This assignment requires a comparison of a chosen country’s GDP, major economic factors, and population differences with the U.S., as well as an analysis of their economic growth over the past ten years and short-term outlook.

Resources – Chapters  6 and 7 
i have uploaded the book to help.
you will also need to repsond to two different peers.
Discussion 2
Pick a country other than the U.S. and compare and contrast that country’s GDP with the U.S. This comparison should include an analysis of the major factors that differentiate the economies. Examples of these differences can be the economic system, trade policies, etc.
When comparing the economies, please make sure to describe population differences and how that impacts the economic health of the countries.  
Finally, compare the economic growth of the countries over the past ten years and discuss the short-term outlook.

The post This assignment requires a comparison of a chosen country’s GDP, major economic factors, and population differences with the U.S., as well as an analysis of their economic growth over the past ten years and short-term outlook. appeared first on premierhomeworkessays.


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