $50.00 on Saturday and Sunday. All rates are from midnight to midnight.
Job role No. of staff Rostered hours per person Pay rate per hour
Friday Saturday Friday
$ Sat/Sun
Security (afternoon shift) 1 3 pm to 11 pm 3 pm to 11 pm 40.00 50.00
Security (evening shift) 1 11 pm to 7 am (Sat) 6 pm to 2 am (Sun) 40.00 50.00
Security (morning shift 1 7 am to 3 pm 40.00 50.00
• Save your document. You don’t have to submit it yet.
Task 2.5: Calculate food costs
• Using the same file “Football Club Budget Calculation” (at the bottom of this document) and complete Task 2.5: Calculate food costs.
• Based on the information provided, calculate the total food costs and cost per head for the event.
• Calculate food cost per head against anticipated sales of 500 tickets.
A four-course meal with wine, beer, soft drinks and juices is included in the ticket price.
Meals will be served on a 50/50 basis (alternate drop) except for the tapas appetiser, which is a shared platter. An additional 60 main meals are required to cover staff and entertainers’ meals. These meals are complimentary, and their cost must be included in ticket sales.
Standard recipes have been costed for each course and an individual cost per serve determined.
• Save your document. You don’t have to submit it yet.

Task 2.6: Calculate beverage costs
• Using the same file “Football Club Budget Calculation” and complete Task 2.6: Calculate beverage costs.
• Based on the information provided, calculate the total beverage costs and cost per head for the event.
• Calculate beverage cost per head against anticipated sales of 500 tickets.
Beverages for the gala dinner include a variety of red and white wines to match each course, bottled light and heavy beer, post-mix soft drinks and orange juice.
• Save your document. You don’t have to submit it yet.
Task 2.7: Prepare event budgets
• Using the same file “Football Club Budget Calculation” and complete Task 2.7: Prepare event budgets.
• Based on the information provided and the results of the previous tasks, prepare event budgets for the event.
The event committee has asked you to prepare two alternative event budgets based on two different ticket selling prices: $175.00 or $200.00. They want to determine the most feasible and profitable alternative for their organisation.
Costs for additional expenses need to be included in the revenue statement budgets. They are calculated as a fixed percentage of total revenue from ticket sales.
Additional expenses % of revenue
Advertising 1%
Printing 0.25%
Room decoration 3%
Entertainment 5%
• Save your document. You don’t have to submit it yet.
Task 2.8: Adjust financial commitments
• Using the same file “Football Club Budget Calculation” and complete Task 2.8: Adjust financial commitments.
• Based on the information provided, recalculate linen and beverage expenses.
After meeting with the event committee and discussing potential methods of reducing expenses and maximising profits, the following decisions have been made.
• Linen hire expenses are to be reduced because chair covers and overlays will not be used for the event.
• The committee accepted an offer from a major liquor supplier to supply all wine for the event in return for acknowledgement on printed materials, such as menus, posters and banners.
• Save your document. You don’t have to submit it yet.

Task 2.9: Prepare adjusted event budget
• Using the same file “Budget Calculations” and complete complete Task 2.9: Prepare adjusted event budget.
• Based on the information provided and the results of the previous tasks, prepare an adjusted event budget for the gala ball that reflects all new calculations and decisions made by the event committee.
The event committee has made the following decisions.
• Ticket prices are set at $175.00 per person unless profits are below $25,000 in the final budget.
• The advertising allowance is to be raised to 3% and printing to 0.5%.
• Entertainment expenses will remain the same at 5%. The band contracted to play during the meal has offered its services for free as a donation to the charity.
• Room decoration expenses will be increased to $3,000.
• Lighting and audiovisual expenses are to be decreased by $1,000 each.
• The supplier who provided costs for the hire of catering equipment for the event is supplying all equipment free of charge for the same acknowledgements as the liquor supplier.
• Save and submit your completed Assessment.

Task 3: Question and answer
Base your responses to questions 1 to 4 on the results of Task 2.7: Prepare events budgets.
Q1: How can you present the draft revenue budgets to the event committee and other relevant parties?
Q2: Why should you circulate a draft budget to the members of the events committee?
Q3: Do you think either of the budget options presented meets the charity organisation’s stated goals? Why/why not?
Q4: What recommendations would you make to the event committee to help them achieve their goals?

