The history and development of positive psychology

Positive psychology has experienced significant transformations despite its foundation in humanist psychology. Martin Seligman championed positive psychology because he was dissatisfied with the state of psychology at the time. Seligman was worried that existing areas of psychology concentrated excessively on negativity and life-depleting factors, rather than those that promote growth. At the close of the twentieth century, Seligman’s election to the American Psychological Association was a watershed point for positive psychology. According to Linley et al. (2006), Seligman used the leadership position to influence and advance the new subfield of psychology. In a foundational work published in 2000 in collaboration with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Seligman facilitated the development of a new direction of the field of psychology revolving around the positive elements in life. Get tips on the history of the electoral college and improve your grades. Several organizations and initiatives focused on positive psychology emerged in the years following the publication. Examples include the Positive Psychology Network, Positive Psychology Summit in Washington, DC, and the creation of a special issue in the American Psychologist journal dedicated to positive psychology (Linley et al., 2006). Later, the creation of the Journal of Positive Psychology in 2006 represented a major milestone in the evolution of positive psychology.


Various other studies and initiatives have helped to strengthen the positive psychology and wellbeing movement. The nun study is one example. This longitudinal study has reported significant findings with major implications for positive psychology. One of the findings involves a positive relationship between positive emotions and lifespan. The study has shown that individuals with positive emotions are likely to live longer than those with little such emotions (Steger, 2009). The collaborative approach in positive psychology in areas such as ongoing longitudinal research suggests the movement will continue to strengthen.


Linley, P. A., Joseph, S., Harrington, S., & Wood, A. M. (2006). Positive psychology: Past, present, and (possible) future. The journal of positive psychology, 1(1), 3-16. 

Steger, M. F. (2009). Putting positive psychology into play [Review of the books Positive psychology: Exploring the best in people, Volume 1. Discovering human strengths, Volume 2. Capitalizing on emotional experiences, Volume 3. Growing in the face of adversity, & Volume 4. Pursuing human flourishing, by S. Lopez, S. Lopez, S. Lopez, S. Lopez & S. Lopez, Eds.]. PsycCRITIQUES, 54(18).

Politics directly impacts me in numerous ways. Some of the direct repercussions involve parts of my life that are substantially influenced by politics, such as my access to healthcare, education, and news content. My community engages in continual political engagement, and I believe that politics affects every member of my community, including myself. Campaigns for upcoming elections suggest that I am also directly affected by politics. The news sources I consume are saturated with political information. This feature of the news media suggests that politics have a direct impact on my daily life.

I participate in the local government’s youth and community development initiatives. I have a thorough understanding of the social concerns affecting kids and the actions taken by the local government to address these problems. My involvement with the local government began when I attended a social activism program that encouraged participants to advocate for the welfare of the young and the larger community by volunteering and engaging the local government collectively.

I am registered to vote, and I believe that my family’s long history of political engagement influenced my decision to do so. I would feel deprived if I had to wait until I was twenty-one to vote. I believe it is vital to set a minimum voting age, similar to how people normally become independent after reaching a particular age. I also believe that the legal voting age of eighteen is suitable because at this age one is considered to be able to make independent decisions that are reasonable. Noncitizens who have lived in the country for a minimum of four years should be permitted to vote. I feel that denying these non-citizens the opportunity to vote undermines the argument for representative democracy and disregards social progress and global migration patterns.

Understanding the fundamentals of how our government operates is crucial because it facilitates informed civic participation. Our government is based on representative democracy, and citizen participation is vital to its success. I concur with Krutz’s (2019) premise that a representative democracy like ours can only function effectively with the participation of informed citizens (p. 24). As the engagement of knowledgeable citizens is a crucial success factor for government, I believe that a fundamental understanding of how our government operates is essential as shown at

