
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Weekly Concepts
Minimum of 1 scholarly source
Thyroid gland puzzle

A patient has checked into the ER complaining of having blurry and sometimes double vision. She’s also worried about a lump starting to develop on her throat. When you bring her into triage, you quickly note exophthalmos and the lump. When taking her history, she notes that she has always been remarkably healthy and always full of energy. She even brags that she doesn’t need as much sleep. She also complains that it’s warm in your usually cold triage room.

Answer the following questions and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

What does the thyroid and its associated hormones do?
What is a goiter?
There are cases when both Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism could present with a goiter. Why?
Do you believe that she is presenting with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism? Why?
You suspect Grave’s disease. What sign made you jump to this conclusion?

Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function 8th Edition
by Kenneth Saladin (Author)


  • Describe the jury selection process. Is there such a thing as an impartial jury? Why or why not? What changes to the current system do you suggest in order to provide truly impartial juries in trials?
  • the endocrine system
  • Communication Aids
  • Thyroid
  • Health Administration
  • Respiratory-Cardiovascular disease case study
  • How does vegan diet impact on the environment. food production and environmental impact. Is vegan diet a solution to sustainability
  • What is Nicias definition of courage in the Laches? How do Laches and Socrates try to refute it? Do they succeed? Explain your answer.
  • Montessori Education
  • Ethical Dilemma


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