The K2L Community Hub has expanded in recent months with the acquisition of a second hub/community centre. Due to the growth of the business you were recently promoted to Operations Manager of K2L Community Hub and you have implemented key changes to processes within t

Assessment 2: Project
General Instructions

To complete this assessment, you will need to read the case study provided below and complete all activities and tasks.
Prior to commencing the activities in this assessment, read the resource documents provided in the Additional Resource section of this assessment as they will be referred to throughout this assessment.
Read and familiarise yourself with the following documents:
Appendix A – Company Profile
Appendix B – Project Scope Statement
For this assessment you will need to draw on your personal customer service experience and apply it to the case study provided.
Evidence Required:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you will need to successfully complete the following as evidence:
Project Research Report
Project Plan
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Email to CEO

A checklist is provided at the end of the assessments which needs to be completed to ensure all evidence is submitted for this unit of competency.
Case Study:

The K2L Community Hub has expanded in recent months with the acquisition of a second hub/community centre. Due to the growth of the business you were recently promoted to Operations Manager of K2L Community Hub and you have implemented key changes to processes within the organisation to increase the productivity and revenue.

During your recent management meeting with the CEO you highlighted the need to run a promotional campaign for the Community Hub to increase market and community exposure and promote the venue to attract clients. This will assist with ensuring that the market share currently held by the Community Hub is maintained now that the second Hub/centre is operational.

The CEO has discussed your idea with the Board of Directors, and they are all in agreement that the project can proceed provided you take control and manage the project from start to finish. To complete your project, you have been allocated a budget of $100,000.00
Activity 1: Project Research Report
For this activity you will need to define the project and provide evidence of your research by creating a Project Research Report. You will need to include notes addressing the points below and any references for sites etc you have utilised during this stage of the project.
When defining your project, you will need to access the organisational documents relevant to the project (Appendix A and Appendix B).
For this task create a Word document titled Project Research Report and:
a)make notes on the specific areas which need to be factored into your project which meet organisational requirements (e.g. budget allocated, resources, policies and procedures which must be followed).
b)identify and list all applicable legislation and regulations that may affect the project.
c)research a promotional project of this nature:
create a table which lists all key stakeholders for the project which includes you as the project manager and your own limits of responsibility and reporting requirements.
define the roles and responsibilities for key personnel, stakeholders and the number of team members you think are needed to complete the project.
d)determine and list the key resources which are required to complete the promotional project which includes:
both physical and human resource needs
methods for accessing each resource (e.g. hire contractors etc.)
a breakdown of your estimate of the costs of the project
e)List the delegating authority for the project and the project parameters. Include an outline of the process you will follow when clarification on any issues are required.

Activity 2: Develop the project plan
Having defined the broad requirements of the overall project you must now develop the project plan which will be used to administer and monitor each stage of the project.
Using the Project Plan template provided in Appendix C, you must complete all sections of the template and include as much detail as possible. Use your researched information, case study and company profile to complete the following sections in the template:
a)Provide a project title
b)Project purpose
c)Relationships to other related projects (if applicable)
d)The project objectives which align to the organisation’s strategic context, including:
organisational structure
project management tools to be utilised (provide screenshot of the tools to be used)
e)Scope of the project including the key deliverables from the marketing and promotion
f)The assumptions and constraints for the project
g)The key people (including project client/owner, sponsor and stakeholders) and how they contribute to the development of this project plan

h)The key roles and responsibilities of the Project Manager and project team members

i)The reporting schedule including timelines and record keeping requirements
j)A schedule of major milestones and include a Gantt chart
k)A budget which includes all resources needed for the project
l)A risk-management plan, including work health and safety (WHS) considerations
m)Create a high-level communications plan which reflects the organisation’s structure reporting and record keeping requirements (you can refer to your own workplace if available)

n)List at least four (4) applicable legislation and regulations and include an overview for each.

Activity 3: Meeting and email
A key project action you must continually undertake whilst managing this project is ensuring that communication will all those involved in the project is maintained.
For this activity you will need provide evidence of your communication with the project team based on the project plan developed in Activity 2. You also need to finalise the project plan and gain the necessary approvals from the CEO so that you can implement the project.
Complete the following tasks:
a)Using the Agenda template (Appendix D) create the agenda for a project meeting with your team. In the agenda you will need to address the items to be monitored during the separate stages of the project and take their views into account regarding the planning of the project.

Your agenda will need to include the following:

outline roles, responsibilities of the team to ensure that they are clear about the purpose of the project and their responsibilities.

provide a progress update and include any information for your project you feel should be addressed and communicated with your team.

detail the support which will be provided to the project team to ensure timelines and quality outcomes are achieved.

address areas which will need to be finalised by the team before the project concludes and is signed off.

b)Having developed your agenda, you will need to conduct a meeting (this can be with colleagues or classmates) and take minutes of the meeting.

Complete the Meeting Minutes template in Appendix E and ensure that each point listed in the agenda (Appendix D) has been sufficiently addressed.
c)Draft an email addressed to the CEO and the delegating authority. In your email you will need to attach a copy of your project plan and:
seek approval for the budget
request clarification from the delegating authority for at least one (1) aspect of the project. (e.g. confirm number of team members for the project).
confirm the project plan has been finalised and request approval for implementation

Appendix A: Company Profile

Company Profile
K2L Community Hub

About us:

K2L Community Hub is a Not for Profit organisation which has been in operation for 15 years. K2LCH provides a wide range of high quality, integrated and inclusive programs and services to individuals, families, children and young people in the ACT and wider Capital Region. K2LCH works with community members, local organisations and businesses to develop responsive programs, services and activities that support self-determination and reduce social isolation. Strong relationships with government and other community services enhance K2LCH’s capacity to achieve our vision of an inclusive, connected community.
The business programs include:
School aged Care
Youth and Family Support Services
Community Transport
Aged Care home Services
Programs for people living with mental illness
Art, Sport and Recreation Activities

Location and Contact Details:

Address: 123 Key Pocket Road
Gungahlin ACT
Phone: 02 64111 111
Operating Hours: From 8.30am to 7.00pmpm Monday to Friday.

Mission Statement
Empowering people to live their best life through:

Building and connecting communities;
Delivering relevant, person-centred services; and
Providing choice and opportunity

Inclusive, connected communities within the Capital Region

To realise our mission and vision, all staff will act in a manner to achieve the following:
Respect: we are considerate and thoughtful towards ourselves and others

Optimism: we are positive, resilient and flexible

Inclusion: we welcome diversity and celebrate difference

Ethics: we are ethical and transparent in our operations

Accountability: we are responsible and accountable for our actions

Innovation: we celebrate and incorporate creativity in all of our services

Client Focus: Our clients are valued and treated with dignity, respect and understanding.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, accuracy and reliability of the services which we offer

Quality Service: Our staff are valued and respected and through integrity, empathy and compassion all staff contribute to the quality service we provide.
1.Quality Service
Our staff are valued and respected and through integrity, empathy and compassion all staff contribute to the quality service we provide.


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