This assessment is designed to help you reflect on your individual personality preference and be more aware on how it can affect teamwork and performance in a professional context. At the same time, with the awareness of your personality preference, it can help you bring some insights to the vocation you are considering. It can also help vou to prepare for one of the most frequently asked question during an interview — Why you think yo u are suitable for the role?
FOCUS International is a company of your choice and is recruiting talents to be part of their operations. As part of their prelimi nary recruitment process, candidates are required to send in a 2-minute recorded video to introduce themselves. The video forms part of FOCUS International’s interview process and will be used to understand whc you are and your suitability to the role and organisation.
Though the ‘Myers-Briggs framework’ has number Of limitations and is Often not recommended for maki ng organisation decisions such as hiring, in reality, it has been a popular instrument used for understanding personality preference and career counselling.
To complete this assessment, you are to reflect on the ‘Myers-Briggs framework’ and recent research on personality. The video interview should answerthe question, -Tell me why you think you are a good fit for this vocation.- You have to respond to this question using the ‘Myers-Briggs framework’ and in context to a team environment; explaining how your personality preference is a fit to the voc.ation you have identified and how does it affect teamwork and performance. It is essential that you integrate professional and/or personal examples to relate to your profile and to support your explanation.
What is a one-way video interview? Usually, interviews rely on 2-‘.vay or face-to-face interview, and hopefully in the process tuming the interview into a conversation. However, in some job interviews, potential candidates are asked to produce one-way video where they are to answer specific interview question(S) which is recorded for the employer to watch at a later time. One-way video interview typically serves as the first step in screening job candidates.
In addition to the two (2) minute one-way video, you are to submit a one (1) page summary (1.5 spaced, ll•point Arial) of the key points covered. The one (1) page summary is not a script. It should include a summary of the main points ofyour video introduction. Any claims made in the summary should be supported by academic references. You are to include at least one (1) relevant academic reference to support your claims.
What you need to do:
Identify the vocation you are keen to explore. For example, Engineering, Accounting, Marketing, Banking, Retail, Business Administration„. etc.
2. Review the topic Mlndividual Differences, Personality and Learning Styles-, for week 3 and any other resources, recent research on personality and ‘Myers-Briggs framework. You can refer to your prescribed textbook, chapter 3, Individual Characteristics and workshop slides. You can also look up
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recent research on the topic with the help of Stanle9ds online library via ProQuest. Relevant research articles Can also be accessed via the -List Of Academic Journals- for week 3.
3, Take the ‘Myers-Briggs’ test by accessing the here, The link is also available On week 3, -preview and Prepare- via Canvas.
4. Analyse the results and conduct reflection on how your personality preference can be suitable to the vocation you are keen to explore.
5. Think Of your personal and p rofessional experience and identify specific events/occurrences that relate to your personality preference profile.
6, Select any two preferences from your MBTI personality Type result to prepare for the assessment, For example, if your Type is ‘INFP’, select two preferences from your Type, i.e., ‘l’ and •p’ to respond to the assessment question. You need to show understanding on how -Introversion- and -Perce iving- preferences are relevant to your identified vocation and how they can affect teamwork and perforrnance.
7, Prepare your one (1) page summary by conceptualising the key aspects of what you want to include in the video. use Font Type Arial with Font Size 12 and a 1.5 Line Spacing.
8. It is not mandatory that you have a script. However, it is recommended that you have one to help you prepare for your video recording, Script your interview and ensure that it is concise and meet the given limit. Practice, practice, and practice using your script so that you are familiar with the content. Reading from the script without rehearsing for your video will not allow you to score high marks.
9. Prepare a 2-minute video for the interview identifying the vocation and applying any of the two preferences from your MBTI personality Type in response to the assessment question. Ensure that the video is uninterrupted and delivered professionally and impressively, since it is an interview video to be provided tö your potential employer.
Marking Criteria:
For ful I details of Stanlevs College’s Assessment Policy. refer to the College website link on page 7 of the unit guide Detailed marking criteria/rubric is available on Canvas.
All assessments have to include Assessment Cover Page and are to be submitted to Canvas. This assessment will be submitted to Assessment 1 submission Portal via Canvas.
The size Of the video file must exceed 500MB when uploading to the assessment portal for submission.
Please refer to page 8 of the unit guide on assessment submission guidelines and procedures.
The 2-minute video recording will then be uploaded to your ePortfolios under your personal account. The ePortfolios is used to capture your work to allow you to reflect upon strengths and weaknesses. Reflecting on your works saved in eportfolios allow you to connect your learning across the units in your degree. it can also help you to be focused on your self-development, as a result, create a pathway to understand your capabilities and progress. Work that has been executed well can also be used to showcase your capabilities to future and potential employers