Team Report Questions: 1. (Compulsory) If and how does the selected health initiative/solution meet the NZ obligations based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi? How does the solution/initiative respond to the four Articles of the Treaty? What are some recommendations that could enhance the initiatives’/solution’s effectiveness in

Team Report Questions:
1. (Compulsory) If and how does the selected health initiative/solution meet the NZ obligations based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi? How does the solution/initiative respond to the four Articles of the Treaty? What are some recommendations that could enhance the initiatives’/solution’s effectiveness in relation to the Treaty? (500 words +/- 10%)
2. (Compulsory) If and how is the chosen health initiative/solution considered sustainable in the NZ context? Identify and discuss which UNSDGs are relevant to this initiative/solution. What are the barriers and discuss some recommendations that could enhance the sustainability of this initiative/solution for the health focus/issue? (500 words +/- 10%)


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