This module is ‘Critical Approaches to International Political Economy. (IPE)’
Please read the ‘Essay overview and question’ document carefully, and I also provide some useful references and academic resources for your writing. Please use them in the text and cite some of them as references. Many thanks! If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks again.
Texts and bibliography to get you started:
Ashley, R. K. (1984) ‘The poverty of neorealism’, International Organization, 38(2): 225-286.
Drezner, D. (2010) ‘Mercantilist and Realist Perspectives on the Global Political Economy’, Oxford Research Encyclopaedia: International Studies. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Guzzini, S. (1993) ‘Structural power: the limits of neorealist power analysis’, International Organisation (47)3: 443-478.
Kay, S. (2004) ‘Globalisation, power and security’, Security Dialogue 35(1): 9-25.
Ruggie, J. G. (1983) ‘Continuity and Transformation in the World Polity: Toward a Neorealist Synthesis’, World Politics, 35(2): 261-285.