The purpose of this assignment is to complete a family-focused psychosocial assessment. This will involve you watching a movie from pop culture that highlights family dynamics. Some suggested movies are: – What’s Eating Gilbert Grape – Mrs. Doubtfire – Soul Food – Death at a Funeral – Stepmom

The paper will be 7 pages in length 10 maximum

The purpose of this assignment is  to complete a family-focused psychosocial assessment. This will involve you watching a movie from pop culture that highlights family dynamics.

Some suggested movies are:

– What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
– Mrs. Doubtfire
– Soul Food
– Death at a Funeral
– Stepmom
– The Family Stone
– Juno
– Mother and Child
– Madea’s Big Happy Family
– Jumping the Broom
– Love, Simon

1. Be sure to indicate the movie selected, including year of release, at the beginning of your assignment.

2. Write the assessment as if you were a social worker writing about a family that you had just interviewed. In your assessment, apply systems theory to generate a better understanding of the family.

Your assessment should include the following components:

a) Agency context: Identify the agency where the family is receiving services. Briefly describe its mandate and mission. (2-3 sentences)

b) Names of family members and a description of their relationships to each other. (1 paragraph)

c) Presenting Problem:

Identify a presenting problem from the movie you watched. . Keep in mind that your movie may involve several family subsystems.

Focus on one or two specific presenting problems. Describe the presenting problem as if it were a real problem:

What motivated the family to come for services? How does each family member view the presenting problem, concern, or issue? What is the history of the problem? (1 page)

d) Family Structure and Dynamics:

Apply family systems concepts, for instance, linking the concepts of boundaries, subsystems, triangles, norms, life cycle challenges, acculturation, rules, and roles to your family of origin. (2 pages).

e) Family Stressors and Needs:

Identify the family’s biopsychosocial-spiritual needs and stressors, as they perceive them . If there are differences in their perceptions, indicate how different family members have different views of their needs. (1 page content plus 1 page family ecomap and 1 page genogram= 3 pages)

f) Family Strengths:

Identify the family’s strengths, including individual and family characteristics and resources that it can use to address the presenting problem and underlying needs. Make sure that nurturing support systems are included in the ecomap.
(1 to 2 paragraphs)

g) Diversity:

Identify at least one diversity group to which this family belongs Describe how the family’s diversity background may relate to the family’s needs, concerns, or strengths. Make use of at least one scholarly article related to the family’s diversity. (1 page-culturagram if appropriate additional page)

h) Overall assessment:

Provide your overall assessment of the family’s situation, from a systems perspective. Avoid blaming or judgmental language, and highlight the reciprocal effects that different parts of the family system have on one another. (1 page)

i) Intervention plan:

Develop an evidence based intervention plan that would help the family deal with the hypothetical presenting problem and related concerns. The plan should include at least one primary goal for work and three specific objectives.

The plan should also identify what specific interventions will be used and who will be responsible for which tasks.

Provide references for the models of intervention and theorists that will guide your interventions. Make sure your goals, objectives, models of intervention, and action plan build on one another in a logical manner.

Your intervention plan should include family systems approaches. Although your intervention plan may include individual counseling or therapy, individual work should not be the only form of intervention. (2 pages)

j) Evaluation plan:

Describe how you plan to evaluate progress towards the goals and objectives identified above: how you will gather information; what measures you will use; and how you will ensure that your measures for evaluation are feasible, valid, and reliable. (half a page).

k) References


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