The 5 case studies 1. Tammy has a job in sales, where she has been averaging 22 daily conversations with clients and two sales per week. She has recently been put on a performance plan due to poor performance. She has been told by human resources that unless her work output improves to five sales per week, she will be made redundant. The business is particularly c

Student are required to write responses to five case studies based on the first five week’s learning materials (including required readings):
Please ensure you have completed Weeks 1-5 for the learning content. This content will greatly assist you in completing this assessment task.
Word Count
The written assignment will be equivalent in weighting to a 2500-word essay, and it is expected each response will be approximately 500 words as the case studies are equal in value. There is no minimum word count; however, 2500 is the MAXIMUM word count (no 10% applies). Words beyond 2500 will not be read or accepted as part of the assessment. This word count does not include the cover page and reference list (if used) but all in-text references would be included in the word count.
Due Date
This assignment is due: Week 6, Friday 23rd April 2021, 8pm
Submission information
As the assignment is required to be uploaded to your dropbox, it is strongly recommended that you leave enough time for this process including an IT issues that may arise (e.g. internet dropping out, long upload time). Only MS Word or PDF docs can be opened. Do not use any other format.
In previous years, some students left submission until 1 minute to the deadline then had problems with their computers. This is worth avoiding by submitting early enough. If you run into serious problems uploading, email the Unit Chair your file before the deadline and then contact IT about fixing the upload problem. If you are late, then electronic problems will not be considered in an extension and you may be penalised for late submission. Make sure you get an email report saying the assignment has successfully been submitted. It is worth getting a screenshot of that report as back-up evidence if something goes wrong. Also, when you have submitted, go out of the drop-box and then back in and double check your assignment file has been saved.
Extension information
If you have a need for an extension that fits with Deakin University policy for extensions (e.g. illness; hardship) you will need to provide a doctors certificate or may be required to provide other verifying documentation. Unit Chairs no longer approve extensions. All extensions are approved by the Psychology Extension Team. As such, please complete the Extension Request via the ‘tools’ function on CloudDeakin. You will need to complete this before the due date. If you are requesting an extension within 4 days of the due date, you will also need to email the unit chair your assignment as completed to date.
Late submission information
As per Faculty of Health policy: Students who submit an assignment late, without an approved extension, will have their mark reduced by 5% of the marks available for days 1-5 (inclusive) late, up to a maximum of five days altogether. Assignments that are submitted more than five days after the due date (without an approved extension form) will not be assessed; they will be awarded a mark of zero. As HPY210 uses online submission, weekends are included in the late penalty timeframe.
Other than material provided in lectures and tutorials, if you use sources (e.g., journal articles from the required readings) for ideas, then acknowledge those sources using APA 7th edition referencing.

The 5 case studies
1. Tammy has a job in sales, where she has been averaging 22 daily conversations with clients and two sales per week. She has recently been put on a performance plan due to poor performance. She has been told by human resources that unless her work output improves to five sales per week, she will be made redundant. The business is particularly concerned that Tammy has low email responses and phone responses compared to high performing colleagues who average 30-53 calls and emails per day. She explains that she is really struggling with motivation and is only doing this job because it pays well. Tammy could be earning more; however to receive pay bonuses employees have to have at least five sales per week. Drawing on the Week 1 and Week 2 content explain Tammy’s current change behaviour and motivations. Based on this outline two goals to assist Tammy in meeting her performance plan.
2. Set one SMART goal for yourself as it relates to your studies at university. Explore this SMART goal in the context of your current motivation to change, theory of planned behaviour, and the transtheoretical model of behaviour change. Explain what you can alter to increase the likelihood of achieving your study goals.
3. You are a university counsellor who is seeing a student, Daniel, for stress management. You are also a tutor at the same university and in Week 1 Daniel attended the class you are teaching. Daniel came up after the class when other students were within earshot and began talking to you about your counselling relationship. After Daniel left another student asked “how do you know him?” Drawing on the Week 3 resources, what ethical issues are relevant in this situation and explain what steps you would take to resolve any ethical issues. You should clearly outline at least TWO sections of the APS Code of Ethics that apply to this situation.
4. You are the team manager for a tech start-up company. You began working together 1 month ago and have a presentation for a big potential client in 3 months. You have noticed that two members of the team, Jason and Ash have been dominating the group and arguing with each other. You have called a group meeting to discuss these group dynamics and improve communication. Considering the stages of group development explain what stage of group development the team is in (and how you have come to this conclusion). Thinking about the upcoming meeting provide examples of how you could effectively facilitate conversation during times where there are disagreements. Explain the group dynamics and functioning at other times in the group development.
5. You are designing a one-day program where you will have multiple group facilitators. Set up a preamble to help your facilitators understand the context of the program, and set up the space. Your idea for a one-day program should be something you are an “expert” (or very interested!) in. Some examples from previous years include: baking, changing nappies, public speaking, basketball, orientation for international students.
A preamble to the program should be included at the start of the document that will include the following:
• The broad aim and specific objectives of the training day (keep it brief). Keep in mind that you need to be thinking in terms of learning objectives for every aspect of the program that is designed to bring about learning/change. What is it exactly that you are aiming for in terms of outcomes (both overall, and in each segment of the program)
• Brief description of the training room environment, where it is, and how the room will be set-up (this can be real or fictitious);
• Media and facilities available in the room that you will use in the program;
• Specify the target audience and number of participants, and a very brief summary of their background. For example,
o Participant numbers: Between 15 and 25;
o Background: Adults, normal functioning, derived from a community center advertisement, etc. (do not just copy this above example)


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