Teaching Strategies and Resources | My Assignment Tutor

Child’s Name:Date of Birth:IEP/ILP Date:People involved in setting IEP/ILP:Home language/s:What can the child do now? Strengths / Interests? Refer to previous IEP/ILP unless this is a first IEP/ILP or new target.Area of concern Developmental Domains, Self Help, Transition to SchoolLong Term Goal (Target – This must be SMART) (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed)Short Term Goal (Target – This must be SMART) (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed)Teaching Strategies and Resources RequiredReview Tick as appropriate and comment on progress towards targetNot Met □ Partially Met □ Fully Met □ Exceeded □Not Met □ Partially Met □ Fully Met □ Exceeded □Not Met □ Partially Met □ Fully Met □ Exceeded □Not Met □ Partially Met □ Fully Met □ Exceeded □IEP/ILP MeetingParent/Carer Sign:Service Rep Sign:Proposed Review Date:Review meetingParent/Carer Sign:Service Rep Sign:Actual Review Date:


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