One of the most significant economic changes brought about by Reconstruction was the restructuring of the metropolitan landscape in the South. Historically, the South had a predominantly agrarian economy that did not stimulate urbanization to the same level as Northern advancements. The Civil War promoted the economic diversification of the South and laid the groundwork for the urban landscape shift during Reconstruction. During Reconstruction, Northern businessmen, known as carpetbaggers, came to the South and played a crucial role in establishing factories there (Marsico, 2013, p. 30). However, the increase in urban population in the South was mostly attributable to the emancipation of African-Americans (Campbell & Fraser, 2008). Blacks’ gaining the right to vote was a significant political development during the era. Reconstruction was a watershed moment in the emancipation of African Americans because it “prepared the way for African Americans to be emancipated for the first time” (Reconstruction, 2020). During Reconstruction, Congress passed new legislation protecting the right to vote for freedmen. However, these restrictions led to enormous racial tensions, which resulted in the formation of the Ku Klux Klan. The dangers to the emancipation of Blacks led to the stationing of Union troops in the South to supervise the voting of Blacks. I believe that the urban landscape modification was the most significant development because it laid a firm platform for the advancement of black communities. In accordance with my perspective, Kientz (2020) highlighted that the development of Black communities in urban areas after Reconstruction encouraged the emergence of black institutions that fostered the leadership that fought for Black equality in the twentieth century. I feel that this effect of the urban transformation during Reconstruction was the most significant, as it had significant consequences for the advancement of the African-American population.

The prosperity experienced by the United States throughout the 1920s contributed significantly to the Great Depression. Despite the fact that various variables led to the economic crisis, the two most significant aspects of this decade played a central part in its creation. According to Corbett et al. (2014), the decade was marked by easy access to finance as well as a culture of increased speculation and risk-taking (p. 760). These events precipitated the 1929 stock market crash, which ushered in the Great Depression and played a crucial part in the economy’s downward spiral.

An estimated sixty million people, to varied degrees, felt the repercussions of the Great Depression in the workplace (Corbett et al., 2014, p. 761). As businesses closed and others were compelled to cut their staff, millions of people lost their jobs. Other workers were subject to low pay. As a result of widespread employment discrimination, African Americans were hurt harder by the recession than other groups.


Corbett, P., S, Lund, J., M., Pfannestiel, T., Vickery, P., Waskiewicz, S. (2014) U.S. History. Opensax: pp: 760-761

***In a well-developed paragraph, explain the Cold War and identify at least two examples of world events that occurred between 1950 and 1970 as a result of the Cold War. Now, in your response, please explain how these incidents illustrate the Cold War. Your response will be rated on its grammar, content, evidence, and subsequent citation. Best of luck!

The Cold War arose because the United States and the Soviet Union had divergent ideas for the post-World War II era. Anti-communist sentiment in the United States increased, according to Corbett et al. (2014). Joseph Stalin’s aggressive foreign policy in Eastern Europe, which brought the region under his power, exacerbated the tendency. According to Corbett et al. (2014), Americans worried that Stalin’s foreign policy was a communist propagation scheme. Speculation of a potential future war with the Soviet Union also contributed to the public’s dread. According to Corbett et al. (2014), these fears and the United States’ desire to increase its influence around the world and install democratic governments dominated key aspects of American society, including foreign policy, military strategy, and urban culture, and culminated in the Cold War because they clashed with the Soviet Union’s interests (p. 829). The war is known as the Cold War because there was no direct military confrontation.

Space technology advancements were one of the events that resulted from the Cold War. Specifically, the 1957 launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, by the Soviet Union. In reaction to this development and out of concern that the Soviet Union was gaining ground in the race for technological dominance, the United States adopted initiatives such as the National Defense Education Act of 1958 and increased spending on research and education (Corbett et al., 2014, p. 845). The escalation of proxy conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union was another consequence of the Cold War. In the early 1950s, the Korean War was one of these conflicts. Both the United States and the Soviet Union desired victory for ideologically aligned factions in the Cold War’s larger fight.