Q5: Once the final budget has been approved, what information do you need to communicate to your team, the event committee, internal ticket sales staff and external agencies about the final budget?
Q6: After the event, you have to prepare a report to the event committee on the outcomes of the gala ball. What should your report include?
Q7: The Football club are very happy with the outcomes from the gala ball and want to hold it again next year. What information would you collect and record to assist in preparing budgets for next year’s event?
Students are required to complete all calculations, save the file and print a copy of the completed Budget sheet and attach this to this assessment as evidence. (Please ensure to put your name, assessment date, unit title and unit code task number on the print out.)
• The electronic copy may be submitted to your trainer as instructed.
Task- Please complete all tasks below
Task 1 Using information from the scenario and perform the calculations below using basic formulas.
Task 2 Once you have completed your calculations Use figures in Scenario an create two draft budgets on EXCEL.
1 at $150 per ticket and 1 at $200 per ticket
Task 3 Once you have completed your draft budgets, email Draft budgets to your trainer and ask for consultation. Keep this email and attach it to your Submission.
Task 4When trainer has provided feedback, use trainers feedback to create a Final Budget. Keep trainers feedback and Add to Submission (This is required to show consultation)
Task 5Allow trainer to review final budget in class
Task 6Provide an in-depth description of which would be the best option for the Football club and your reasons for your decision. That is which option would meet the requirements of the Club as described in the scenario. This description should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs.
Complete the shaded fields in all tables.
Task 2.1: Calculate linen expenses
Linen type Price per item $ Quantity Cost $
Round tablecloths 16.50 42
Trestle tablecloths 16.50 10
Table overlays 11.50 42
Napkins 1.80 500
Chair covers 6.00 500
Total linen hire costs
Task 2.2: Prepare an expense budget
Expense budget
Expense item $
Venue hire
Event uniforms (F&B only)
Floral arrangements
Lighting hire
Audiovisual equipment hire
Equipment hire
Consultant fees
Linen hire
Total expenses

Task 2.3: Calculate F&B labour costs
F&B labour costs
Job role Wages Wages per person No. staff Total wages
$ Saturday
$ Overtime
$ $ $
Prep Cook 2
Section Cook 2
Kitchen assistant 2
Kitchen hand 2
F&B Setup staff 7
F&B waiter 16
Bar attendant (setup) 2
Bar attendant 1
Total F&B wages
Task 2.4: Calculate total labour costs
Job role Wages Total wages
Friday $ Saturday $ Overtime $
Supervisor A
Supervisor B
Security (afternoon)
Security (evening)
Security (Morning)
Total F&B wages
Total event wages
Task 2.5: Calculate food costs
Menu item Cost per platter $ No. serves required Food cost $
Tapas platter 9.76 3 per table x 42 tables
Warm tandoori beef salad 5.84 250
Stuffed agnolotti parcels 3.96 250
Mediterranean chicken breast 8.23 280
Mustard and macadamia rack of lamb 9.21 280
White and dark chocolate torte 3.25 250
Marinated strawberry roulade 2.95 250
Tea/coffee 0.30 500
Petits fours 0.40 500
Total food costs
Food cost per head
(Round your figures to two decimal places.)
Task 2.6: Calculate beverage costs
Beverage item Cost per item Forecasted requirements Beverage cost
Sparkling wine $12.62 per bottle 90
Sauvignon blanc $14.67 per bottle 100
Chardonnay $13.20 per bottle 120
Botrytis Riesling $19.59 per half bottle 80
Merlot $9.83 per bottle 80
Shiraz $10.52 per bottle 80
Cabernet sauvignon $13.90 per bottle 110
Light beer (750 ml) $4.59 per bottle 70
Heavy beer (750 ml) $4.79 per bottle 40
Soft drink 0.16 per serve 400
Juice 0.22 per serve 200
Total beverage costs
Beverage cost per head
(Round your figures to two decimal places.)

Task 2.7: Prepare event budgets
Alternative 1 % of sales Alternative 2 % of sales
500 tix x $175 500 tix x $200
Sales $ % $ %
Revenue from ticket sales
Cost of goods sold
Food cost
Beverage cost
Total cost of goods
Gross profit
Labour costs
Venue hire
Event uniforms (F&B only)
Floral arrangements
Lighting hire
Audiovisual equipment hire
Equipment hire
Consultant fees
Linen hire
Room decor
Total expenses
(Round your figures to two decimal places.)

Task 2.8: Adjust financial commitments
Linen hire
Linen type Price per item
$ Quantity Cost
Round tablecloths 16.50 42
Trestle tablecloths 16.50 10
Napkins 1.80 500
Total linen hire costs
Beverage costs
Beverage item Cost per item Forecasted requirements Beverage cost
Light beer (750 ml) $4.59 per bottle 70
Heavy beer (750 ml) $4.79 per bottle 40
Soft drink $0.16 per serve 400
Juice $0.22 per serve 200
Total beverage costs
Beverage cost per head
(Round your figures to two decimal places.)

Task 2.9: Prepare adjusted event budget
Budget % of sales
500 tix x $175.00
Sales $ %
Revenue from ticket sales
Cost of goods sold
Food costs
Beverage costs
Total cost of goods
Gross profit
Labour costs
Venue hire
Event uniforms (F&B only)
Floral arrangements
Lighting hire
Audiovisual equipment hire
Equipment hire
Consultant fees
Linen hire
Room decorations
Total expenses

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