How has race, gender, sexuality, and/ or class played a persistent factor in dictating who belongs in this country and who does not?
1-inch margins, 12pt. – Times New Roman, Double-Spaced, Word Doc or PDF submissions only, Identifying information . Works Cited page is optional, but you must you in-text citations in parentheses after a passage where you quote or reference course material – ex.
ONLY use these sources
The 1871 Anti-Chinese Massacre in Los Angeles, and Anti-Asian American Antipathies during COVID-19 Pandemic by Gracyn Cubbage and Barbra Mann Wall
Atlanta Shooting and the Legacy of Misogyny and Racism Against Asian Women by Marlene Lenthang
Red Canary Song Response to 8 Lives
A selection from Ruminations on Lo Sucio as a Latino Queer Analytic
Transgender Latinos Fight For Equality by Raul A. Reyes
The Black and brown activists who started Pride by Kristen Broady and Carl Romer
A Brief History of Stormé DeLarverie, Stonewall’s Suiting Icon by RACHEL TASHJIAN