Tech bias… urgent assignment | Applied Sciences homework help


This Paper is on Social Media Friends or Foe by Kara Woodbridge

The Tech Man Bias

Understand the Assignment (What do you think about Social Media?)

Do you think Social Media is a friend/foe? 

Express thought: Is it positive/negative

My 5 Reasons

1. Advertisement for Business and Networking

2. Communicating with family and friends

3. Job Leads

4. Up-to-date News 

5. Educational Resources

· Why is this detail important?

· Does it strengthen/weaken her support?

· Why is the author’s age important?

· Did it make you think?

· Did it change your mind?

Generate Ideas

Develop a Thesis Statement (Remember, your thesis statement should be interesting and make readers challenge your opinion!)

· Claim (Your opinion about the topic)

1. Why you believe what you do. 

2. What information supports your viewpoints

· Main idea (1-2 sentences) Introductory sentences

Organize Ideas

This paper will include: 


Introductory Paragraph

3 paragraphs 5-7 sentences in length 

· List the focus of first paragraph

· List the focus of second paragraph

· List the focus of third paragraph


The questions need to be answered. (Not lengthy) 

Highlight topic sentence in each paragraph and details. 

At the completion of this assignment there should be a final draft to submit!!! The questions are for journal entry….

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