Task Description The key reasons why an entrepreneurial venture succeeds in its objectives can be wide ranging, and wehear of new successes frequently. Identify an entrepreneurial venture, that meets the following conditions. Launched to within the last 10 years. Any industry, or location. Either commercial for profit, or not for profit (such as a charity and its beneficiaries as thecustomers).


This assessment has a weighting of 30% of the course marks.

Task Description

The key reasons why an entrepreneurial venture succeeds in its objectives can be wide ranging, and wehear of new successes frequently.

Identify an entrepreneurial venture, that meets the following conditions.

  • Launched to within the last 10 years.
  • Any industry, or location.
  • Either commercial for profit, or not for profit (such as a charity and its beneficiaries as


  • It may have been harvested during the 10 years, but was successful until acquisition.

    Undertake research and select THREE Key Success Factors (KSF) on why the entrepreneurial undertakingsucceeded. Provide a report that analyses the contribution of those three KSF to that success.

    Important Notes

    The format will be an applied business report and will require extensive research, analysis, and preparation, consistent with the overall weighting of 30% of the total course marks

    There is a word limit of 1,500 words. You are required to stay within +/- 10% of this word count. It is included in the response section of the rubric marking guide below as a penalty indicator for that section, and in addition will be taken into account overall if required. In-text citations and reference list are not included in the word count. The Executive Summary is also not included in the word count.

    Only use reliable and academic research sources as opposed to Wikipedia, and other non-academic sources. The marking guide provides details on the number of credible sources required. Private, confidential and proprietary materials are not be used without permission of the owner, such as those available from your workplace or industry contacts.

    Key Focus

    In completing this assessment, you will be assessed on your ability to analyse those three factors. You will NOT be assessed on whether the three factors you select are the best, or their relative merits to other factors not included in your report. You may consider their relative merits to each other as part of your analysis. The three factors should each be sufficiently covered for the purpose of your analysis. Include ONLY three factors.

    Response (refer to the rubric marking guide below)


Semester 3, 2021 Federation University Australia BSMAN3004

Carefully consider the scope of your report.. Stay focused and only respond to the scope you have detailed in your introduction.

Analysis (refer to the rubric marking guide below)

The major emphasis in this assessment is on the rigorous analysis of the researched material through application. The analysis component (see the rubric marking guide) is weighted at 30/100 of the total marks for this assessment.

Research & Referencing (refer to the rubric marking guide below)

This will require detailed research of the issue in terms of the specified task and then the applied learning of core subject and extensive research of related material. A careful selection of credible sources (see marking guide for numbers required) will be key to your success. It will not be possible to provide an insightful analysis without a careful matching of sources and your selected key findings.

Organisation & structure (refer to the rubric marking guide below)

A business report is required. Use the following structure for your report.
Executive Summary (
key element of the reports including findings)
Introduction (
background and scope only, indicative 5% of count)
Body headings use report body section headings at your discretion to suit your key findings/analysis Conclusion

List of References Appendices (if applicable)


Semester 3, 2021 Federation University Australia


BSMAN3007 IBM: Assessment 3 Report Marking Guide
less than 50% of 50-64% of weighting


Criteria Fail Pass

65-74% of weighting


75-84% of weighting


85-100% of weighting


Response (25% weighting)

Response word count not within 10% of required word limit.

Overall response demonstrates a lack of basic understanding.

A large number of relevant aspects of theory are absent.

Some required sections are missing completely
Missing partially and remainder covered with insufficient depth.

Executive Summary missing.

Disproportionate number of direct quotes.

Inadequate response to the task.

Scope of the report is present and reasonably clear.

The examined issue is partially clear and in focus.

Contains unnecessary / irrelevant content.

Overall response demonstrates a basic understanding via the inclusion of selected evidence.

Relevant aspects of theory are evident but with some not required descriptive content.

Some required sections are covered in sufficient depth.

Executive Summary covers unnecessary aspects and few aspects of the key findings.

Scope of the report is clear and clearly defined.

The examined issue is mostly clear and in focus.

Contains little unnecessary content.

Overall response demonstrates a good understanding via the inclusion of selected evidence.

