The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Write an essay that examines the ways in which a main character is connected to a major theme in The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Select one character:



Is this a story about challenging the cosmic order? If so, how does Gilgamesh help to express that thematic idea?
Is this a story about the importance of relationships in determining our individual identity? If so, how does Enkidu help to express that thematic idea?
Is this a story about what it means to be a hero? If so, how can Gilgamesh (and his flaws) be seen as a commentary on heroism? Why are his flaws important in understanding the idea(s) he stands for in the story?
How does Gilgamesh relate to the idea of mortality in the story?
How does Enkidu relate to the idea of mortality in the story?

The post The Epic of Gilgamesh. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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