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The association between education systems and reading literacy performance across Asia-Pacific countries: A review based on OECD PISA data
PISA’s reading performance test assesses an individual’s ability to comprehend, apply, and reflect on written materials in order to develop knowledge and potential, participate in society and attain students’ academic goals as well as life goals. All students are tested in their native language.
This chapter seeks to understand how the local language art curriculum in their respective education system in the Asia-Pacific countries contributes to students’ reading literacy performance in PISA. Taking the results of the latest cycle of PISA into consideration, this chapter categorises countries in the region into two groups that are particularly representative.
These are: High Performing Countries, and Low Performing Countries. For each group, school factors such as curriculum policy implementation, teacher qualification, and educational leadership will be critically reviewed and evaluated.
Two countries: Singapore from the top performance group and the Philippines from the least performance group are selected as cases to further illustrate how the factors mentioned above contribute to their reading scores. Both countries are with typical multilingual backgrounds, and the students took the PISA test in English. Overall, the chapter argues that students from more established education systems tend to perform better in PISA reading tests, but that the gap in reading literacy performance that depends on the education systems varies considerably across countries.
PISA, PISA reading performance, reading literacy, education system, language art curriculum
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