Corbett, P., S, Lund, J., M., Pfannestiel, T., Vickery, P., Waskiewicz, S. (2014) U.S. History. Opensax: pp: 760-761

***In a well-developed paragraph, explore how the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 altered the economic and political landscape of the United States of America. Describe how the U.S. government not only responded to the incident, but also took steps to prevent future domestic attacks. Your response will be graded on the basis of its content, grammar, supporting evidence, and citations. Best of luck.

The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 had significant economic and political effects on the United States. In the wake of the crisis, the government implemented sweeping measures and an aggressive counterterrorism-centered foreign policy in the name of national security. These measures and foreign policies had had significant economic and political repercussions. The country engaged in costly wars from an economic standpoint. Afghanistan and Iraq were included in the list of conflicts. In the Iraq war, for example, the United States endured a lengthy period of occupation that incurred huge financial expenses (Corbett et al., 2014, p. 968). Politically, national security has come to define both domestic and international politics. The establishment of the Department of Homeland Security as a result of the attacks demonstrates the far-reaching political ramifications of those assaults on the United States. The establishment of this new organization signifies the expansion of the national government’s ability to prevent future assaults. Other expansive laws were passed, such as those targeted at restricting the financing of terrorism.


Corbett, P., S, Lund, J., M., Pfannestiel, T., Vickery, P., Waskiewicz, S. (2014) U.S. History. Opensax: pp: 968

The New Deal was a set of legislations and initiatives implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his presidency in the 1930s as an optimistic response to the Great Depression to provide assistance, facilitate economic recovery, and institute reform (Corbett et al., 2014, p. 774).

McCarthyism refers to the inflammatory political approach employed by U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, in which he repeatedly accused government personnel and agencies, as well as his political opponents, of collaborating with communists (Corbett et al., 2014, p. 839).

The Reagan Revolution was an ideological shift fostered by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, which entailed an emphasis on reversing decades of liberalism and social reform in favor of conservatism (Corbett et al., 2014, p. 960).


Corbett, P., S, Lund, J., M., Pfannestiel, T., Vickery, P., Waskiewicz, S. (2014) U.S. History. Opensax: pp: 774-960

The 1960s are typically referred to as “The Turbulent Sixties.” Select at least two examples of why this is the case and comment on them in a well-developed paragraph. Remember to argue why these examples contributed to 1960s turmoil.

The Civil Rights Movement in the early 1960s and the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and President Robert F. Kennedy in the decade are two instances of why the 1960s are commonly referred to as “The Turbulent Sixties.” These occurrences were marked by violence, hence the name used to describe the time period. According to Corbett et al. (2014), as Americans of various backgrounds strove to redefine what it meant to be an American and the American promise, the resulting tensions culminated in the American Civil War (p. 864). President Kennedy symbolized a bright future for the country and the world as a whole, but his assassination was a devastating blow to the nation and ensured that the turmoil would continue. Similarly, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. was a tremendous setback in the fight for minority civil rights. According to Corbett et al. (2014, p. 863), these assassinations reflected a broken society and the turmoil that characterized the decade. These events demonstrate why the 1960s are commonly known as “The Turbulent Sixties.”


Corbett, P., S, Lund, J., M., Pfannestiel, T., Vickery, P., Waskiewicz, S. (2014) U.S. History. Opensax: pp: 863 – 864. Best assignment help at

***In at least one well-developed paragraph, assess the effect World War II had on the lives of African Americans and women on the home front.

African Americans and women gained economic prospects during World War II on the home front. As many white males departed the country to fight the war abroad, numerous minority groups grasped the resulting work and income opportunities. In the rural South, African Americans were relegated to primarily agricultural jobs. This state was altered by the war, which increased work prospects in urban areas. Corbett et al. (2014) report that African Americans from the rural South migrated to Northern cities to work in defense facilities and shipyards (p. 807). It is possible that the country’s unified appearance during the war encouraged African Americans and women to grab the new chances. Fear and bigotry, however, hindered these communities from reaping the full benefits of white men’s departure.


Corbett, P., S, Lund, J., M., Pfannestiel, T., Vickery, P., Waskiewicz, S. (2014) U.S. History. Opensax: pp: 803 – 807.


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