This segment of the grade (100 points) will rest on an assignment involving a re

This segment of the grade (100 points) will rest on an assignment involving a research paper. This paper should be at least 1250 words (five double-spaced pages in length) and copy and pasted directly into the drop-box set up for this assignment online. Remember to include appropriate citation of sources.
Choose one political movement in the U.S. that is seeking a political change. Use at least 3 academic sources (blogs and Wikipedia will not be acceptable sources – even if you find these academic sources online, make sure they are in print somewhere in book or journal form). In addition to the 3 academic sources, you may also use websites directly related to the political movement.
Discuss the necessity for this change in policy according to the political movement. What would be the consequences if the status quo were maintained?
Analyze the path to achieving this change. How are the movement members marketing themselves to the general public? How are they seeking to mold public opinion in their favor? How are they using public opinion to influence government decision-makers?
Critique the movement’s strategies. Incorporate both potential advantages as well as disadvantages


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