Throughout Zone One we encounter the impulse (and sometimes order) to record-keep, or to narrate/story the apocalypse in various ways. Sweepers are ordered to keep records of the skels they eliminate; Mark Spitz witnesses an old man running from a group of skels while seemingly narrating his progress to his phone; Omega plays “Solve the Straggler;” Spitz “superimposes” the faces of people from his past onto the skels he encounters; survivors all have their version(s) of the Last Night Story (of which Spitz himself has refined three iterations); Spitz finds “parables in the evidence left behind”; the Quiet Storm carves a message into the interstate. Additionally, Mark Spitz reflects on the different televisions shows and films that he watched, or that were popular, before the plague. What is the role of narrative and storytelling in Zone One, and what does it symbolize? Why is this significant?
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