There are four critical questions they address to summarize the differences of children in the church (Impact of Sin, Death of Children, Church Membership and Instruction in Faith). Pick one of the four categories and

Critical Differences and Areas of Common Ground

Chapter 2 of Larson and Keeley’s “Children’s Spirituality: Bridging Theory and Practice” they talk about the differences and areas of commonality in both the theological perspective and practices with children in each tradition. After reading this chapter provide a response to the following prompts:

1. There are four critical questions they address to summarize the differences of children in the church (Impact of Sin, Death of Children, Church Membership and Instruction in Faith). Pick one of the four categories and provide a summary (1 page) of the 5 theological perspectives . You are expected to add one additional source to this summary outside of your textbook. Be sure to cite and reference in APA.

2. Review the 9 areas of common ground (found on pages 44-47). Provide a summary (1 page) in your own words of the three of the nine areas.

3. Lastly, provide a reflection statement (one paragraph to one page) that tells why you think understanding these concepts might be helpful in understanding how children grow spiritually.

In all your paper will be a minimum of two to three pages, double spaced, 12 font, with one inch margins. Don’t forget to provide your references.



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