This week you examined how we quantify and record behavior based on an experimental question. Consider an idea you may have to research using single case desi

This week you examined how we quantify and record behavior based on an experimental question. Consider an idea you may have to research using single case design. Select one of the (4) types of experimental questions from Kennedy and construct an experimental question. 

To receive full credit you must:

Identify which type of question you selected (2 points).
Provide a measurable dependent variable (5 points).
Provide an independent variable that is behavior analytic in nature (5 points).
Identify how you will quantify your dependent variable? In other words, will you use count, rate, duration, latency, etc.? (5 points).
Determine possible IOA formula for your study (3 points).

They check for AI and plagiarism

Rubric and article attached



Discussion  Post  Rubric   20  Possible  Points  

  Category   4  Points   2  Points   0  Points  

Length  of  Post   The  author’s  post   consisted  of  150-­‐200   words  

The  author’s  post   consisted  of  100-­‐149   words  

The  author’s  post   consisted  of  99  words   or  less  

Grammar,  Usage,   Spelling  

The  author’s  post   contained  less  than  2   grammar,  usage,  or   spelling  errors.  

The  author’s  post   contained  3-­‐4  grammar,   usage,  or  spelling   errors.  

The  author’s  post   contained  more  than  5   grammar,  usage,  or   spelling  errors  and   proofreading  was  not   apparent.  

Referencing  and   Utilizing  Outside   Sources  

The  author  posted   references  from  peer-­‐ reviewed  behavioral   sources  in  APA  format   and  cited  one  or  more   original  behavioral   references,  outside  of   the  assigned  readings.  

The  author  posted   references  in  APA   format  of  assigned   readings  but  did  not   include  an  additional   peer-­‐reviewed   behavioral  reference.  

The  author  neither   utilized  APA  format  for   referenced  material   used  nor  cited  an   outside  peer-­‐reviewed   behavioral  reference.  

Promotes  Discussion   The  author’s  post   clearly  responds  to  the   assignment  prompt,   develops  ideas  cogently,   organizes  them   logically,  and  supports   them  through  empirical   writing.  The  author’s   post  also  raises   questions  or  stimulates   discussion.  

The  author’s  post   responds  to  the   assignment  prompt  but   relies  heavily  on   definitional   explanations  and  does   not  create  and  develop   original  ideas  and   support  them  logically.   The  author’s  post  may   stimulate  some   discussion.  

The  author’s  post  does   not  correspond  with  the   assignment  prompt,   mainly  discusses   personal  opinions,   irrelevant  information,   or  information  is   presented  with  limited   logic  and  lack  of   development  and   organization  of  ideas   Does  not  support  any   claims  made.  

Demonstrates   Application  of  the   Assigned  Reading  and   Behavioral  Concepts  

The  author’s  post   clearly  demonstrates   application  and   relationship  to  the   week’s  assigned   reading/topic.  

The  author’s  post  refers   to  the  assigned   topic/reading   tangentially  but  does   not  demonstrate   application.  

The  author’s  post  does   not  demonstrate   application  of  the   week’s  assigned   topic/reading.  

  Be  advised,  there  are  also  response  costs  associated  with  specific  behaviors:  

• A  response  cost  of  3  points  will  be  administered  for  not  responding  to  a  peer’s  post     • A  response  cost  of  3  points  will  be  administered  for  late  submissions  (up  to  2  days)   • A  response  cost  of  1  point  will  be  administered  for  not  reading  all  of  peers’  posts   • Discussion  posts  that  are  more  than  two  days  late  will  not  be  accepted  unless  excused  by  the  


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