Relevant aspects of theory are evident without unnecessary descriptive content.

Most required sections are covered in sufficient depth.

Executive Summary covers a few aspects of the report and key findings.

Scope of the report is sound and complete, and clearly defined.

The examined issue is clear and in focus.

No unnecessary content.

Overall response demonstrates an insightful understanding via the inclusion of selected evidence.

Relevant aspects of theory are evident and complete without any unnecessary descriptive content.

All required sections are covered in precise and sufficient depth.

Executive Summary is covers most of the elements of the report

Scope of the report is sound and complete, and clearly defined.

The examined issue is completely clear and in focus.

No unnecessary content.

Overall response demonstrates a truly excellent and insightful understanding via the inclusion of selected evidence.

All relevant aspects of theory are evident and complete without any not required descriptive content.

All required sections are covered in precise and perfect depth.

Executive Summary is complete and covers concisely all the key elements and findings .

Analysis (45% weighting)

A lack of analysis and application to the underlying theory.

The identified issues and influences have an inadequate

level of analysis.

Fails in major part to adequately develop and integrate the argument in a coherent and logical manner.

The analysis of the application of the underlying theory is reasonably developed in places and covers a few of the key aspects.

The identified issues and influences have an adequate

analysis of them.

Develops and integrates the argument in places in a

The analysis of the application of the underlying theory is thoughtfully developed and covers many key aspects.

The identified issues and influences are in part insightful

and there is an adequate analysis of them.

Develops and integrates the argument in a coherent and

The analysis of the application of the underlying theory is thoughtfully developed and covers all key aspects.

The identified issues and influences are insightful and

there is a detailed analysis of them.

Develops and integrates the argument in a highly coherent

The analysis of the application of the underlying theory is without flaw and thoughtfully developed and covers all key aspects.

The identified issues and influences are extremely

insightful and there is a detailed analysis of them.

Develops and integrates the argument in an extremely


Semester 3, 2021 Federation University Australia BSMAN3004

Inclusion of descriptive content is in excess of 75% of aspects core (report body) to the approach applied

coherent and logical manner.

Inclusion of descriptive content is mainly limited to less than 50% of aspects core (report body) to the approach applied

logical manner.

Inclusion of descriptive content is mainly limited to less than 25% of aspects core (report body) to the approach applied.

and logical manner.

Inclusion of descriptive content is entirely limited to less than 25% of the entire report.

coherent and logical manner.

Inclusion of descriptive content is entirely limited to less than 25% of the entire report.

Research & Referencing (20% weighting)

Less than 3 in text references OR direct quotes not correctly quoted OR no reference list.

An inadequate level of research incorporating less

than 6 different credible sources. Note that only sources represented adequately as credible will be numbered.

The referencing is inadequate and does not support the content.

A good level of research incorporating at least 6 different credible sources. Note that only sources represented adequately as credible will be numbered.

Referencing is well integrated and supports most of the introduced material.

A good level of research is evident.
Note that only sources represented adequately as credible will be considered.

Multiple sources are used to assist the development of the report and demonstrate a close relationship throughout with the material.

A wide and thoughtful research approach is evident. Note that only sources represented adequately as credible will be considered.

An extremely wide range of materials are researched and sourced to support the developing report at each and every salient point without fail.

Note that only sources represented adequately as credible will be considered.

Organisation & Structure
(10% weighting)

Poor sentence structure and paragraph construction.

A lack of flow, and difficulty to comprehend in major part.

The report can be understood and a reasonable attempt has been made to logically develop an argument.

Language and use of words is not clear, or layout and formatting may be incorrect, there may be frequent but not an excessive amount of spelling errors.

The report has a good sequence in development and is easy to follow.

It is well written with few spelling or other typographical errors. It flows well, with logical formatting.

The report is of a high standard that is well thought through, and demonstrates a superior use of language, word choice plus sentence & paragraph structure.

There are no format issues and shows a closely proofed document of a high academic standard.

An exceptionally well written report that consistently demonstrates an excellent grasp of the English language.

There are no format issues and shows a closely proofed document of an extremely high academic standard.


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